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Don't Look Back

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Reactions: deepstrasz
A SHORT horror cinematic that will chill you to the bone.....
Full of thrilling scene.....

BTW I'm not native English speaker, so correct me if my grammar is wrong.

Credit to :

Models by :
Dan van Ohllus, Tenebrae, Ket, Sephirot_VII and The Ultimate Terraining Map.

Music from : Radiata Stories, Elder Scroll IV Oblivion, Warcraft III

Thanks to :
Model Makers (mentioned above)
Map Maker (KingB00ker)
Map Makers and Model Makers Maker (God)

ghost, horror, blood, cinematic, devil, demon, scary, thriller

Don't Look Back (Map)

22:36, 13th Jul 2008 Septimus: Good Point [+] ROFL LMAO.. IS THIS A HORROR MOVIE ? LOOK MORE LIKE A COMEDY MOVIE TO ME... [+] ROFL LMAO...The candle is bigger than the human itself.. [+] Nice murder effect [+] ROFL LMAO... nice horror...




22:36, 13th Jul 2008


Good Point

[+] ROFL LMAO...The candle is bigger than the human itself..
[+] Nice murder effect
[+] ROFL LMAO... nice horror face
[+] This cinematic remind me a lot of Max Payne

Neutral Point

[!] $3000 is consider cheap ? Do you know $3000 is consider expensive at old time ?
[!] Seems like I notice the electricity company name writtin in Indonesian language or Malay language ?

Bad Point

[-] Some part not suitable to be view by minor.
[-] A few typo error, I do not mind grammar error. But, it seem like you make a few typo error on it.
[-] Camera sometimes lock to 1 place for quite long.

Overall - 3/5
I rate it 3 cause it contain some scenario and picture that might seem to be not suitable for minor. Infact, it make me laugh more than scared me.
Level 7
Sep 6, 2007
The only scary things were the loud sounds :D The first woman was a bit scary. The second was kind of sexy :p (maybe I'm a pervert), but the 3rd (though it was the same as the second) was a bit scary :)

Result: 4/5 + 2nd girl sexy.
Level 5
Jun 26, 2008
Haha! This was really good! It was a little messy I suppose but nothing too bad! AND Septimus, you make a load more errors :p. Also, I think you'd be better off changing the preview picture, to be a little more pblic friendly seeming as it's pretty disturbing.

Level 5
Jun 26, 2008
Still, I don't think your in the position to judge someones english :p

Using edit as to avoid spam:
I know the meaning of the words, and I was talking about the fact that you make a large amount of errors yourself and you were judging someone elses English. I did not mean it any serious way I just thought it was funny is all.

Level 31
May 3, 2008
Grammar - The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences.

Typo Error - An error while inputting text via keyboard, made despite the fact that the user knows exactly what to type in.

And you are not in the position to judge someone english neither if you cannot understand the definition of it :grin:. If you had look at the review carefully, you would notice I do not care about the grammar error. Is the typo error that I care.

A few typo error, I do not mind grammar error. But, it seem like you make a few typo error on it

For me, as long as you could construct a sentence that could be understand. It would be much better compare to a person who often done spelling error or typo error.

To tell you something funny, I had once seen a notice board written ToiLet instead of To Let because the person done a typo error on it.

Ok, is a bit off topic.

Resume back to the map. Is a fine map, kinda hillarious. But, I was wondering what is soo scary about it ?

I found out the candle at the beginning of the cinematic is kinda huge.
Level 5
Aug 19, 2007
Ye, sry Septimus i like your work as admin pretty much and ur ratings are always reasonable and founded; but this time you really took a nap while typing


This cinematic remind me a lot of Max Payne
=> This cinematic reminds me a lot of Max Payne

$3000 is consider cheap ?
=> $3000 is considered cheap?

=> written

Some part not suitable to be view by minor.
=> Some parts are not suitable to be viewed by minors.

But, it seem like you make a few typo error on it.
=> But, it seems like you made a few typo errors on it.

and so on; my english's quiet not the best but this time i've to agree to StasMan and Thick_Armor

anyway great cinematic - made 0 sense ^^
Level 37
Sep 18, 2007
Okay people please just calm, because I doubt author needsthis in his map page.
Anyway Spetimus us good moderator and works hard. Of course his English isn't best because it's not his native language as mine too hehe. You can see my English sucks also... However Septimus isn't admin people please make difference ! He is map moderator like me. When I test map I always respect author and users andtheir comments in map's.
Well people please no need to attack Septimus, if you want I also can add my review beneath his, and in deal with him I can cgange rating, just stay friendly and dont attack him.
So just stay friendly like this and keep giving comments about map... :cgrin:
Level 10
Oct 5, 2007
In Indonesia, the holiday ended yesterday.
I made this map only in two days (yesterday and the day before yesterday)

Note :
Actually I want to post a real ghost photo inside, but the Indonesian supernatural community banned it since the photo is REAL and may AFFECT THE USER.

I; myself, have seen the photo and could only look at it for 10 seconds (as you see it, her eyes became scarier and scarier, also she grins her mouth ! Frame count : 1)


So, yup ! I laugh several times when testing this map ^^.
I've never seen someone posting Horror Cinematic b4, so that I tried to create one ^^.

So, I hope model-maker in Hiveworkshop can make scary models :p (LOL, put it in different category).

