Types of Memory Leaks:
- Points: These are the most dangerous when making spells and movement systems with keyboard. Whenever you use the position of an object or a point of a region (Whether it be random or center), and even coordinates, they create a memory leak.
- Groups: Also a common leak, whenever you use "Unit-Group - Pick every unit..." (Also Player and Destructible etc) and you do not use a variable as the group, it will leak.
- Regions: Converting a point with a size to a region, or anything that creates an 'area' without using a region (or preset) will create a memory leak.
- Special Effects: If you do not remove a special effect (Done through a trigger, spells do not leak) it will leak. Even if the spell is finished, the data is still there.
- Strings: Strings are very minor, as they are reused. Once you use "Hi" as a string, every time you use "Hi" it uses the same data, it will not leak... but if you display random messeges (Tips that are preset are fine) it might add up, but probrably not...