Dreamscape ~ Team recruitment

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Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Hey guys

As some people might remember I had started work on an large campaign project known as "Dreamscape". Well it was progressed and worked on until the day my computer suffered a massive computer attack that requires a re-installation of windows and a full wipe of my hard drive.
Because of this enormous set back I had decided that the project would be abandoned unless somebody decided to take it up and complete it.
Since then I have often wondered what would have become of my once "great" campaign, and if I should go back and continue work on it.

Well that is what this thread is all about. Going back to Dreamscape and re-building the entire campaign from the ground up with completely new ideas. Since this thread isn't about why I decided to go back I'll just cut to the chaise.

I am recruiting everyone and anyone with experience in the Wc3 modding world.
It doesn't matter if you are good, great, amazing, or even bad at using the editor. I am simply looking for people who have an interest in helping to make a great campaign with Very original ideas.

If you would like to join the Dreamscape team just post what you would like to do, what you can do, and why you would like to do it. Chances are you will be accepted onto the team.:thumbs_up:

Offical Dreamscape thread: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/dreamscape-back-development-152807/
*Note: I have highlighted the main points of this thread in orange
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