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drol's TD v1.20

drol's TD
a robust, basic and fun tower defense

v1.20 release

Worked on this map for a couple of weeks. It's a tower defense map, quite like others but very solid and fun. I would like to have some feedback on it. Its pretty balanced if I say so myself, so check it out!

The objective of the map is to prevent waves of creeps from running to the portal. You can use towers to kill, slow, stun or in any other way stop them.
The main thing you'll be doing is building towers and upgrading them to keep them good enough to survive the next wave.​

Players1 - 4
Waves100, then endless








Creep Health

  • Reduced the ingame map size (as well as the file size)
  • Attack notifications removed (you're base is under attack) when creeps with slow aura pass your buildings
  • Solved an issue where creeps would return to their starting position
  • Fixed some tooltip mistakes
  • A lot of other minor fixes
  • Increased the max mana for Flowing Lamp from 10 to 15
  • Properly added the new ability for Magic Battery; Mark
    Attacks have a 18% chance to Mark the creep. Each attack made on a marked creep by any tower will deal extra damage. The first hit will deal 2 damage, every next one will deal 2 extra damage up to a maximum of 200 damage per hit.​
  • Hero towers can now be build when you skill an element to level 4, down from level 5
  • Splash modifier reduced for non-slowing towers from 2 (150 rng) to 1.5 and 3 (250 rng) to 2.5 and keeping 3 for 350 rng, this will result in an increase in dps for splash towers
  • Battle stations properly removed from upgraded towers
  • Fixed a bug with the build animation (astral) for divine obelisk
  • Tooltip fixed for Spawn Tentacles (20% -> 25%)
  • Tooltip fixed for Fan of Knives range (400 -> 500)
  • A lot of other minor fixes
  • Changed suggested players from 1 - 4 to 2 - 4, this is because some elements are too supportive based
  • Added a new multiboard that displays player stats, the builder has an ability to switch between the wave board and the player board
  • Solved improper cost of Arcane Elemental and Beacon of Wind
  • Changed the hotkeys of the last four elements from A - S - D - F to Z - X - C - V to make them not interfere with the attack and stop hotkey
  • Made the Nature Hero tower's ability mana dependant
  • Cthulu's attack speed is now lowered from 4 seconds to 1 second
  • Cthulu's Spawn Tentacle now has its chance to proc lowered from 100% to 25%
  • Increased the range and damage slightly for Tentacles
  • Increased the movement speed, damage and range slightly for the Vampire's Minion
  • Added a new ability to the Timevault; Chrono Attack, which makes it possible for the Time Vault to attack three targets at once. Attack damage is reduced to counter balance
  • Fixed Battle Stations tooltip mistake on Siege Tank
  • Increased the damage of Fan of Knives for the Anti Mage from 75 to 150 and for the Templar Assassin from 125 to 225
  • Increased the damage of Decaying Ground for Claw of Darkness from 65 to 85 and for the Deflagrated Rock from 85 to 110
  • Increased the damage of Blizzard for Serpent from 85 to 110 and for the Serpent of the Cold from 135 to 150
  • Improved the missile speed of all towers at Arcane that use mana to attack to reduce the chance attacks go to waste
  • A lot of other minor fixes
  • When a player leaves the game its towers are now under control of the remaining players
  • Building props are now properly removed upon losing the game
  • Wave 100 is now displayed once more in the wave list
  • Arcane Hero tower now can trigger achievements
  • Chaos ability stun part now no longer works on endless waves or bosses
  • Hidden Treasure ability is now mentioned in the tooltip for Skull Rock
  • Time Travel should no longer trigger off damage sources other than attack
  • Time Travel debuff is now counted as a negative buff
  • Fixed a bug where upgrades of the Arcane Hero tower had no mana
  • Changed the way creep pathing is handled, should be more efficient now (no gameplay change)
  • Added an entire new element; Arcane, specialized in mana towers, increasing mana regeneration and special abilities
  • Added 21 brand new towers for Arcane, including a new Hero Tower
  • Added 2 new items to the game
  • Added a secret that players can unlock once they defeat insane mode
  • Rewrote a part of the core to make it easier to implement new features
  • Solved an issue which prevented the Enrage ability of the Magma Spawn to not work properly
