Destroyable/Repairable Bridge System

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Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
Some of you may or may not know that Bridges in Wc3 can be destroyed, and repaired. However, there are a few flaws:
1. Only ONE worker can repair a bridge at a time
2. The animation for the birth of the bridge happens AFTER the bridge is fully repaired
3. You cant tell how much hp the bridge has at any time
4. You cant hurt the bridge while its being repaired

Heres my request:
MUST: More than one worker MUST be able to repair the bridge at a time, remember that repairing bridges cost resources. Opposing teams can repair the bridge at the same time
Keep a floating text bar off to the side of the bridge (or in a region) showing how much hp the bridge has, the floating text bar can be anything from a numerical value to something like this: |||||||||
The floating text bar would change every time the bridge takes damage (also note that bridges can only be damaged by AoE attacks in my testing, might be wrong tho), or when units repair the bridge.

Optional: When the bridge is being repaired, it would be cool if the bridge faded into reality as it was being repaired. Units could target this "fake bridge*, and damaging it would lower the progress of it being repaired.

Optional (Preferred):When the bridge dies, create the Destroyed Wooden Bridge doodad , and have some sort of SFX to hide the transition. when the bridge is being repaired, you would see the missing parts fade in, and eventually complete the bridge. the Destroyed Bridge doodad would then be removed.

rep, credits, the usual jazz
Level 8
Mar 18, 2005
Why not just make a building using the bridge doodad and give it no collision, then make pathing height doodads and pathing blocker doodads to make it appear as though units are crossing it? not sure that helps but meh, its all just too troublesome to implement otherwise (would take forever to design and put in motion)
Level 14
Jan 5, 2009
Make a repair house and when the person goes near it teleport it to a location that it cant be attacked and then:
  • Untitled 1019
  • Events:
    • Every 1.00 seconds
  • Conditions:
  • Integer: Count every unit in Repairspace(gen) Equal to 1
  • Actions:
  • set Repair_Count = Repair_Count + 1
And soon as the Repair Count reaches 40 then the bridge is repaired.
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