[Role Playing Game] Divine Paragon - Twin Blades (In Development)

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Level 1
Dec 8, 2012
New Action RPG currently being developed - TBA 2013!

(Mode - Single Player Map)

Divine Paragon will be based off of all the original Warcraft 3 + Expansion data as in terms of models, abilities, items, and icons. Although be it that some items abilities will be mixed with a majority of different data from that of it's original such as,
Critical Strike could have a lightning animation and not only will provide bonus percentage in damage, but will also cause lightning damage as well or certain items will have different bonuses or different stats completely customized.
But what I'm getting to is that there wont be anything from outside of the original Warcraft 3 + Expansion platform.

The gameplay and mechanics are easy to be played. It is similar to that of the Diablo franchise. Killing units across the map to gain experience and in turn gaining abilities over time. The only difference is that the units really pose no threat at all and can easily be vanquished. They are pretty much just there for your constant grinding. Very shortly in the game units will only have to take 1 or 2 hits to be killed.

The main concept and objective of the game are vanquishing Champions (Heroes in-game) and to be rewarded with the item or multiple items thereof that they drop. Each Champion will have it's own abilities and will carry item(s) with them (most likely the item(s) that they drop although it does not always have to be this case). By the end of development I want at least 30-40 Champions across the map that are waiting to be vanquished by you.

I expect that you will have around 12 classes to experiment with.

Also the Champions will not just stand around as other maps. I am hoping to give them some AI to walk across the map and perhaps even fight with other Champions and have full on battles with units being led by Champions. This has been my hope from the beginning of mapping when I started back some years ago. I just never decided to develop it, but I am working extensively on this and you can expect the beta to be launched some time in 2013.

Please give me some ideas for the classes you people would like to see and maybe some of their abilities. I would love to hear from The Hive Workshop community about my project that is in development.

Thank you all for reading this post and please spread the word of my gaming efforts!


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