04:55, 25th Jun 2008
Good Point
Neutral Point
[!] The camera continues to shake even after the warlock cast a spell to a group of spellbreaker, should it be like this or is it a bug ?
Bad Point
[-] Major bug detected, there is only 1 force while there is a lot of player. This cinematic cannot be watch by more than 2 player at LAN/Online due to it. There must be at least 2 force to enable it to be watch at multiplayer.
Overall - 1/5
Fix the major bug.
Good Point
Neutral Point
[!] The camera continues to shake even after the warlock cast a spell to a group of spellbreaker, should it be like this or is it a bug ?
Bad Point
[-] Major bug detected, there is only 1 force while there is a lot of player. This cinematic cannot be watch by more than 2 player at LAN/Online due to it. There must be at least 2 force to enable it to be watch at multiplayer.
Overall - 1/5
Fix the major bug.