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Demise of the Death God


Demise of the Death God Beta
Once there was a castle what was known from it's brave soldiers...
No one could claim the castle because of its strong walls and its perfect position. The Castle of Braves is surronded by sea and forest full of bloodthirsty wolves.
And this undefeatable stronghold was commanded by wise and skillful leader who was comparing magic and raw power to protect the castle... for thousand years there wasn't any problems to keep castle in own of right owners.

But then came... the traitor... named as Athar'razn... He was living in the castle as arch mage for nearly twenty years... but when his preparations were completed. He opened portal into Darkness in silence of night...
At this night... Death God Deg'orus himself came out from the portal of Darkness and cursed the Castle of Braves and its soldiers
with most horrifying curse... curse what will tear flesh from soldiers and make them slaves of the Death God forever!
Castle fell into eternal darkness of night...

Behind of the castles walls, army of the darkness will grow and plan the reign of the Undead...
Gods have sent souls of most powerful warriors to stop this madness and face the Death God himself...
Path is dangerous and hard... so choose wisely... or you will be slave too... forever...
Idea of map is to choose a character and then start to clear castle full of undead, there are boss fights and loot.

There are 12 unique heroes to choose from. With own custom skins and abilities. Four for every primary stat, agility, strength, intelligence.
(These pics are bit old nowadays, so they look bit diffrent atm.)


From left to right:
Ebon Wolf, Eternity Keeper, Demon Ranger, Flame Caller


From left to right:
Princess of the Sea, White, Summoner of the Khoe'marj, Mana Lord


From left to right:
Abyss Walker, Flesh Render, Forest Wanderer, Frozen Giant

7,51 Mt O.O
But anyways... The credits of the map go
For models;

Mc !

And thx for some spells to -BerZeKeR- and Dekku

And i'm really sorry if i didnt remember adding you.. Just tell me if i have forgotten your name from the list ^^

Allrightie the ending part ( Unmade mobs and drops ) is closed until further so called ''patch''

Should i add something? I dunno :/

If you wish to give rep for the map.. You must rep me(Garshilan) and Piwlady

Yes yes.. I know.. Worst list ever o.o
And we want you to give us: Comments, suggestion and blit like that

Fixed the creator crap

Death, Castle, Keep, God, Undead, Shadow, Darkness, Instance, Dungeon, Dark, asd, Snooping as usual i see!

Demise of the Death God (Map)

21:03, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
OK, my review:
[+]12 completely different heroes
[+]Excellent terrain
[+]Reminds of Warchasers

[/]Co-Op play is not felt very much
[-]Absolutely no story
[-]Very shallow

I shall rate this map 7.5/10, and vote for Approval. This map has much potential, and I am sure that the final version will use it fully.
Let's see... The undead pirate.. ship destroyed or not, it still yells stuff and spawns those crabs >:/ not good if ya ask me.
spider queen death.. well there's game-over ATM... but once i got swarmed with lill spiders and the screen went black.. yeah that was the end of map.. but if i wasn't playing with cheats i would be dead.. lol..
Some abilities are a bit lol.. and some are cool.
In overall, a nice and entertaining game.


Query: Why do you put so many units where they can't be seen? like those pirate ships?

EDIT: Ah.. the first skellie boss (knight skin) Needs urgent reskining, the whole upper and lower jaw are on his chin, so it looks Weirddd when speakin'
also you must put: "action\force subtitles" for all playes or so.. so that they can see what people talk

EDIT2 Hmm.. tooltips and typos all over the place and everywhere need to be fixed.
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008
Probably i have to do something with the pirate indeed he's bugged as hell. Spider is end of the map atm. Because the mobs and drops have not been made in the end. The boss fights are made in there if we dont count the Death God.

Also the camera should be in different angle but as we didnt get it working right as being angled. We had to put it as normal in the beta <.< also you can ress like 999999999999999999999 times..

Cause some mobs still give you ''lumber'' even that you shouldnt.. And well the skin was made by Piwlady and we didnt care to modify it.. Even though i hated that the mouth was bugged.. As you said the force subtitles should be maybe added to the intialisation. And typos will be fixed when we have time to attend to it.

