Defend/Magic Defense

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Level 3
Mar 26, 2007
I'm trying to make an ability which reduces all damage taken, but reduces damage done. An on/off ability like defend. But does defend only reduce damage from piercing? Or can i use magic defense the same way as defend? And does magic defense reduce all damage or just piercing? Could anyone help me out? Thanks
Level 10
Sep 29, 2006
you can trigger this. make an ability based on defend but set all of the defense bonus to 0. then you use the event

a unit is issued an order with no target.
issued order = "defend"

then add hardened skin to reduce the damage of all attacks

then to turn off you use the same event only make the order "undefend" (or something like that)

then remove hardened skin

and this shouldnt bug because instant cast abilities cant be cancelled by quickly hitting stop (at least thats what ive found in my experience)
Level 8
May 27, 2007
No those two abilities can only reduce Magic and Piercing damage. You could try adding the Hardened Skin buff (which reduces ALL damage) to the Defend ability though. Never tried such a thing before but I would imagine when Defend is active the Hardened Skin will be added and when Defend is deactivated it is removed. You'd have to remove all the damage reduction factors and remove the chance to deflect and so on for Defend though so you don't get extra defense against Piercing if you see what I mean :) Obviously you'd want to change all the tooltips and icons for Hardened Skin or create a new buff based off it aswell so you can make it match the Defend ability. Let me know how it works out if you try it because I would quite like to know for future reference :D Hope that helps a bit anyway.

EDIT: lol PrisonLove great minds think alike :D Was busy writing this when you posted.
Level 3
Mar 26, 2007
Well hardened skin isn't just what i wanted. It doesn't reduce damage by percentage %, but instead it reduces damage taken by a certain amount. Could i possible trigger the effect to let the unit take 50% less damage, or are there any other ability similar to hardened skin that reduces by % or can i make hardened skin reduce by %?
Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I've done something similar to this, but be sure to test the ability with goblin zepplins and summoning spells, as they might change whether defend is on or not. If I recall correctly, putting a defended footman into a zepplin makes him undefend.
Level 3
Feb 9, 2008
I have done a spell like this based on the defend ability and i had the same problem. this is what i did: i added the defending unit to a unit group when casting the defend ability, and after that i gave all units attacking defending unit a disabled spellbook with a reversed command aura that gave -50% damage, if the defender would cast "undefend" the unit would be removed from the Defend unit group and the disabled spell book would be removed giving the attacking unit full damage again. however this works only on range and melee attacks not on spells
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