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Draenei (Lost Ones), Fungal Giant and Eredar Warlock

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Level 5
Dec 27, 2014
Draenei (Lost Ones), Fungal Giants, Eredar, Darkwolf

I wish you a good day,

I am creating a map based upon the World of Warcraft instance called "The Slave Pens". I would like to recreate it for Warcraft 3.

However, I will need few new models:

1. Draenei Heroes:
- simple edit of existing Draenei units.
1.1. Draenei melee unit (Akama and grey versions):
- one based on Elder Sage Akama's model with having mushroom cap (from Outland Tree) as a shield and having Footman's Defend animations,
- one with the blade of a scythe the Draenei holds used in similar fashion as Katar (begining at forearm)
1.2. Draenei caster unit (blue versions):
- one without those scythes on back and having that totem (without that upper smaller totem) from the Daenei Haven building,
- one holding Troll Witch Doctor's staff,
- one holding Tauren Spirit Walker's hanging burner.
1.3. Draenei Laborer:
- I have found one created by Ultimasa Hojo, but I would prefer the one without the necklace.

2. Fungal Giants:
- Underground tree (mushroom) version as described below,
- Outland tree (mushroom) version as described below.
2.1. Should be based upon Ancient of Life model with having two legs (insted of the original's four), small mushrooms upon its shoulders and back. Its skin could be based upon that of an Underground/Outland Tree. The beard, hair and all leaves should be removed.
2.2 The same except being based on Ancient Protector model.

3. Eredar Warlock (Archimonde):
- I ask for a removal of a hero glow from Archimonde model,
- also, I need to remove shoulderpads, cloak and the mantle,
- the Eredar should have his death animation changed to a classic one - by simple falling to the ground, not dissipating.

4. Darkwolf:
4.1. one taken from Fel Orc Raider, by removing the rider, so that only the wolf remains.
- also to transfer Spirit Wolf's animation to it.
4.2. (optional) one by removing glow from the Spirit Wolf, so that only the "black wolf" corpus remains.

The request as presented may change due to updates.

If someone would be so kind, I will be thankful for the one's help.
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Level 5
Dec 27, 2014
I thank you, Heinvers; it is exactly what I need.

Jonbon29, I thank you as well for you suggestion, but I would prefer something based upon Ancient Protector with having that mushroom additions as stated.

Once I saw on internet a model of an Ancient looking like an fungal Ancient, but I can not find it anymore.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Well you better remember where you saw it so will have to find it then, cuz I wanna get my hands to him too :p.
Level 5
Dec 27, 2014
Will check it out once I get My Stomach Fixed and Doned all of my Request,
I thank you, Hayate, for your help and even by this way I publicly wish you a healthy recovery.

However, if anyone else would be interested to cooperate, he or she is more than welcome, for after finishing the Slave Pens I intend to work on other instances. The next one in schedule is The Underbog and there are more models that I would like to introduce.

Concerning the current instance in progress, the Slave Pens is intended to be a 4-player instance.
Level 5
Dec 27, 2014

Those resources are fabulous! I thank you for your rewarding reference, Dhika axe.

My gratitude also belongs the the skillful author of those models - I see them as a great asset to the original Warcraft's content by being consistent with the classic's style and realistic in their simplicity.
Level 5
Dec 27, 2014
lol? you want Bunch O Horse I make Long time ago?

The whole collection of yours looks promising and might prove useful, but for now, I have interest only in those wolves.

Additionally: Can you, please, make even a Wolf based upon Fel Orc Raider's one? However, those above-mentioned requests of mine listed in my first post are of a higher priority.
Level 7
Aug 14, 2014
The whole collection of yours looks promising and might prove useful, but for now, I have interest only in those wolves.

Additionally: Can you, please, make even a Wolf based upon Fel Orc Raider's one? However, those above-mentioned requests of mine listed in my first post are of a higher priority.

Maybe you can change texture path of some Hayate's wolf with Mdx Pather.
Change the texture path of Units\Orc\Wolfrider\Wolfrider.blp to Units\Demon\ChaosWolfrider\ChaosWolfrider.blp
Level 5
Dec 27, 2014
Maybe you can change texture path of some Hayate's wolf with Mdx Pather.
Change the texture path of Units\Orc\Wolfrider\Wolfrider.blp to Units\Demon\ChaosWolfrider\ChaosWolfrider.blp

I have no experience with this, but I if it is that easy, I will try. I thank you for your advice.
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