[trigger=Bunker Setting]Bunker Setting
Map initialization
Set Bunker_Max = 3
Set Bunker_UnitInvis = False
Set Bunker_UnitHeight = 200.00
Set Bunker_UnitType[1] = Marine
Set Bunker_UnitDummy[1] = Marine [Bunker Dummy]
Set Bunker_UnitType[2] = Flame Thrower
Set Bunker_UnitDummy[2] = Flame Thrower [Bunker Dummy]
Set Bunker_UnitType[3] = Grenadier
Set Bunker_UnitDummy[3] = Grenadier [Bunker Dummy]
[trigger=Bunker CV]Bunker CV
Map initialization
Set TempGroup = (Units in (Playable map area) matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower) or ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower 10)))
Unit Group - Pick every unit in TempGroup and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set Bunker_CV = (Bunker_CV + 1)
Unit - Set the custom value of (Picked unit) to Bunker_CV
Set Bunker_Unit[Bunker_CV] = (Picked unit)
Set Bunker_UnitGroup[Bunker_CV] = (Create Unit Group)
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_TempGroup)
[trigger=Bunker CV2]Bunker CV2
Unit - A unit enters (Playable map area)
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
(Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower
(Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower 10
Do Multiple ActionsFor each (Integer TempInteger) from 1 to (Bunker_CV + 1), do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Bunker_Unit[TempInteger] Equal to (==) No unit
Then - Actions
Unit - Set the custom value of (Entering unit) to TempInteger
Set Bunker_Unit[TempInteger] = (Entering unit)
Set Bunker_UnitGroup[TempInteger] = (Create Unit Group)
Custom script: exitwhen true
Else - Actions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
TempInteger Greater than (>) Bunker_CV
Then - Actions
Set Bunker_CV = (Bunker_CV + 1)
Unit - Set the custom value of (Entering unit) to Bunker_CV
Set Bunker_Unit[Bunker_CV] = (Entering unit)
Set Bunker_UnitGroup[Bunker_CV] = (Create Unit Group)
Else - Actions
[trigger=Bunker Load]Bunker Load
Unit - A unit Is loaded into a transport
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
(Unit-type of (Transporting unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower
(Unit-type of (Transporting unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower 10
Do Multiple ActionsFor each (Integer TempInteger) from 1 to Bunker_Max, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (==) Bunker_UnitType[TempInteger]
Then - Actions
Set TempPoint = (Position of (Transporting unit))
Set TempPoint2 = (TempPoint offset by (Random real number between 0.00 and 30.00) towards (Random angle) degrees)
Unit - Create 1 Bunker_UnitDummy[TempInteger] for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at TempPoint2 facing 90.00 degrees
Unit Group - Add (Last created unit) to Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Transporting unit))]
Animation - Change (Last created unit) flying height to Bunker_UnitHeight at 0.00
If (Bunker_UnitInvis Equal to (==) True) then do (Animation - Change (Last created unit)'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 100.00% transparency) else do (Do nothing)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPoint)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPoint2)
Custom script: exitwhen true
Else - Actions
[trigger=Bunker Attack]Bunker Attack
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Attack [Bunker]
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Casting unit))] and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Stop
Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Attack (Target unit of ability being cast)
[trigger=Bunker Stop]Bunker Stop
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Stop [Bunker]
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Casting unit))] and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Stop
[trigger=Bunker Unload Single]Bunker Unload Single
Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
(Issued order) Equal to (==) Unload
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
(Unit-type of (Ordered unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower
(Unit-type of (Ordered unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower 10
Do Multiple ActionsFor each (Integer TempInteger) from 1 to Bunker_Max, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Unit-type of (Target unit of issued order)) Equal to (==) Bunker_UnitType[TempInteger]
Then - Actions
Set TempGroup = (Units owned by (Owner of (Target unit of issued order)) matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to (==) Bunker_UnitDummy[TempInteger]) and (((Matching unit) is in Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Ordered unit))]) Equal to (==) True)))
Set TempGroup2 = (Random 1 units from TempGroup)
Unit Group - Pick every unit in TempGroup2 and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Ordered unit))]
Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_TempGroup)
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_TempGroup2)
Custom script: exitwhen true
Else - Actions
[trigger=Unload All]Unload All
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Unload [Bunker]
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
(Unit-type of (Ordered unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower
(Unit-type of (Ordered unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower 10
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Casting unit))] and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Casting unit))]
Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game
[trigger=Bunker Dead]Bunker Dead
Unit - A unit Dies
Multiple ConditionsOr - Any (Conditions) are true
(Unit-type of (Dying unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower
(Unit-type of (Dying unit)) Equal to (==) Scout Tower 10
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Dying unit))] and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from Bunker_UnitGroup[(Custom value of (Dying unit))]
Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Bunker_UnitGroup[GetUnitUserData(GetDyingUnit())])
Set Bunker_Unit[(Custom value of (Dying unit))] = No unit
Unit - Set the custom value of (Dying unit) to 0