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Do you really know Warcraft?

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Level 4
Aug 9, 2005
All googling is forbiden before answering this quiz! Anyway this is to test your real knowledge in Warcraft lore, no easy questions or obvious ones, this is the real deal. So, without any further ado here it goes:

1: What was Khadgar particulary warned about when entering Karazhan? (Before TBC)

2: Which are the Aspects? (Include Title)

3: Who are the grandparents of Thrall?

4: Who and how was King Llane killed?

5: How did the earthen devolve into dwarfs?

6: What and who caused the Sundering?

7: Who is Marlone?

8: What famous child did he have?

9: Why did Medivh open the Dark Portal?

10: Who was also known has the Defiler and the Deceiver?

11: Which are the testing grounds of the Titans for their creations?

12: What caused the destruction of Draenor?

13: Who are the 5 great heroes of the Alliance in the Second War?

14: What was the incredibly powerful weapon of Sargeras before his corruption?

15: What happened to this weapon?

16: What is beneath Light's Hope Chapel?

17: Who created the Death Knights?

18: Why are there subspecies of Draenei?

19: Where do pandarens come from?

20: How exactly do Fel Hounds kill there victims?
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
1) that medivh will make him pay for turning against him, no? don't remember this one

Alextrasza the Life-Binder (red)
Nozdormu the Timeless One (bronze)
Malygos the Spell-Weaver (blue)
Ysera the Dreamer (green)
Neltharion the Earth-Warder = Deathwing the Destroyer (black)

3) Greatmother Geiyah (cannot pronounce that name =DDD but sounds like that).

4) King Llane was killed in his throne room by one of his closest friends, the half-orc assassin Garona, during the siege of Stromwind

5) Curse of Flesh + effects of the sundering

6) Night Elven druids (Furion in particular) closed the portal (through which the Burning Legion was sending it's armies) in the depths of the well of eternity, causing a massive explosion.

7) Malorne is a giant white stag, demigod, lover of Elune, father of Cenarius

8) Cenarius

9) Medivh was under the influence of spirit of sargeras which dwelled inside him

10) Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver

11) Uldaman?

12) Great Shaman Ner'zhul opened multiple portals to other worlds, without having the Eye of Dalaran, thus tearing the planet apart

13) Turalyon, Alleria, Danath, Khadgar and Kurdran. Valley of Heroes in SW =D

14) a sword with an unpronounceable name. most powerful weapon in the universe

15) it shattered into two pieces, one is now wielded by sargeras, the other one by the new titan champion (i really cannot rememebr those titan names)

16) the Light of Hope, a mighty artifact of great holy power

17) first death knights were created by Gul'dan, from the slaughtered memebers of the Shadow Counsil

18) 1] Man'ari eredar: gave themselves willingly to Sargeras, turning into demons
2] Draenei: retained their faith into the Light, which protected them corruption
3] Broken: forsaken the Light, slowly succumbing to the coruption of the buning legion. not entirely corrupted yet
4] Lost Ones: exposed to the big amounts of fel energy, lost their minds, turning savage and vicious

19) China! kidding. they come from Pandaria.

Fel Hound deals 347 damage to you.
Your equipped items suffer 10% durability loss.
You die.
That's how!
with their tentacles (which grow from head), no?
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
11) Uldaman?


Because the earthen stayed so long under ground, when they emerged from the mountains they discovered to have pale weak skin

17) first death knights were created by Gul'dan, from the slaughtered members of the Shadow Council*EDIT: They were revived within fallen Stormwind Knights, while wielding powerful truncheons created from hearts of Necrolytes.

The second generation of DKS came from fallen or corrupted paladins/warriors, imbued with powerful demonic magic and given rune blades.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
No it doesn't. Books were written by novelist who had almost no connection and by Blizzards word their lore isn't 100% correct and only characters are part of the lore. Some books were even made just to justify things in WoW that never should happened.

Also the big problem with lore are quest makers. All this was able to make lore full with loop holes. If you want I'll go write every mistake but It would take me days.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
No it doesn't. Books were written by novelist who had almost no connection and by Blizzards word their lore isn't 100% correct and only characters are part of the lore. Some books were even made just to justify things in WoW that never should happened.

Also the big problem with lore are quest makers. All this was able to make lore full with loop holes. If you want I'll go write every mistake but It would take me days.

Umm Blizzard USED there lore, and PAYED them novelists to make the books, there lore counts as much as anything.
Level 4
Aug 9, 2005
Not according to guy who is in charge of lore. Novels are less accurate then games or are written to justify Blizzard like why orcs and humans are at war again .

Orcs and Humans are at war again because of the events at the end of the Orc Campaign in WC3:TFT.
And has you play WoW, you'll noticed that they even banded together when the cause demanded it, which meant their relationships were improving, until the events at the Wrathgate came to pass. Those events shattered any trust between the two factions, although neither had the fault.
Level 14
Jul 27, 2007
Pandaria is west of Stonetalon Mountains. Some claim that's it is on the shores of Kalimdor, west of the Mountains, some claim it is on the continent itself, some claim both. That's why currently there's a gray area in WoW.

Also, under Light's Hope Chapel are the remains of the Heroes of Lordaeron.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
The Silver Hand was created by Uther and Archbishop Alonsus Faol (the first to preach the ways of the Holy Light) to order the first paladins (they were 5, Uther, Tirion, Saidan, Turalyon and Gavinrad)

Actually it was the first 4, gavinrad was the 5th to join it not long later in the war.

And they used lot of lore from the books in there games and such, and they have even said that. Books explains whats not explained in games
Level 4
Aug 9, 2005
Actually it was the first 4, gavinrad was the 5th to join it not long later in the war.

And they used lot of lore from the books in there games and such, and they have even said that. Books explains whats not explained in games

Exactly, Gavinrad came last as a requested candidate by Lothar but still he was one of the very first according to the Tides of Darkness novel.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Yes, he was, but to be technical, the first 4 were well, the first 4. Gavin came a little later, but noneless, the 5th paladin to appear.
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