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Do you love playing dota?

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Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
Because League of Legends didn't exist yet!

Nah, joking, well it was the diamond in the rough for the MOBA scene which is now developing. Although between the three main contenders (DotA2, HoN and LoL) only one actually deviated from the main formula.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
I dunno, most of my friends and even my family plays dota.. I guess I was just influenced? but anyways, DOTA is pretty balanced in the start of the game but when any one of the player in your side dies 3 or more times in a row, the enemy would be too "fat" (complete in items and big in lvl)... some agility hero dominate the game once you get the right items and such...
I dunno, most of my friends and even my family plays dota.. I guess I was just influenced? but anyways, DOTA is pretty balanced in the start of the game but when any one of the player in your side dies 3 or more times in a row, the enemy would be too "fat" (complete in items and big in lvl)... some agility hero dominate the game once you get the right items and such...

Dota is so hard I nearly never get positive score and I tried milion times
Level 11
Jun 20, 2009
DotA is a serious game, so that's why i doesn't seem so fun to beginners. Dying once might cause you to lose the whole game, so you can't really make mistakes.

Once you've learned the basics and stop dying 24/7, you'll realize that DotA is the best game ever made. I've played hundreds of different games, and still i prefer DotA over them all. It's just so complicated and you can never truly master it. Even after all these years, players find out tons of new strategies everyday, which keeps it interesting. Also with the weekly updates they keep it really balanced and fun to play.
DotA is a serious game, so that's why i doesn't seem so fun to beginners. Dying once might cause you to lose the whole game, so you can't really make mistakes.

Once you've learned the basics and stop dying 24/7, you'll realize that DotA is the best game ever made. I've played hundreds of different games, and still i prefer DotA over them all. It's just so complicated and you can never truly master it. Even after all these years, players find out tons of new strategies everyday, which keeps it interesting. Also with the weekly updates they keep it really balanced and fun to play.

Ganks 5v1 are never fun xD and what kind of "strategies" ? nothing works! (other than going 1v5).
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Ganks 5v1 are never fun xD and what kind of "strategies" ? nothing works! (other than going 1v5).

strategies? well, Fog moves are good for escaping.. and the terrain, not bad but is very startegic (for my opinion).. even if you get ganked 5 on 1, you can still survive especially if you're using invoker.. just move through trees and such..
strategies? well, Fog moves are good for escaping.. and the terrain, not bad but is very startegic (for my opinion).. even if you get ganked 5 on 1, you can still survive especially if you're using invoker.. just move through trees and such..

Which kind of enemies will not chase me into the woods?
Are you playing on DOTA CASH?
Level 11
Jun 20, 2009
Ganks 5v1 are never fun xD and what kind of "strategies" ? nothing works! (other than going 1v5).

There should never be a situation where you are alone against 5 enemies. Keep your eyes on the map and use some wards to scout the routes that enemies could use to gank you.

If there is 5 enemy heroes missing, hide behind some trees near your tower until you know you're safe.

Also, always carry a TP scroll. If you're on a tough spot, you can just teleport to your base and piss off your enemy team.
There should never be a situation where you are alone against 5 enemies. Keep your eyes on the map and use some wards to scout the routes that enemies could use to gank you.

If there is 5 enemy heroes missing, hide behind some trees near your tower until you know you're safe.

Also, always carry a TP scroll. If you're on a tough spot, you can just teleport to your base and piss off your enemy team.

Stuns and dust, then go 5v1. you cant do anything.

Edit: Also some heros can kill 1v1 when u fight in ur lane: Tiny EarthShaker and more who get blink and can outkill any other hero.

I consider DOTA as frustrating game that is really not possible to gain godlike at ( I join dota games to lose, ignoring the score and remake accounts)
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Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
I consider DOTA as frustrating game that is really not possible to gain godlike at ( I join dota games to lose, ignoring the score and remake accounts)

It's highly dependable on your hero pick. You may not become godlike with someone like Omniknight, who's supportive hero, but picking someone like Huskar or Lina can grant you nice scores quite easy.
It's highly dependable on your hero pick. You may not become godlike with someone like Omniknight, who's supportive hero, but picking someone like Huskar or Lina can grant you nice scores quite easy.

