Druid Forrest

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Level 5
Jul 17, 2010
This Picture is taken in WE.
but ingame you can´t see the background or some would say Black Mask.
i want the effect that you can see over the terrain not black wall in the end.
I Tryed to use the trigger ´´Disable Black Mask´´ but it does not help..

ive been looking on the comments and will post the new pictures soon!

ill will add some more picture´s soon

and you may also say if there need something (i know there need a some Doodads but still its just a test version)

Ps. This is created by me and a friend.

Work in Procces: We are about to make an org village outside the forrest. pictures will be updated ass soon as posible.

This should be used ass a rpg map..


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Level 6
Mar 19, 2010
Nice start...(maybe I'm not supposed to comment at others terrians cuz I'm new to terrain too...but here I go)...The terrain si too flat(add some height variations, some hills etc. , rise it a little), it lacks of vegetiation(add some flowers, doodads to fill it a little) and more texture variations(out there is just simple grass, and vines at the lake)

This was it( again maybe I'm not supposed to comment at others terrains cuz I'm begginer here too)
Level 5
Jul 17, 2010
well this was just a test version. And Thanks for commenting. :D
-the terrain is not even close to be done but your right i also think it need some height.
Level 6
Apr 1, 2010
First of all its not a bad terrain, but it could look much better with a few improvements. The first picture really need more tile and height variation, also try to avoid the root-tileset (or at least reduce the use of it). Btw really love those trees, where the hell are they from?
Sorry to say that the second picture is really bad, but the last ones are good!
Maybe reduce the fern-size, add some critters (birds etc.) and some more stuff growing on the ground.
Waiting to see more....
Level 5
Jul 17, 2010
Well as sayt its still in proces i will post the last pictures when its done..:)
(well will add doodads after) on the pictures its only the terrain im showing not the doodads and such..
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Looks good, but I thought Forest was like this.

Well anyway its good too know that you can actually create awesome scenes, but you should use more props and environment doodads.
Too make it more forest like.
Too bare for my taste.
Level 9
Aug 23, 2007
Pretty much the same as everyone. The terrain is a bit flat in spots and could use some variation, as well as some tile variation because just that plain grass is really boring to look at.

I also think you need more doodads, like shrubs and such. I mean don't just start massing them and making it look crowded, but a few more to fill in some of the blank areas would help out a bit.

At least in the second picture I think I'm spotting the bottom of the trees? you may want to lower them just a bit so that they look a little more natural instead of giving the impression of floating. In all the second one just seems a little odd. The hills are a bit to edged and the water, I don't know seems kind of out of place for some reason.

It does look good though, just could use some work.
Level 5
Jul 17, 2010
Well i know and that is also what i want a Wow like terrain..:) so sure, i know there are many wow models but is supposed to be that way in this map.. :D
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