But still.. I'm glad you liked the map ^^
Level 2
Jul 21, 2007
I like the map just some notices:
I think the colision values are abit high i often get traped by another hero or creep example imps have way to much colision

Warden reskined hero agilty ) the targeted aoe ability summons one brave soildur is that a mistake? its the same one at all levels

Only the blue player can see the boss's speach

The hero (white) intellgence heros heal, can target the enemy and heal them..

on the first gate you need levers to open on the left side npcs aggro through the wall

the satyrs hero( fire wall effect is way to op takes a heros hp down to 25% in 2 seconds)

you really need to move to within a inch of a resurection point to activate it .

the naga intellegance hero heal spell leaves behind a trail of invisable units

the vampire boss near the end of the current version disspeared at some point during the fight( when this happend i thought the hero was dead) i wonderd off to attack more creeps then the hero reappears behind us( some speech here would be nice)

My thoughts:

i liked the map in general however felt the map was possibly a little easy on boss fights and the creeps just knacker down your mana immensly inbetween them, it would be nice to see some bosses pouncing the heroes instead of you coming to them and events working in that tone,

is there any chance you could turn the begning of the map outside of the castle into a village? compared to the rest of the map the bit just before you get there is quite bland:p
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008
The imp collission is pretty big indeed. Could be made smaller ofc.
Any players can see the boss speech. I know it cause some ppl just dont have it activated in the options ( I could do a trigger that activates it i guess)

I've not really even noticed the healing bug of white. Cause i never actually play on it, yes i know about that prob. Thats why i dont like the reveal triggers but as Piwlady wants them, he must answer that thing, yes. The satyr is really op, i know it he's op in all ways actually, we didnt touch the resurrection pedestal range thingie, cause we ere supposed to add an resurrection that resurrects the hero where it stands, but we didnt get it to work right so it's disabled.

How'd you even notice that there was a trail of units? I have seen non actually.
And do you mean the female vampire or the male?
- Male maybe killed too fast ( i dunno ) cause he turns into a bat while nearly dead
- Female turns into a bat and flies up to the pedestal/pillar thing.

Havent thought about changing the start. Will have to think about it
Level 8
May 28, 2009
I tested this map and want to say some things:

1.The wolfes of the agility hero Watcher are blocking and nerving like hell.
2.The Abyss-Walker has mostly boring abilitys (Except the grip)
3.The ulti of the Abyss-Walker (Reincanation) is nearly useless.
4.The message at the beginning which tells you the commands for the mode sometimes disapears. (We needed 3 starts to find out how to beginn the game)
5.Some more special events would be good like traps or units which are coming from behind.
6.The ways in this map are sometimes in this map very small so that the players often block each others that meele attackers cant attack because they cant get to the enemy units.
7.Some more custom items and abilitys would be good
8.A other respawn system
(Maybe you have 3 chances or ankhs and after the team passed one of this controll points the chanches will get refilled and all heroes which are finally dead will respawn with new chances)
9.More action, the battes are not very exiting. The player should have a reason to move his hero (like avoiding spells or units which are coming from ambushes)

But this seems to get already a very good map because the terrain is epic and it has many good ideas. Keep on the good work:thumbs_up:
(Sorry for my bad english)
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008
Well.. I must tell you that the map has mostly been forgotten already. Atleast we dont seem to work on it so far. We had an project campaign which we designed for some time. But it seems its done so we maybe just do another instance map. And i promise. It'll have some moar action :p
Level 8
May 28, 2009
What a bummer!:cry:
That map had much potential. Maybe I could continue working on it.
Im a good mapper and I have many good ideas. It would give me great pleasure if you could send me a non-protected version of it.
I wouldn't modify it to rubbish with it and I will give credits to you of course.
Level 13
May 31, 2009
Yo dawgs, I heard you got unprotected map what is totally fucked up. So we went to the files and there we found file in a file where is a file. The point is, that I got perfectly working unprotected map. And that doesn't kinda suck.

EDIT: ok, it isn't perfect, some ground textures are missing but who cares. And I got those textures in my those files too.