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Barracks Stock

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Level 2
Jan 1, 2012
Hi there !

I have a Barracks that sells units (Like a mercenary camp), but the problem is, I don't know how to get it to start the stock from 0 and regenerate it upwards, instead it starts on full.
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Hi there !

I have a Barracks that sells units (Like a mercenary camp), but the problem is, I don't know how to get it to start the stock from 0 and regenerate it upwards, instead it starts on full.

So... Stockstart = 0, StockMax = ??? and StockRegen = ???

Have you checked these values in your object editor?

EDIT: ow just a sec, those are the rawnames with control + d

Here are the normal names:
Stats - Stock Start Delay (Stock Start Amount)
Stats - Stock Maximum (Maximum Amount of Stock)
Stats - Stock Replenish Interval (The time between adding 1 stock)

Make sure the values are set correctly...
For example:

Start Delay = 0 (0 stock to start with)
Maximum = 10 (10 is the maximum so it doesn't replenish stock above this value)
Replenish Interval = 2 (Every 2 seconds 1 stock gets added)
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Level 2
Jan 1, 2012
No wonder I missed it, I thought Stock Start Delay was like a delay as to when the stock start to replenish , :? Idiotic WE, lol. Thanks !
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
No wonder I missed it, I thought Stock Start Delay was like a delay as to when the stock start to replenish , :? Idiotic WE, lol. Thanks !

Press control + d inside the editor for more logical names and of course for raw data...

EDIT: yay you gave me a nice green crystal xD!
Level 2
Jan 1, 2012
Haha, Thanks for the help, but the problem still persists, both Barracks and Soldier's stockStart are on 0, the Soldier's stockMax is 10 and his stockRegen is 10. Though still when I click barracks as soon as it appears it shows 10.
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Haha, Thanks for the help, but the problem still persists, both Barracks and Soldier's stockStart are on 0, the Soldier's stockMax is 10 and his stockRegen is 10. Though still when I click barracks as soon as it appears it shows 10.

Hmm that's strange indeed, sorry for this late respond. Could you perhaps try and setting the stockRegen to a lower amount like 1 or so? See what happens...
Level 11
Nov 15, 2007
Attach the map IMO, it's really hard to know what you're doing wrong. This shouldn't be complicated, so there has to be a miscommunication here.
Level 9
Nov 19, 2011
Problem is with stock start. Its not exacly count of units at start but DELAY of start counting. If you set it to 0 it will be max at start. Set it to 15 for 15 sec delay.

Stock MAX - Max unit count
Stock Regen - Time needed for each unit added to stock
Stock Start - Time needed to start count units (delay)
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Problem is with stock start. Its not exacly count of units at start but DELAY of start counting. If you set it to 0 it will be max at start. Set it to 15 for 15 sec delay.

Stock MAX - Max unit count
Stock Regen - Time needed for each unit added to stock
Stock Start - Time needed to start count units (delay)

Hmm I forgot about that... Thanks.
I just thought by seeing the name that it's the start amount, not the delay before start counting...
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