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DtB Demo v0.1

If you want the newest and most fun version of the game, please see the <THE BETA FORUM> or <THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE!>
The current beta has levels 1-15 completed and many improved features! The final game will be released this month (February 2011)!!!


Brief Overview

  • Three to Five Players
  • Hero Defense Type Map
  • 100% Cooperative and Teamwork Dependent
  • A Multitude of Custom Spells and Items
  • Challenging and Dynamic Gameplay
  • Epic Boss Fights

Chat Commands

Player 1 Commands:
  • -go [will start the current level]
  • -retry [only works during levels, will kill all current bad guys and allow you to try that level again, this command is disabled during certain boss phases]
  • -easymode [gives you the option to activate less-mob-HP mode when you loose your fourth player, down to three players]

Any player may enter these commands:
  • -movespeed [shows your hero's movespeed]
  • -ms [same as above]
  • -far (integer) [sets the camera distance to the integer value entered, limited to min 500, max 4000]
  • -reset [resets your camera angle of attack, rotation, and zoom to default]
  • -cam [disables or enables the arrow key camera adjustment system]
  • -dmgtext [disables or enables the floating damage text]
  • All players may use the arrow keys to rotate their camera! However, the innate WC3 panning takes a moment to lock down, so if you really like adjusting your camera on the fly, try turning your keyboard panning speed all the way down in your game options menu for the best results.


I present to you a work in progress, Basement Defense, or Defend the Basement!; a hero defense type map in which you and some of your friends can work together to fend off waves of attackers from destroying your humble home in the woods. There are also several side-missions - more like side-bosses for you to kill to better equip yourselves for the defense.

Note: The difficulty of this game scales with the number of players in the game. 3-Player difficulty is the easiest, and 5-Player difficulty is the most challenging.

Hero Overview

The heroes of Defend the Basement are categorized into three major roles, Damage Taker (tanking), Damage Dealer (DPS), and Heals-Support. All heroes are capable of significantly contributing to the DPS, some more so than others, and some are more situationally beneficial. When choosing your hero, make sure you communicate with your team to assure good healing, support, tanking, and damage dealt in both AOE and single target fashions.

Proficient in the art of the ninja, Matt can traverse the battlefield at ease with lightning speed, taunt his opponents into attacking him only, and quickly reflect damage done upon himself back to his foes. He is super effective at killing even the most increadibly strong opponents.

Primary Attribute: Strength
Primary Role: Tanking and Good AOE Damage Dealer
Learns: Reproach, Swift Vengence, Vindicate, and Super Effective.
Racial Ability:Intimidating Shout
Difficulty Level: Competent

An avid scholar, wise and fluent with righteousness and purity. Humble enough, he relies on the strength of God which flows through his every vein.

Primary Attribute: Strength
Primary Role: Highly Defensive Tank
Learns: Purify, The Lord's Blessing, Barricade, and Holy Sanctuary
Racial Ability: Lay On Hands
Difficulty Level: Competent

A crafty wizard who is one with the powers of ice. He has the ability to absorb the cold energy of death, to protect his allies with an ice barrier, and to cast deadly freezing spells on his foes. He can channel his rage into speeding up his movements, and use his wizardly focus to cause his enemies to explode.

Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Primary Roles: Excellent Single Target DPS
Learns:Necrolysis, Rage, Wizardry, and Deep Freeze.
Racial Ability: Ice Armor
Difficulty Level: Advanced

A bastard child of a warlock and a wizard, adept at ranged damaging spells. Can summon her only companion, Tibbers, to her aid in battle. Also has a magical shield that protects her from enemy spells.

Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Primary Role: AOE DPS and Crowd Control
Learns: Incinerate!, Infernal Guardian, Disintegrate!, and Pyromania.
Racial Ability: Ghastly Shield
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Using the power of the sky to her advantage, Lisa can summon a giant owl helper to crush a group of enemies, burn down single targets with massive critical strikes, disable a crowd of enemies by turning them into helpless creatures, and summon a giant flock of birds to her aid.

Primary Attribute: Agility
Primary Role: Excellent Single Target DPS
Learns: Owl Strike, Feathered Fletching, Eye of the Eagle, and Effervescent Swarm.
Racial Ability: Avius Morphus
Difficulty Level: Easy

A warrior heard of only in ancient lore and legend. It is said that he can strike multiple times before his prey even knows of his presence, and that he was once the greatest sword specialist in the world.

Primary Attribute: Agility
Primary Roles: Excellent DPS
Learns: Alacrity, Whirlwind, Shadowstep-Eviscerate, and Running Riot.
Racial Ability: Evasion
Difficulty Level: Competent

Concidered one of the most powerful druids in the world, the Druid in Spirit knows many powerful healing techniques, and has the ability to change forms, providing the most appropriate need at the time.

Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Primary Role: Hybrid Healer, Support, and DPS
Learns: Moonfire, Rejuvenation, Moonkin Form, and Tree of Life.
Racial Abilites: Wild Growth [Tree form only], Hurricane and Entangling Roots [Moonkin Form only]
Difficulty Level: Moderate

A twisted anomaly; the Nexus uses her life force as a resource for damaging and healing friends and foes. Nexus beings were known for lightning fast casting speeds. Her racial ability allows her to channel her mana into restoring health. A highly supportive ally, and a nightmarish foe.

Primary Attribute: Agility
Primary Role: Excellent Healer or Supportive DPS
Learns: Splice, Bedlam, Shadowy Veil, and Nexus
Racial Ability: Turbulence
Difficulty Level: Advanced

The wisest cow ever to walk on two legs. The best at buffing up your friends, slowing down your oponents with deadly frost shocks, stunning all of your oponents with a powerful stomp, and casting waves of healing!

Primary Attribute: Strength
Primary Role: Excellent Support
Learns: Chain Heal, Frost Shock, Elemental Totems, and Bloodlust.
Racial Ability: Hoof Stomp
Difficulty Level: Normal

A magician with powers linked deeply with the spiritual realm, he is capable of restoring lost life of friendly units by stimulating the heart and soul, damaging enemy units with dangerous fiery bolts, and replenishing lost mana of friendly units.

Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Primary Role: Excellent Healer
Learns: Defibrillate, Life Pulse, Wry, and Essence of Life.
Racial Ability: Emergency Procedure
Difficulty Level: Advanced

Background And Credit

This is my very first project, and I've been working on it for over a year now on and off. Starting out I had no clue what I was getting into, and hadn't planned on using triggered spells or anything of that sort. Eventually I ran into ideas that required more and more involved usage of triggering and the occasional JASS editing and scripting to get what I really wanted... long story short I learned how to do everything while making this map. Credit to any imported systems, models, and textures is given in the Info (F9) menu in game. This was a solo project with external help only to balance and test the game.




Detailed Game Overview

Game Start...

You may choose from a handful of different heroes, each designed with a specific roll (or roles) in mind. The heroes are designed to be fairly simple, generally given 4 abilities that require skill points to level up and in most cases a "Racial" ability (one you don't have to level up, just 1 rank). I've done my best creating custom abilities that make killing waves of creeps enjoyable and challenging, dynamic, and balanced. Bear in mind, the requirements of tanking, healing, and dealing damage in both single and multiple-target fashions must be taken into account while you choose your heroes and initial skill points.

Heroes have been chosen...

After you choose your hero, player 1 (red) has the responsibility of beginning the first level. I like the concept of playing at your own pace, more of a sandbox/playground type feel. So, when player 1 types -go, level 1 begins and bad guys run down a lane toward you and you have to kill them or they'll destroy your house. If you don't have a player 1 (red) in the game, another player from the remaining players pool is randomly selected to control level starting (and retrying, described later).

As mentioned in the previous section, the heroes have the responsibility of taking all incoming damage to protect Jon's basement at all costs. Nearly every creature that runs down the lane will also try to kill the defenders on the way. So, as you prepare for defense, keep in mind your formation and positioning and your important individual roll in the group.

Bad guys and more...

Generally there is some kind of challenge built into each level, something you have to do other than just stand there and watch or cast a couple spells. It is very difficult to complete this game without full cooperation from each party member.

At the end of every level is a boss- a beefy creep, possibly with some simple spells or, in some of the latter levels, some triggered abilities to make things more interesting. If you fail at any point during the level, you may type -retry and all the bad guys will die, yielding your team no experience but a chance to type -go again and try the level again from the beginning. The -retry trigger is disabled during some boss-fight phases to avoid problems and exploits.


Items and money...

Bosses and neutral bosses drop important items you will need for the defense. Neutral bosses are optional creeps to kill located around the map that are available to the group from the beginning of the game. The neutral bosses are extremely useful (if not essential) to making the proceeding levels easier to complete. A few basic items can be purchased near the start location, along with your standard consumables, permanent stat boosting foods, and recipes to combine certain boss-dropped items. Items never bind to any player and may always be passed around from player to player, they do not drop on death, and items cannot be destroyed by attacking them. Every player starts with 300 Gold. Finishing a level awards each player 150 Gold, plus an additional 50 bonus gold for each level previously completed without using -retry. Using a -retry will reset this bonus gold reward to 0.


Boss Killed, Next Level...

