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Dragons, what do you think of them?

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Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Some people believe dragons are majestic and Wise, while others believe them to be heartless and destructive. What is your view on them? I find them creatures that would be incredible to see and (even better) ride and bond with. I am eager to see other peoples views on Dragons.

Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
They have scales, wings, and fire.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Honestly, which dragons are you referring to? Warcraft? European? Chinese? Pyritie?
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Definately not WoW, there dragons are retarted to me. But any type of dragons really, I happen to like European and chinese. As for Pyritie....I have no clue.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Dragons are kick ass, I usta be a very huge fan to them when i was younger. My character was a dragon, so playful and kind and gentle.
But now my tudes changed, i take a more aggressive, sleek, kick ass, brute look on dragons. But I also think of dinosaurs at the same time, as in i see dragons as having their whole structure based on instinct and to kill, but the whole dinosaur part also represents their age and stuff. I see dragons as the "cool kids with ferocity and muscles" in the order of describing their character in a more emotive way.
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
When I think of dragons, I think of a two headed creatures the size of a house with black scales and bone wings and green eyes. 0_o

Use to be a massive fan since I'm, a massive nerd, I use to own a 200 dollar dragon chest set but I've kind of stopped liking dragons as much as I did.
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
Wait until Pyritie sees this thread...

Dragons are very interesting and certainly both majestic and mysterious in their own way.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Well, If you read the bible it mentions dragons. But thats assuming your christian.

Oh really? I'm gonna call you out on that one. While I know the references to Behemoth and Leviathan, I don't remember dragons. I remember serpent a lot however

Plus I feel that any reference to dragons probably relates to Satan rather than any existing creature
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
I think dragons are mighty creatures that kill everyone. I don't think they are actually too wise, altough they possess enough intelligence to learn mortal langauges. Their phisycal strenght combined with, well let's say an average human's intelligence makes them rise above other creatures, and humans.
Reign of Fire dragon. Love those fuckers.


Nuff said.

I hear you, man. That's how every dragon should look. Screw the Eragon bullshit.

Dragons for me are kickass lizards that fly and breath fire, and that's how I draw them. Chinese dragons are always more wise and peaceful though, but I prefer the european dragons.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Satan is a fallen angel... o_O?

Yes he is. Along with, oh, pretty much ever classical demon except perhaps the Leviathan. However, depictions of fallen angels are not depictions of angels. They're depictions of whatever the hell the drawers thought would look cool

As such, Satan is represented as a 3 headed draconic beast a lot. Case in point: Dante's Inferno

However, my knowledge of mythology in this case isn't particularly on topic, so I'll vanish off
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
Oh really? I'm gonna call you out on that one. While I know the references to Behemoth and Leviathan, I don't remember dragons. I remember serpent a lot however

Plus I feel that any reference to dragons probably relates to Satan rather than any existing creature

What the bible is going for Satan took the form of a two headed dragon.
Level 11
Dec 2, 2007
Dragons are majestic, destructive, cool, wise, greedy, badass and sometimes cute. I have read His Majesty's Dragon, and now I can only think of dragons as cavalry. But still, cool enough. Great lizards soring the skies...
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Dragons FTW.

Well, there you have it, the reason the 15 character limit is stupid.

EDIT: Okay, okay, I have more to say.

Dragons with fricken' lasers?

All I want are, Dragons with frickin' Laser beams attached to their heads
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Hmm...I guess that makes sense. Naga do look alot like the Hydra. I will have to look into pics of them both to see.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Dragons are very nasty reptile creatures that have magical or unusual abilities and some are known to have wings.

To me, some of them are noble and are considered as icons of glory and pride due to their habit of collecting treasures and magical items.

One thing I don't like about dragons is that it is almost impossible to sneak up on them. I don't like anything that I couldn't sneak up on. :p
Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
Dragons... I likem if their on my team, and hate them if their on the enemy team.
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Dragons are very nasty reptile creatures that have magical or unusual abilities and some are known to have wings.

To me, some of them are noble and are considered as icons of glory and pride due to their habit of collecting treasures and magical items.

One thing I don't like about dragons is that it is almost impossible to sneak up on them. I don't like anything that I couldn't sneak up on. :p

It isn't fun not to be able to make a sneak attack is it? :grin:
Level 3
May 23, 2008
It isn't fun not to be able to make a sneak attack is it? :grin:

Not only it's not fun. It's frustrating, annoying and makes me look useless. lol

Dragons are very sensitive to any changes in their environment. Even if you manage to take a single gold from it's pile of treasures, they will notice it is missing.

Yes, I play RPG a lot, mainly D&D. I have some encounters with dragons as a rogue/assassin. :p
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