I've searched many tutorials etc and never found structs as a defined type in JASS. Although I've seen a few threads showing examples and discussing them but I have no idea in what context those structs are used.
I could certainly make use of them in my triggers and global functions so if someone could answer a few questions, I'd appreciate it:
1. Where do you define gobal structs? They aren't available as a type in the WE trigger editor, and I get errors when trying to define them in in the main script file (where you put global functions available to all triggers).
2. Can you create an array of structs?
Any info would be great. Thanks
I could certainly make use of them in my triggers and global functions so if someone could answer a few questions, I'd appreciate it:
1. Where do you define gobal structs? They aren't available as a type in the WE trigger editor, and I get errors when trying to define them in in the main script file (where you put global functions available to all triggers).
2. Can you create an array of structs?
Any info would be great. Thanks