You level up after you kill each level's boss. Killing the level boss will immediately count as completing the level and all remaining bad guys will be destroyed automatically. No experience is gained throughout a level. Put in new skill points, type -go to keep having fun!

Future progress

This demo version will be updated only with system changes and bug fixes. No additional content (such as new items, heros, levels, or bosses) will be added to this map. See the note below for more information about the latest beta version, that will have the most recent content added in.


~Thanks for your time~

Note: THIS IS A DEMO VERSION OF THE GAME. The content is subjects to significant change over time, although the systems in place are well refined and nearly complete. If you're interested in the latest developments and content beyond what is available in this demo, check out the following link for the beta version. This map is intended to provide a stable, playable demo version that introduces the concepts to the public in the hope that I can get more feedback and balance suggestions (mostly because the map development forum got me a grand total of 12 hits on my map so far)!


To be fixed:

Lilly's Infernal Guardian spell tooltip lists the cooldown as 24 s. at all ranks. The cooldown in the Learn tooltip has the correct values of 40/36/32/28/26 s.


Initial Release.

Changes since the previous beta version:

Rukkus no longer drops branches, they are now purchased for 50 gold from Maggie.
Some players don't like using the camera system and prefer WC3 keyboard scrolling, I put in the command -cam to allow enable/disable the camera rotation system.
Some commands now work for player 5 (i think just -reset and -dmgtext weren't working)
Level 11 - Raging Water (the big water elemental elite mob) was overpowered and made it pretty much impossible to beat the game if you have to kill two of them in a row (fixed)
Damage text was a little dull, improved the visual :D
Tweaks have been made to some of the damage and healing mechanics in the game, as well as added healing text to all healing spells (with the exception of Wry)

defense, basement, svenski, svenskis, svenski's, ben, jon, alex, xndr, lisa, nexus, siege, hero, pve, wow, cool, fun, sandbox, difficult, hard, defend

DtB Demo v0.1 (Map)

19:13, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 7
Apr 12, 2009
ok, you can even get all your abilities, max level is only 16, should be aroung 25

If you actually tried playing the game, this would make sense.

Description looks epic, finally someone that introduce map in the best light!

Sorry I can't test map right now maybe another time in near future

Thanks man! I put a lot of time into it :ugly:

Also, updated Description with a detailed Hero Overview. Screenshots of gameplay will come next.
Also I just tested your map in single player and I must say that I find some really great ideas!

But some things was just like that Armor of Gods ^^

1st. In description much better is for ability (critical) to make it this why: Hero (or name) has [number]% chance to deal [number] x normal damage :D

2nd. Terrain is poor :razz: You know that so fix it!

3th. Hero can't attack building: I guess you can't find any other way to stop hero to destroy it's own town so you disable that in his attack!
I think that better way is to make trigger that will stop unit from attacking if attacked unit belongs to ally of attacking unit -.^ You can understand this or should I make trigger :D

4th. that summon own or whatever called spell sometimes don't work (I guess you use wait in your trigger as well as damage target location action) Small hint: Use dummy units instead :thumbs_up:
Level 7
Apr 12, 2009
1st. In description much better is for ability (critical) to make it this why: Hero (or name) has [number]% chance to deal [number] x normal damage :D

Yes well some heroes have spells with critical chances that are dependent on stats so it isn't that simple. All spell critical strikes are 1.5x normal damage (this is described in the info menu).

2nd. Terrain is poor :razz: You know that so fix it!

Terrain is 'unfinished' because it is a Demo and not all the content is complete. I don't plan on changing it for this release, focusing more on the game balance and mechanics. I did spend a generous amount of time doing the terrain and doodads where most of the game will take place, but I don't claim to be good at it. I'm happy enough with the way it is for this demo release.

3th. Hero can't attack building: I guess you can't find any other way to stop hero to destroy it's own town so you disable that in his attack!
I think that better way is to make trigger that will stop unit from attacking if attacked unit belongs to ally of attacking unit -.^ You can understand this or should I make trigger :D

I have no idea what you're talking about. There's no reason to attack buildings in this game, so I removed buildings from viable attack targets for heroes. I appreciate the help offer though :D

4th. that summon own or whatever called spell sometimes don't work (I guess you use wait in your trigger as well as damage target location action) Small hint: Use dummy units instead :thumbs_up:

Again, not sure what you're talking about. There's only two summon spells in the game; Lilly's Infernal Guardian (which does work, always, and is based off of Rain of Chaos), and the Shaman's Elemental Totems (which also works fine and is probably not what you're talking about). If you could be more specific please, as to what spell or system is problematic, that would be helpful.

On another note, I found a tooltip error on Infernal Guardian, the cooldown isn't listed properly. Never seem to have all the tooltips right...