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Dire Tauren

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A Tauren model based on the Doomguard.

There are two variations of the model (brown and white).

This resource belongs to Bagysta and has been edited by me to fix some problems of the original.

Dire, Tauren, Totem, Doomguard


Update 1: Model optimized to reduce file size.

Update 2: Changed the weapon and added more teamcolor.

Dire Tauren (blond) (Model)

Dire Tauren (brown) (Model)

DireTauren (Brown) (Fixed) (Model)

DireTauren (White) (Fixed) (Model)

Misha 31st May 2013 Moderator's Review: same as with your other tauren model :P
I merged the fixed model bundle with the old model bundle. We encourage fixing of old resources. Set back to pending. Model moderator: Please verify that the models with (Fixed) text are fixed.
General Frank
This might be useful for some people, but the edits are rather marginal. I don't feel the edits are big enough. Too me it looks like a skin change and some minor geo-merges.




31st May 2013
Moderator's Review:

change the model's internal name, replace 'SND' balrog attack, with something tauren-ish, change the death sound to tauren, change spell particles to something suiting a tauren, and remove the demon blood splat stuff




11:13, 30th Apr 2016
The_Silent: Both models looks good and works ingame. Need permission from original creator to be approved.
You always can optimize it.

Also, this model originally is nothing too special. No doubts you could take the same idea(of lazily applying fitting texture to doomguard) and making it yourself. Maybe even making it better!

Oh nice.

So I can take whatever model I find. Optimize it, and upload it. That's cool.
Level 12
Apr 9, 2013
Oh nice.

So I can take whatever model I find. Optimize it, and upload it. That's cool.

For someone that has sat on this site for such a long time I would have thought you would have accumulated more knowledge, and not to be so harsh.

I think this model could work fine for the long awaited update for Bagysta model.
Having the model reduced from 600 kb's to 250 is quite great considering that this contains actually 2 models making the model be roughly 125 kb's.
For someone that has sat on this site for such a long time I would have thought you would have accumulated more knowledge, and not to be so harsh.

I think this model could work fine for the long awaited update for Bagysta model.
Having the model reduced from 600 kb's to 250 is quite great considering that this contains actually 2 models making the model be roughly 125 kb's.

I would like to state that my opening points was not meant as an attack.
I have optimized a model myself once and I was told by the staff that I should upload the updated model as a post in the original upload thread.
At that time I was not able to contact the owner of the model as well.

post #35.

That is the reason for my curiosity.

Solu9 said:
The model is rather nice.

This guy made actually usefull model, and everyone is bashing him.. And on the other side we have these awful and useless custom models, and everyone is amazed how "epic" they are..

I don't see anyone who have bashed him as of yet. And none of the replies have been worse than what countless of other uploads has received.
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
This guy made actually usefull model, and everyone is bashing him.. And on the other side we have these awful and useless custom models, and everyone is amazed how "epic" they are..

Bashing him? Nope dont see bashes here, nope. Not even Spirit Breaker's 17% bash isn't present. Dont worry I double checked for bashes using my bash detector-inator.

Anyway great model! This is pretty sweet considering the small amount of Tauren custom models present :) but before getting approved, shouldn't the ownership be changed to the original creator? Just curious
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
Bashing him? Nope dont see bashes here, nope. Not even Spirit Breaker's 17% bash isn't present. Dont worry I double checked for bashes using my bash detector-inator.

Anyway great model! This is pretty sweet considering the small amount of Tauren custom models present :) but before getting approved, shouldn't the ownership be changed to the original creator? Just curious

I merged the fixed model bundle with the old model bundle.

We encourage fixing of old resources.

Set back to pending.

Model moderator: Please verify that the models with (Fixed) text are fixed.

I just checked them, the fixed units behave well ingame, look good, and pretty much have everything that i have noted in my mod-days, fixed :-] what about the old ones tho..?