  • Adjusted the dps and range of the following towers to their proper values; Flame Tower, Flamespray Tower and Fortress of Fire
  • Solved a mistake with the in-game credits, should now be properly displayed
  • Solved a bug with Lightning Stone, their number should now no longer be limited
  • Solved a lot of tooltip mistakes like the Enlightment tooltip
  • Fixed a lot of small mistakes and bugs
  • Rebalanced the damage of towers with splash
  • Added a new ability to the Goblin Junkyard; Reveal, makes the zeppelin able to view invisible creeps in 800 range
  • Added a new ability to the Goblin Headquarters; Display Health, shows the player how much health the tower has
  • Removed a player message when a Goblin Headquarters ability proccs
  • Changed the way cooldown abilities work; they now cost mana to cast and have a lower cooldown than the time it costs to regenerate the mana, meaning mana regeneration increasing abilties/items reduce cooldown time
  • Added three new items, one which restores lost lives
  • Started with adding the Arcane element, not fully implemented yet
  • Added an entire new element; Metal, specialized in item and bounty increasing abilities and making things "boom!"
  • Added 21 brand new towers for Metal, including a new Hero Tower
  • Solved a few bugs
  • Minor tooltip fixes
  • Added a new stat for towers; Bounty Collected, increases the gold the owner of a tower gets when the tower kills a creep, for example;
    A creep normally gives 4 gold when killed by a tower, if the tower has an item that provides +50% bounty collected it now grants 6 gold when killed by that tower.​
  • Added 5 brand new items, making a total of 57 items in the map now
  • Made the chance for a chain lightning by the Storm Accumulator increase when the tower has increased luck
  • Fixed a bug with Pillage Aura, now works properly
  • Added a new aura for Skull Rock; Hidden Treasure, increases the bounty gained by towers around it by 50%
  • Added a new ability to the Gryphon Aviary; Recall Gryphon, with this ability its easier to call your gryphon back when it decides to travel around
  • Made item chance items able to work on the following towers; Gryphon Aviary, Skull Rock, Frost Wyrm Rock and Storm Accumulator
  • Added 4 new items to the game
  • Added version number to the game name in the map listing
  • Reduced the damage of Wellspring to its proper level
  • Added SFX effects to the abilities "Astral Burst" and "Quake"
  • Added a new stat for towers; Item Chance, increases the chance for the tower to find an item when it kills a creep, for example;
    A tower has a default chance of 20% of finding an item when it kills a creep, with an item that increases item chance by 10% it now has a 22% chance to find an item when killing a creep.​
  • Added 5 brand new items, one increasing luck, all others increasing item chance
  • Changed the way creep HP scales with multiple players, instead of multiplying the creeps HP with the number of players, it now multiplies with a factor of 1.2 per player
  • Added a new aura to Altar of Resonance, since it was an underpowered tower, new ability is called Pillage Aura;
    Increases the item chance of all towers within 300 range by 30%.​
  • Added a new ability to Polar Bear, named Ravage;
    Increases the item chance of this tower by 30%.​
  • Altered Enlightment spell, reduced the damage and added luck increase
  • Adjusted the range display for Holy Fire Beacon and Stargate
  • Removed an Immortal tower at the start of the game
  • Bug fixed with Enlightment not buffing
  • Corrected the amount of inventory slots to the proper amount of the following towers; Firespray Tower, Fortress of Fire, High Temple of Light and Monolithic Obelisk
  • Reduced the slow of High Temple of Light from 25% to 18% and Temple of Light from 20% to 10%
  • Added the exceptions of Warp at its tooltip
  • Added an entire new element; Astral, specialized in buffs and debuffs, and increasing luck
  • Added 21 brand new towers for Astral, including a new Hero Tower
  • Added a new stat for towers; Luck, increases the chance for some abilities to trigger, an example;
    A tower has a 20% chance to cast a spell. It gets an item that increases luck by 10%, now it has a 22% chance to cast its spell.​
  • Added 4 brand new items, all increasing luck by a percentage
  • Rebalanced regeneration creeps to 60% of normal creep HP down from 75%
  • Rebalanced Triple Armor; now named Extra Armor, armor modifier increased from x3 to x5
