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Different merc camps

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Level 1
Dec 2, 2007
Is there a way to modify a mercenary camp (or anything that sells units to all players) to make the it sell different things to different races? Like it only sells riflemen to humans and only headhunters to orcs.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Nope, try making different buildings with an area that only let in a certain type of unit. So only orc-type units (they could be peons if your mercenary area is for all your main units) could enter the area where you want the units to be recruited.

Hope that helped!

NOTE: Area as in trigger area in Wc3E.
Level 1
Dec 2, 2007
I'm trying to make a map where there are occupiers and resistance fighters, the occupiers can enslave the local towns and the resistance fighters can recruit more fighters. Is there a way to do this from one building? Maybe with skills?
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
well lets say there are 3 races, undead orc and human

you could give all the merc units u want to the camp, and make it a requirement to buy a footman, you must have a Human Castle. this way, only human players could get the unit because there the only ones with a human castle.

or you could trigger it, so that if player 1 (undead) buys a unit from the store (which any race could get caz its universal), you could replace the universal unit with the undead version.

to clarify
an undead unit buys a "Light Meele" unit from the store, once it is bought the unit (by triggers) automaticly turns into an Undead Light Meele unit. the same with a human race, except it would turn into a human light meele unit.

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