Considering how big noob I am, I would belive you, but even as huskar, once I go ulty and kill someone, his teamates gank me so I get 3-5 (each kill also killed me and 2 times ganked)
You make it sound as if I am the only one who can't acheave good score, this game is difficult in a frustrating scale, what? just me?
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Considering how big noob I am, I would belive you, but even as huskar, once I go ulty and kill someone, his teamates gank me so I get 3-5 (each kill also killed me and 2 times ganked)
You make it sound as if I am the only one who can't acheave good score, this game is difficult in a frustrating scale, what? just me?

Nope, you're the only one. Dota is probably the worst map one can play until you become good at it. Once you do become at least average, you'll definitely start to like it. I know from experience since I forced a few of my clan members to play it with me, I taught them to play to a basic degree and then they started to force me to play with them, not the other way around.

Though personally I prefer to play 1vs1 with my clan members since I'm sick of allies who can't play (playing dota without a team is merely a gamble afterall, in a 5v5 no matter your skill, if your allies are too bad then you can't and won't win).

I can play with you if you're on the Northrend battle.net server though.
Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
Considering how big noob I am, I would belive you, but even as huskar, once I go ulty and kill someone, his teamates gank me so I get 3-5 (each kill also killed me and 2 times ganked)
You make it sound as if I am the only one who can't acheave good score, this game is difficult in a frustrating scale, what? just me?

well there's this thing called, "be sure there's someone to back you up before going rambo"

i usually pwn everyone when i play as lifestealer.
Nope, you're the only one. Dota is probably the worst map one can play until you become good at it. Once you do become at least average, you'll definitely start to like it. I know from experience since I forced a few of my clan members to play it with me, I taught them to play to a basic degree and then they started to force me to play with them, not the other way around.

Though personally I prefer to play 1vs1 with my clan members since I'm sick of allies who can't play (playing dota without a team is merely a gamble afterall, in a 5v5 no matter your skill, if your allies are too bad then you can't and won't win).

I can play with you if you're on the Northrend battle.net server though.
I am, what is your account name? (mine is changed after each game)
Well, everyone has their opinion, but yours is pretty retarded. I'd say it was SC2 that killed WC3.


World of Warcraft killed War3 back in 2004. We're all undead.

Ironically, it's DotA that brought so many new people to Warcraft 3 well after its expiry date.

And SC2 should have killed War3. It would have, if Blizzard didn't make several terrible decisions: no LAN or cross-region play, no ability to share maps on mapping sites, a terrible custom games system, ridiculously high model standards.

If anything, SC2 has sent people back to war3, since it's so much more moddable, and fun.

To reiterate: war3 is far from dead. I'm beginning to doubt even DOTA2 can kill it.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2009
Well, everyone has their opinion, but yours is pretty retarded. I'd say it was SC2 that killed WC3.

1) DotA is a dumbed-down RTS.
1a) DotA players argue that it has a leg up on RTS because DotA games require teamwork. These people have not played any other RTS other than StarCraft, where team games utterly suck.
1b) DotA is an RTS with one map.
2) In becoming a dumbed-down RTS, it finds much in common with MMO and Action-RPG games which are (unbelievably) more complex in most regards.
3) The combat interactions are absolutely pathetic when compared to similar genres which require excellent pattern recognition skills (fighting games, beat 'em ups).
4) The genre greatly rewards knowledge-based depth (understanding skills and abilities) over functional depth (using those skills and abilities) and that learning curve is what makes the game appealing to weaker players, since information osmosis will inevitably make the player better through the early ranks.
5) The game's audiovisual component is largely lacking, because it has been shaped by a budget-cutting, low-poly cartoon style which allows for the quick, cheap, and disposable creation of new artwork that will fund the free-to-play game model.
5a) Most of the sensory and visual feedback in the game is generated by "numbers going up" and "how much damage was done", since items almost never provide any sensory (audiovisual) feedback
6) The genre lacks depth to the point where its creators create the illusion of depth with regular patches, tweaking numbers on a monthly and even bi-monthly basis to create the illusion of an evolving metagame
7) Character templates are normalized and standardized (i.e. have no significant deviation from each other) because the development model requires creators to introduce new characters as time passes. If this was done in fighting games, for instance, it would destabilize and potentially break a carefully-balanced and designed roster.
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World of Warcraft killed War3 back in 2004. We're all undead.

Ironically, it's DotA that brought so many new people to Warcraft 3 well after its expiry date.

And SC2 should have killed War3. It would have, if Blizzard didn't make several terrible decisions: no LAN or cross-region play, no ability to share maps on mapping sites, a terrible custom games system, ridiculously high model standards.

