Editor doesn't save my map

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The editor doesn't save my map it saves some folder and then it gives a fatal error while saving and exists the WE. When i use Jass Gen in doesn't crash, but it crashes when i want to test the map. I deleted all the triggers and tried but it diden't work. So i think the map is corupted. Is it possible to tranfer my map to another map with all the data in it?



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Testing the map with v5* {Edit} of JNGP crashes your map. A new version has been recently released. I haven't tried it yet.
If you were one of those people who used the method of my sticky on the Warcraft Editing Tools forum, then you should restore your worldedit.exe from the backup folder and put it on the Warcraft III folder, overwriting the one you downloaded.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
In Newgen, go to "Grimoire" , disable "Start war3 with grimoire" and then test your map.

The thing is:
If you've used vjass in newgen and open it in normal editor, before "testing" the map it'll try to compile the vjass code, fail, and crash.
And grimoire autotest doesn't really work in newgen.
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