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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my Frist Uploaded Map.

Play as you well

Delta (Map)

08:21, 18th Aug 2009 by bounty hunter2: Please do read our rules, this map is too simple, it has everything done wrong. Please improve your skills a lot before uploading something here again. Rejected.




08:21, 18th Aug 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Please do read our rules, this map is too simple, it has everything done wrong. Please improve your skills a lot before uploading something here again. Rejected.
Level 4
Jul 8, 2009
Well.... this isn't that great. It's a melee map, so it's not going to be triggered up and amazing like a campaign, however, the map is a little small, and the setup is poor, especially on the left side. While on the right, there is a fair bit of space between both bases, especially if you're playing free for all.

However, on the left, there is barely 15 trees to separate the two bases. If you were playing teams, there's a large chance that your enemy is right next to you... if they're undead, that means instand rush... heck, if you're anyone. Militia can beat on a base fairly quickly right at the begining.

Needs work..... lots, and bigger islands.