If anything, SC2 has sent people back to war3, since it's so much more moddable, and fun.

To reiterate: war3 is far from dead. I'm beginning to doubt even DOTA2 can kill it.
Dota 2 is a shit laggy game that stuck all the times, I uninstalled it after forcing myself 10 times to play it. The only good thing from that experience: it's finnaly ended!!!. (please never talk about dota2 or I will throw up)

and about the comment before that: yea, dota is a cartoon retarded game: omni go invulnerable while he deal 1000+ damage across an area for 9 seconds, tinker make cage of exploding from the outside - walls, the whole game has nothing to do with any seryes or comics, its just "dota" (since its based on warcraft maybe some connection to danguaens and dragons?) and it reform endlessly so that a centaur who used to have "great fortitued" (danguens and dragons official skill name and charicter) now has "stample" which cause global sound and increase all allied movement speed and cause stun to those who get close to them (not related to any saga).
Level 3
Dec 12, 2012
DOTA ruined WC3.
Well, everyone has their opinion, but yours is pretty retarded. I'd say it was SC2 that killed WC3.

Speaking of retarded opinions... It's the fact that after 7-8 years the game needs a change by those of us who've been playing it since RoC times. But even for newer ones to war3:

A brief review so far: SC2 had lots of problems in beta and early game - Bnet 2.0, mapmaking and custom games, no one wanted to switch from those who weren't like us players to play a new esports game without caring about UI or features.

SC2 doesn't even have the player base from war3, top war3 players switched to it, most players are BW and war3 from the lower players, and people coming from war3 just for mapmaking - almost never. They may have gone to LoL, Dota 2, some other game.

Saying that SC2 took war3 people is silly.

@Teelo which is why I LoLed at players even top players who switched from SC2 to LoL... must be because the game is ez and in SC2 those who switched cannot handle the competition to earn actual money.

Not that SC2 is so perfect game-wise where you may lose from someone's lame strat which in war3 was so counterable, but it's def a strategy to play and going to LoL or Dota 2 instead is LOL indeed!
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
Why play DotA when you can find other less stressful and more fun alternatives, like going to the dentist, insulting a gangster and his 15 mates on a deserted street or breaking into a cage of hungry lions?
Not that SC2 is so perfect game-wise where you may lose from someone's lame strat which in war3 was so counterable, but it's def a strategy to play and going to LoL or Dota 2 instead is LOL indeed!
//off topic
Starcraft 2 is a really nice game, I played the demo and run to the store to
buy, however, the super noob israel game sellers said they don't sell it
anymore, Israel is such a shit counter, how can they not sell the most
fun strategy game out there?!!!!1 noobs
Off Topic
You guys !!!! I have good news !!!!
"Why play DotA when you can find other less stressful and more fun alternatives, like going to the dentist, insulting a gangster and his 15 mates on a deserted street or breaking into a cage of hungry lions?"
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Level 11
Mar 18, 2009
I have no idea what to reply on in that last comment but congratz.

As for the main topic, I stopped playing DotA on wc3 mainly because the controls are so bad in wc3 for that kind of game mode but also because playing online can be very stressful and hard to really enjoy a game with all leavers and whiners.

However it was a really deep game with lots of variety and strategies that can match todays standards and therefor it will be a game mod that I wont forget ever.
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Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
Eh, good luck connecting to multiplayer with sc2 without a CD key. Just keep in mind that league matches possibly exceed DotA's stress levels by an order of magnitude at high ranks.
Level 20
May 6, 2007
I never seemed the appeal of Dota, you see, Im a bad player and like games that I can amass hordes of warriors just for the sake of war.

Well, I like strategy logically, but Im always in a non competitive level doing last stands and other things that I simply cant play these more competitive games too much (like sc2, if I try anything heroic people start to offend me just for making then lost time that they could be using to go up in the rank...) so I dislike games that I cant go for fun.
Level 6
Sep 20, 2012
Well, I like strategy logically, but Im always in a non competitive level doing last stands and other things that I simply cant play these more competitive games too much (like sc2, if I try anything heroic people start to offend me just for making then lost time that they could be using to go up in the rank...) so I dislike games that I cant go for fun.

That's an exemplary attitude! I really don't get those people who, being on Platinum on ladder, play like 10 games a day just to get to Diamond league. Like it is some kind of school homework or something...
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