Diablo 1 :0

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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Well I DLed diablo 1 two days ago and it ROCKS i see why it started the craze of the RP type game now but it's killed by the fact you can easily copy every single item in game.

Everyone wears the same epic gear and it kills the fun of finding new items, why can't blizzard release a small patch to fix this? It realy would be a tiny patch as they'd just need to fix an error in the code.

They shouldnt be working on D3 when D1, the title that made them so much money and success still has a major flaw.

btw anyone wanna play online? theres hardly anyone on any of teh servers
Level 9
Apr 2, 2005
Because the money blizzard makes of Diablo 1 is a pimple on the bottom of society's ass compared to WoW, and the money to be made from future games like Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Well I DLed diablo 1

Where did you DL it?

And sure, I'd love to try it online, not sure if I'd like it, but worth a shot.

I read all the stuff on the Diablo 3 website, and watched the gameplay movies, and it looks pretty awesome, and I was really going to make a topic asking if the first and second are still playable, when I saw this one :p
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
By dl I'm pretty sure he meant: Illegal. Which is hardly any trouble considering the age of this game.

I completed Diablo I after II and it was still a great game. Although I was surprised when Diablo suddenly showed up from seeingly nowhere when I sorta walked into a room. Almost died too.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
I checked out some gameplay videos of the game, and I doubt I'd like it, even if I'm a fan of gameplay over graphics, I do set standards, and I know the game is old, but I'm used to todays games :p Guess I'll just wait for Diablo 3.
Level 7
Apr 9, 2008
From what I've heard, Blizzard also carries a fairly small staff as it is.

Yeah, that's why they can work on two huge games at once while releasing huge content patches for WoW, like the upcoming 3.1.

Also, I doubt they would go back to fix something D1. Even Diablo 2 is considered a rather old game... D1 is hanging back with the dinosaurs. Blizzard is zany on the principle of "progression, not recession". Almost every time I visit the WoW forums (A.K.A. the whiniest place on the internet), the CMs say something along those line.
Level 18
Feb 9, 2008
Yeah, that's why they can work on two huge games at once while releasing huge content patches for WoW, like the upcoming 3.1.

Also, I doubt they would go back to fix something D1. Even Diablo 2 is considered a rather old game... D1 is hanging back with the dinosaurs. Blizzard is zany on the principle of "progression, not recession". Almost every time I visit the WoW forums (A.K.A. the whiniest place on the internet), the CMs say something along those line.

3, they're working on another WoW Expansion :thumbs_down:
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Not yet. They're making a brand new MMO that's been kept under wraps. I wouldn't expect them to announce a new WoW xpac for a year or two.
Blizzard said they'll release 1 expansion per year for WoW. So expect another one in 2010.
Level 3
Apr 21, 2009
yeah thats one thing i dont get, i expected the final boss, the last of the three prime evils,
to be way harder, baal is a push over compared to diablo. the only minor challenge is those stupid
minions of destruction, which got owned by my lighning+inferno traps lol
Level 1
Apr 21, 2009
Play Dungeon Runners ( between Diablo 2 and WOW ) or Cabal Online ( Diablo 2 meet anime ) as they're upgrades to Diablo 1.
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
yeah thats one thing i dont get, i expected the final boss, the last of the three prime evils,
to be way harder, baal is a push over compared to diablo. the only minor challenge is those stupid
minions of destruction, which got owned by my lighning+inferno traps lol

lol you probably play normal or what XD?
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Diablo 1 is one of the greatest games I have ever played. Anyone playing with mods? Well if you do try this one:The hell mod. It's hard and receives updates :)

diablo 2 is even better then 1... try it yourself :wink:
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