Indonesian Ghosts :
> Kuntilanak : She resembles Sadako in Japan, but her tale is eternally retold from past generations till now (some people claim that they have seen her). She's not virgin anymore. She died when she borne a child, and till now her vengeful spirit still haunted pregnant women (many saw her when they're pregnant). There are many Kuntilanaks.

>Tuyul : When a woman borne a dead baby, the baby's spirit will wander the earth forever. This ghost take a form of naked short bald boy having white skin (I still wonder, why it is always boy, not girl). Alternatively, this lost souls are often used by human being. A woman must have a pact with the Tuyul, and the Tuyul will grant her wealth. There are some conditions, though.... The woman must consider the Tuyul her own son, give a name, give them 'their milk', and give the foods, or else........ When you see him, he will giggle and run away from you. Some Tuyuls steal things from humans to give their master money (some believers said, when your money is lost, it is stolen by Tuyul). However, Tuyul has a weakness, Yuyu (a small crab in Indonesia). When you give him a Yuyu, he'll play with it and you must trap him in a basket. In this way, he will leave you.

>Sundel Bolong : It's almost the same with Kuntilanak, but with special conditions. When she was pregnant, she fell and people said that her own stomach pierce to her back and she died instantly. Sundel Bolong means 'back with hole'. She resembles Kuntilanak but she has a big hole on her back, that you can see her inner organs and maggots through it (a little more scarier, I think).

>Pocong : When a Muslim dies (I'm not a Muslim though) in Indonesia, they will be wrapped in a big cloth like a candy. In the burial ceremony, the kuncung (a rope fasten the cloth above your head) will be untied and the spirit will go to heaven. However, in some cases, the living forget to untie the kuncung. Thus the spirit will wander the earth untill the kuncung is untied. They are searching for 'brave volunteers' who are brave enough to open their kuncung. Due to the wrapping cloth, they can't walk, they hop from place to place. Usually the body inside the cloth is already rotten and smells awful.
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Level 5
Jun 26, 2008
That umm... Pretty weird stuff their KingB00ker, all we have is the Scream, and even he aint that scary. And what do you mean that the Indonesian supernatural community banned it? :S They can't have any power can they? Last of all what is that baby thing in the picture? Is that an old Indonesian ghost?
Level 10
Oct 5, 2007
Haha, the last one is just an edited photo.

However, maybe you underestimate the power of the picture I've mentioned.
Sadly, I don't save it in my CPU.
Well, you don't see the picture and don't feel the same thing as others who have seen it.

LOL, true the community don't have power, but it was them who released the picture then later banned it, strange isn't it?.

More info :
Indonesia, especially Java Island was conquered by Netherlands for 300 years.
Rebellions often broke out and many people died, both Netherlanders and Indonesian.

Now, the land of Java Island is full of graveyard.
When you want to build a new house, sometimes you will find an old unnamed coffin beneath the ground.

Believe it or not, I've seen a headless ghost in the evening on Netherlands' Graveyard.
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Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Nice cinematic. And yeah, 3000$ was a lot in that time. My guess is you got the idea from Oblivion, that haunted house in Anvil that costs 5000 septim.

Any chance you got some ideas from my Sect of the Holy Mother 6 - Black Riverside?

I know there are not a lot of similarities but I can see a few places that are similar.

P.S. I loled when the guy "slipped". It seemed like his legs broke off.
Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
DAMN man! (sorry for the foul language). I tried to watch it this night and made me chill to the bone. No really! It can make no sense while watching early morning but at night it makes you shiver. BTW, nice cinematic 5/5. Really works.
AAAAAAAAAAAAH! ill try to forget.
Level 24
May 20, 2007
DAMN man! (sorry for the foul language). I tried to watch it this night and made me chill to the bone. No really! It can make no sense while watching early morning but at night it makes you shiver. BTW, nice cinematic 5/5. Really works.
AAAAAAAAAAAAH! ill try to forget.

Ride on!

The cinematic was pretty awesome!

I'll watch it again this night :wgrin:
Level 2
Jul 10, 2008
I don't see what the big deal is. It's mediocre at best. Nothing but fast flashes and loud screams.

Startling? Maybe. Bone-chilling? No.

I suggest watching the Beast and Black Riverside if you want to see warcraft horror at it's best.
Level 6
Dec 17, 2007
D= i hated the pictures that popped up!!! they always scare the shit out of me xD.

nice cinematic! I always believed that WC3 could never be scary. Well, the pictures helped, but the only WC3 graphic that scared me was that girl in the beginning! Well done, not perfect, but it's good =).
Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Muwaaah xD
Nice cinematic :p
Yeah, allright, didn't really make any sens, but nice spooky pictures there suddenly came xP
Level 4
Nov 10, 2008
Ah what the hell,why did it get that rating?
It has to be one of the greatest horror cinematics ever!

More of a comedy? Epic Failure!

man its just like the chain map this scares people and i know
this user that mades map makes a chain letter and i know his chain letter "it chills ur bone" its really true it chills ur bone. but every time u see the comments in youtube it has chain letters but mentally they are fake
BTW: Nice True Chain Message lol
Level 4
Jan 9, 2010
and where did u find all that model whit skin and what eva but the important thing is on terminus of fear how in the world did you just made the bus like you know third person shooter or some thing else like warcraft is roofles game but the bus has a roof and it looks like third person shooter
Level 3
Apr 13, 2011
EXCELENT use of camera, and the musics are good
if i'm not wrong, these songs are from the warcraft3 itself
anyway, good work
i didnt get scared, but it was fun ;D