Don't make worker return harvested lumber

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Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
You could for example order the worker to attack the tree instead of returning ressources, but that would be pointless, because he would not gather more lumber.
What should happen, if the worker is full with lumber?
Are you supposed to be able to manually return resources earlier?
Could you explain a bit more what you want?
Level 11
Jun 2, 2004
(I'm assuming you're wanting lumber gathering closer to what warcraft 2 had)

Not exactly what you asked for, but you could give trees health equal to the number of hits required for full lumber. This will obviously have different effects than what you want if multiple harvesters are chopping the same tree, or the harvester switches trees before getting full lumber.

Another close-but-not-quite idea would be using the human lumber gathering, giving them an absurdly large lumber carrying capacity, and whenever a tree dies with a peasant nearby, one is randomly chosen and ordered to return gathered resources. They'll return variable amounts of lumber but it will look like they return every time they finish chopping a tree.
Level 13
May 10, 2009
Is this problem solved? Otherwise:

I probably misunderstood your question, but it seems you want your workers to behave like wisps (no need to go anywhere in order to deliver collected lumber). If that's correct, then just give the "Return Lumber" ability to them.
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