  • Added credits for testing in the Game Info tag in-game
  • Some minor bug and tooltip fixes
  • Remade the ending of this game, when a player now gets to wave 210 he'll win (from wave 200 - 210 you'll get mass creep spawns)
  • Added a new achievement; Insanity, when you beat the first 100 waves on Insane mode you'll gain 100 bonus score points
  • Started with adding the Astral element, not fully implemented yet
  • Reduced the model size of Burning Totem and Totem of the Dragon
  • Some minor bug fixes
  • Solved a bug where endless wave leaks caused more lives lost than was intended
  • Solved a bug where endless wave HP upgrades affected creeps of the previous wave
  • Reduced the HP scaling in endless slightly
  • Solved a bug where insane mode was the default setting
  • Solved a bug where endless creeps dropped more items and gave more bounty than was intended
  • Recolored Immolation buff to red
  • Corrected some typo mistakes in Firelord tooltip
  • Renamed Tree to Tree Stomp in forest landscape
  • Added an entire new element; Fire, specialized in splash attacks, damage aura's and damage over time effects
  • Added 21 brand new towers for Fire, including a new Hero Tower
  • Redesigned two Darkness towers that were Fire-like, made them pure Darkness towers now
  • Added a minimum speed for bosses
  • Solved an issue with splash attacks on two Frost towers
  • Numerous minor fixes
  • Added 2 new creep abilities/possibilities; Mass waves and Slow Aura
  • Made bosses immune to most stuns, this way they won't be killed so easily
  • Solved a bug with Tombstone triggering at endless
  • Numerous minor fixes
  • Solved a bug with item and gold drops for endless waves, they were boss-drops
  • Solved an issue with the hero experience achievements
  • Added 4 new creep abilities/possibilities; Regeneration, Triple Armor, Speed and Boss
  • Added 6 new achievements that award score points
  • Endless waves now have a chance to be air waves
  • Multiboard now keeps showing the current wave until the next one spawns
  • Solved a bug with HP scaling in endless
  • Minimap in-game should work properly now
  • Size of the Windcatcher model increased
  • Numerous minor fixes
  • Rewrote the core engine of the map, this should have no effect on the gameplay only on efficiency and lag reduction
  • Tree of Life has its "Spirits" ability removed and replaced by "Life Force";
    Marks a target creep with nature for 5 seconds. If the creep dies while still affected it will burst its life force outwards, dealing 500 damage to all creeps in 250 range.​
  • Endless waves now spawn continueously after wave 200
  • Creeps in endless waves are now immune to stuns, this to prevent perma stunning
  • Bloodlust duration increased for the Seer from 10 to 30 seconds, and from 20 to 60 for the Warcaster
  • Doodad buildings have their ground texture removed
  • The tooltips of resources are more clearer now
  • Multiboard now shows the wavenumber at endless waves
  • Endless waves health scaling increased
  • Endless waves now have a minimum movement speed
  • Combustion and Breed aura's area's increased from 150 to 200
  • Solved a bug with Hero Towers attack after experience level 25
  • Added an item (Lightning Stone)
  • Added a model for Snow Tree
  • Minor tooltip fixes
  • Reworked endless waves, they now have scaling armor and bounty, health scaling increased
  • Aura slow of Brittle Bones lowered from 15% to 12%
  • Aura slow of Hurricane Tower lowered from 10% to 8%
  • Added tooltip for Shock ability at the Gryphon Aviary
  • Solved a bug with Lightning Vault not working properly on endless
  • Solved a bug with Hero Towers attack damage not working properly when upgraded
  • Minor player message fixes
  • Added hotkeys to all towers
  • Added the next upgrades of a tower in tooltip
  • Fixed a bug when selling Gold Generator
  • Added a lot of new items, total of 38 now
  • Multiple times terrain switching disabled to prevent bugs, now only one change within the first minute is possible
  • Change the way triggers are activated when skills are researched
  • Black Spiders attack type changed from siege to chaos
  • Minor tooltip errors fixed
  • Some positions of Rocks and Trees were improved
  • Frost Wyrm and Ghost Ship pathing improved even more
  • Hero tower now display kills above 250
  • Added lava and city terrain
  • Minor tooltip errors fixed
  • Added forest terrain
  • Minor tooltip errors fixed
  • Ground creep pathing fixed
  • Tooltip errors fixed
  • Player messages errors fixed
  • Initial release

