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[Spell] diffrent corpse,diffrent skeleton

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Level 16
May 2, 2011
hi guys.
what I want to do is as follows(prepare for the long story):
1-when the necromancer cast raise dead,the summoned unit will be:
a-skeleton archer,only if the corpse was archer's or dryad's(units of the night elf).
b-skeletal orc,only if the corpse was of a grunt or wolf raider.
c-skeleton warrior,only if the corpse was footman's or huntress's.
2-after we have done this,I want to improve it that there is a chance %(depending on ho much we upgraded skeletal mastery) to summon stronger unit(like giant skeleton warrior or skeletal marksman etc...) depending on the corpse
3-I also want the graveyard (a building) to create different types of corpses by chance%.
4-once we have done this I want to make a hero with raise dead abilities,that each work on different corpse,I mean if he cast summon skeletal orc ,he summon it from grunt corpse,if cast summon skeleton warrior ,he summon it from footman's corpse or huntress's.the abilities are not connected and they have different cool downs.
once we have done this,although not really in the topic,I want to make this hero a ghost that take extra damage from spells and magic attacks,can move through units ,has % to evade physical attacks(not magic nor spells),and is slow.
any idea how to do these?
your help will be appreciated
thank you
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Level 5
Feb 1, 2011
Well im not that good with triggers so i cant help you with most of this, altho for the hero walking thru units you could remove its collision.
Level 16
May 2, 2011
well,I put the value at ''pathing-collision size''=0
but he still can't move through units ,like if he has very small radius(much less then usual units),but not really zero.
an example is phase boot in dota,moving as if there were no units at all.
thanks for the reply.
any other idea
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
1 and 2 can be done with some data management.
System 1 from the abilitiy gets a suitable courpse. You can eithor use some flow control to do this or you could create an array or hashtable system (array/hashtable may perform better for huge numbers of types but for only 2 you should use flow control).
System 2 generates a suitable unit type from the ability using some random factors. An array system would probably be easiest as you can then calculate an offset which determins the summon quality.

For 3 you will need a trigger system which enumerates all graveyards and generates courpses for them. An array system can be used for the courpse unit type with random index for random coupses.

For 4...
Magic resistance ability with no tooltip (hidden spellbook it if need be) and negative reduction (damage increase), hidden spellbook a windwalk ability with a near infinite fade duration and trigger cast it for the ability to walk through units and the evasion is nothing more than evasion from the demon hunter or drunken brawl from the brew master (warning rounds to nearest 5%).
Level 16
May 2, 2011
Mui= multi unit instance , means the spell can be used by 2 unit with out bugs occured
For this spell you need a loop trigger that checked the duration of the unit
Wait, are you a beginner on trigger?
well, it would be great if it is mui.
2nd yes I am beginner in trigger ,I only know how to do if-then-else function for he player A from 1-12,and such basic things.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Wait: making spell less effective
Actually TriggerSleepAction() creates net traffic and thus is inaccurate and helps create lag (does not degrade performance though).

Integer A n B: these can cause bugs
Only if the same type is nested within itself or if you perform a TriggerSleepAction() in one. Still is better to use local integers.

Do nothing: making spell less effective
Actually, it just wastes time (degrades performance). It mearly calls an empty function which is as good as not calling anything. It only eixsts becase GUI requires an action in some of its actions (like the single item branch action).
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