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editor names don't save? wtf???

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Level 10
Jul 1, 2008
So I'm having this problem with a .mod I'm making. I organized it by adding stuff in the Editor - Editor Prefix box, but when I try and load that mod in a new map, it's not saving and some of my data objects change their name.

WTF blizz... can someone help me? I'll post some pictures if it helps.


Level 10
Jul 1, 2008
I took a screen shot of the wrong map
but basically, if i open up the mod file (desert.mod) it shows everything fine, however if I load it as a dependency in another map, all the editor names and such are lost and it looks like scrn shot 2
Level 10
Jul 1, 2008
UPDATE: I've discovered why the names of the data changed... it seems as if the ID is being used for the name itself. SO like all my neat a pretty parentheses and stuff is lost when put into the actual name because it's only saving/using the ID.

now.. does anyone know why this is and if there's a fix?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Names are all localized strings. Thus only a path to them is stored with the data, the actual text is in a separate localization specifc file. If it is failing to load the localized text (eg, if the mod was made by a US person and your using the UK client) then I guess it would exhibit that behaviour. You should still see a valid localization path if you use raw data view for all the "missing" fields, normal view probably hides missing localized text.
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