All ingenious is simple
Defens system: a Powerful set to build their fortress. I always dreamed of seeing Warcraft fortress walls, gates and towers with shooting game.And during the existence of Warcraft nobody could put normal and playable system. So I had to create it myself.I hacked several cards and found a few systems with walls and gates. This is a Great Battles_Midle Ages and ZemliBoga. These maps were the beginnings of systems with gates and walls with a bunch of bugs. However, thanks to him, I found the logic of creating such a system.So before you release the system. The system is simple and because of its simplicity do not have bugs. However, this system could create only through numerous experiments. There are minor mistakes, connected with the structures of the models themselves. And I am ready to answer any of your questions or constructive proposals. Enjoy learning and import. Author Dreamer – Sloven -_^
for and
Sorry for possible mistakes in the text. My English is bad. The text was created using an online translator.
Watch the video of the attack the fortress one of my bosses - Gruul Unstopable. It's fun
Triggers is wery easy:
The reaction of a trigger on a spell opening the gate:
Custom script: call ReplaceUnitBJ(GetTriggerUnit(),'h007',bj_UNIT_STATE_METHOD_RELATIVE)
Custom script: call SetUnitAnimation(GetLastReplacedUnitBJ(),"Attack Alternate")
Custom script: call SelectUnitForPlayerSingle(GetLastReplacedUnitBJ(),GetOwningPlayer(GetLastReplacedUnitBJ()))
h007 - the room unit (Click ctrl+D on yor unit)
Reaction trigger the spell closes the gate:
Set Gate_CheckPoint = (Units within 70.00 of Position of Casting unit) matching((((Matching unit) is Ground combat unit) =yes) and (((Matching unit) is alive) =yes)))
If All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions else do (Actions Else)
(Number of units in Gate_CheckPoint) > 0 Then the spell is canceled and appears: Cannot pass.
If units under the gate no, the gates are closed also replace on a unit from another card ways.
My Warcraft Editor in Russian and if I will put my triggers in the forum they also partially in that language. And the triggers are very simple, I think little sense to me suffer.
The main peculiarity of this system working with custom maps ways. You can open Photoshop and see how it works. Feature of the towers in custom maps ways. the inside of the tower has a blue map ways - you can walk, and the perimeter is surrounded by red impassable card ways. Also the feature of work with invisible platforms. The height of the tower's top, as soon as the tower was built. When the tower was destroyed, also a simple trigger platform is removed.
Not need special knowledge to use the system. It's simple
Defens, System. Gate, Tower, Wall, Fortress