Map made by me (drol/yuvixadun)
I would like to thank Ken Plattel by helping with multiplayer testing.
Additional testing credits are inside the Game Info tab in the map.
No custom models or icons were used in this map
except for SnowPine by Gottfrei


TD, Tower, Defense, Defence, drol, Defend, Lane, Towers, Creeps, Fire, Frost, Arcane, Darkness, Air, Astral, Metal, Nature

drol's TD v1.20 (Map)

Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
New update; version 1.19b out now!


  • Hero towers can now be build when you skill an element to level 4, down from level 5
  • Splash modifier reduced for non-slowing towers from 2 (150 rng) to 1.5 and 3 (250 rng) to 2.5 and keeping 3 for 350 rng, this will result in an increase in dps for splash towers
  • Battle stations properly removed from upgraded towers
  • Fixed a bug with the build animation (astral) for divine obelisk
  • Tooltip fixed for Spawn Tentacles (20% -> 25%)
  • Tooltip fixed for Fan of Knives range (400 -> 500)
  • A lot of other minor fixes

Special thanks go to TheGamaniac for testing and providing feedback
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
Quick small update to fix an issue, 1.19c;

  • Increased the max mana for Flowing Lamp from 10 to 15
  • Properly added the new ability for Magic Battery; Mark
    Attacks have a 18% chance to Mark the creep. Each attack made on a marked creep by any tower will deal extra damage. The first hit will deal 2 damage, every next one will deal 2 extra damage up to a maximum of 200 damage per hit.​
Level 1
Sep 29, 2011
I want to translate it into Chinese.
But,it seem like be optimized.
Because I can't find any Trigger.
Could you give the maps without optimization?
Level 2
Jan 24, 2012
Great map but it's seems to crash the whole game when reaching around wave 20 when i play mp-mode but not in sp-mode.
Is there a work-around for this?
Level 3
Oct 11, 2011
i have a question about arcane...after my sister got to the 4th rank it no longer allows her to upgrade...she has every tower tho..says she needs something called "standard magic" i have no idea what that is...if you may explain 0.o
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
Great map but it's seems to crash the whole game when reaching around wave 20 when i play mp-mode but not in sp-mode.
Is there a work-around for this?
Never heard of this bug before. Can't reproduce it myself.

i have a question about arcane...after my sister got to the 4th rank it no longer allows her to upgrade...she has every tower tho..says she needs something called "standard magic" i have no idea what that is...if you may explain 0.o
It's a tower you can build with arcane : ) You'll need it to further upgrade in the arcane tree.
I played your map and I'm really impressed.
But I noticed that map miss game modes.
Also I checked script, it's more or less ok, leakless, bugless, some GUI/Jass mix.
Terrain sucks completely (my opinion), maze shape is really bad, players can fight for some spots because they allow player to cover larger area.

It deserve 5/5 but if you improve this with things I suggested above and some more unique things we can discus about DC then.

Oh I would like to help, terrain/code, I'm lazy with object editor and shits. So if you need something contact me.
Level 10
Aug 14, 2009
A small update after a (very) long time. Im not actively creating/editing my maps anymore, but this map had to get an update for a long time. Just some small fixes to make the map more enjoyable :)

  • Reduced the ingame map size (as well as the file size)
  • Attack notifications removed (you're base is under attack) when creeps with slow aura pass your buildings
  • Solved an issue where creeps would return to their starting position
  • Fixed some tooltip mistakes
  • A lot of other minor fixes
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
drol's TD v1.20 Review

Map Info
drol's TD is a Tower Defense or for short TD created by drol. There are quite thousands of this but through playing it, I must say this iss very dfferent and better than those of I have played.
The idea of creating a TD map is quite good though there are thousands of them in different Warcraft Modding Sites though this is different from those that have played it has some little new features that made it interesting such as changeable terrain and lots of Towers to build and carefully thought Tower Techtrees which bestly fits each upgrades for each Towers. Items for Tower is also an original and unique idea for no one yet implemented that in a TD I have played. This map is sure creatvity and is really good to see it from this TD. I am willing to give this a 5/5.

The Terrain looks good and the command in changing terrain type is a great addition on this kind of TD though I do suggest that you should also change the doodads to the corresponding chosen terrain type because those Sunken Ruins Pillar remains even with countless changes in terrain type which looks weird. I would give this a rating of 4/5 for that is just a minor problem and a TD doesnt require much of a beautiful and complex terrain.

The game is what I judge the most and I must say this is really fun as we speak. Lots of towers to build and through that it gives players to formulate their own Tower Build, meaning on what to build for this kind of situations and such. The items for Towers are also a great addition here for it gives Towers some advantages even with their low damage.The creeps were balanced though I don't like the fact that on Wave 66 that Corrupted Ancient Protector are quite imbalance. They can turn quite invisible fast and together with that, they come in a large group and has chunks of HP that makes them quite hard to take down. I suggest either lowering one of them: HP, Armor or removing Invisibility. I would give this a rating of 4/5
Overall, this TD kind of map is much more fun than those I have played in the past and salute you for making such a map. You've really worked hard for this and for that, it also deserves a corresponding high rating. To sum up the scores you received in each category, you got 13/15 or 5/5. Congratulation and take this +4 REP as a reward for reaching such a high rating and making a great TD.
Level 3
Mar 3, 2012
Good TD, once played with 2024 score xD (2 player with 2 computer [because my friend dont know it scales with amount of player] at easy mode), no screenies though since the text fade pretty fast
Tried again today, 2 player, beginner diff, no computer, Fatal error, i had all tower of metal (tier 10 metal), and my friend uses arcane (i dont know the tiers since i never used them), probably the one crashed is arcane random skill, since the first game i played with has no error with max metal.
http://prntscr.com/1rtn25 incase this will help in any way.