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Defence of Dalaran City v.1.5.

Defence of Dalaran City ver. 1.5.

Map info:
Moments after Arthas and Kel'thuzad gained the book of Medivh and killed Antonidas, the rest of the Kirin Tor decide their further actions....
  • You play as Kirin Tor and have control over custom heroes like Modera, and units like Arcanist or Warrior Mage.
  • The map partly follows the original Warcraft 3 story since Rhonin and Vereesa are present in Dalaran.
  • You have 2 main quest and 2 optional quests to fulfill.
  • Custom models, skins and spells and cinematics.

  • Tranquil
  • Sin'dorei300
  • Kitabatake
  • Argus
  • Hexus
  • sPy
  • Chr2
  • armel
  • Reflex
  • JetFangInferno
  • MatiS
  • Kuhneghetz
  • Direfury
  • kangyun
  • Sellenisko
  • Elenai
  • kellym0
  • GreyArchon
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • Grey Knight
  • skrab
  • Murlocologist
  • Sin'dorei300
  • ~Nightmare
  • Eagle XI
  • zbc
  • Marcos DAB
  • LSD
  • SkriK
  • Pyraeus
  • 4eNightmare
  • cloudwolf
  • 67chrome
  • Juan_Ann
  • Marcos DAB
  • Hellx-Magnus
  • Static





Version 1.0.

Version 1.1.

  • Removed Sky Towers;
  • Removed Creep camps;
  • Balanced units and Heroes;
  • Added one more requirement for the main quest;
  • New ability for Nature mage 'Regrow Trees';
  • Tichondrius' Rain of Chaos has been replaced with 'Rain of Fire', thus removed this ability from Fire Mage;
  • Improved cinematic;
  • Captain Alvareux is now a hero;
  • Reduced the attack damage of Perimeter towers and they now belong to AI;
  • Siege Golems are now usable, removed the requirement to destroy the lever;
  • New models for Antonidas ability 'Crushing Wave' and new doodad 'Healing Fountain';
  • New Building: 'Mage Tower'.

Version 1.2.

  • Archimonde now creates blight everywhere he goes;
  • Improved first cinematic;
  • Added another main quest: Blood Pact;
  • New hero Kael is now available alongside with Blood Elf Lieutenants and archers and Swordsmen, and Energy Wagon. Those units will be available for recruiting after Kaels arrival;
  • Heroes and Poratl spawn balanced (heroes still are quite powerful);
  • The Prophet, perimeter towers and starting defensive units now belong to completely different player: Dalaran Defenders;
  • Creeps for Medivh mission reduced;
  • Improved terrain and added new doodads;
  • There are now 3 Shield Sorcerers that generate protective auras around Dalaran. They belong to player: Dalaran Defenders;
  • Now cinematics pause the gameplay but are not skippable (yet);
  • New ability for Alvareux: Command of Magic;
  • High Elf Battle Mages now are limited to 4 and can be recruited from Dalaran Violet citadel.
  • Other small changesm for example added/fixed Optional Quest requirements and fixed pop-up messages.

Version 1.3.

  • Replaced Jaina with Modera, Garithos with Rhonin, Uther with Ansirem Runeweaver and Kael with Vereesa Windrunner;
  • Renamed teams: Silver Hand and Lord Garithos to Mages' Guild and Sorcerers' league respecively;
  • New icons for following units: Mistress of Ice, Dark Wizard, Ansirem Runeweaver, Alvareux, High elf Battle Mage, Rogue Wizard, Rhonin, Fire Mage;
  • New icons for some abilities: Dalaran Aura, Combat Efectiveness, Arcane Strike;
  • Added hero glow for Alvareux;
  • Added purple fog around entire map;
  • Added death towers inside undead bases for additional protection;
  • Added different camera angles for cinematics with good heroes and Archimonde/Tichondrius;
  • Reduced good hero levels;
  • Fades from black (in and out) made smoother;
  • Removed obstacles near the Violet Citadel;
  • New abilities for Modera (Mana Shield) and Ansirem (Muster Reinforcements) and Rhonin (Phoenix Strike);
  • Balanced heroes (a bit);
  • New unit arrives with Vereesa and Rhonin - High Elf Lieutenant (replacing Captain and Blood elf Lieutenant);
  • Spawned units now attack from all three sides;
  • Removed OP items (like Crown of Kings) from good heroes and instead added ones with different bonuses (for example Archus for Antonidas);
  • Increased mana cost for spells Healing Wave, Protecting Golems, Summon Frost Reverants;
  • Changed Mistress of Ice summon from ice Ice Reverant to Frost Reverants;
  • Increased portal spawn;
  • Changed missle art of ability Arcane Strike;
  • Added new building - Tower of the Silver Covenant (not buildable);
  • Abilities for Alvareux and Modera set in order;
  • Added gold reward after Rhonin arrives.
  • Added some new doodads like Statue, Magic flowers etc.

Version 1.4.

  • Antonidas removed to fit the storyline.
  • Tichondrius and Mannoroth now respawn after death and periodically attack the city, thus their armor has been reduced.
  • New hero of the Kirin Tor: Drenden with a new ability: Magic Ward and Ethereal Form.
  • Alvareux has received new title - Quartermaster and new abilities: Mana Blessing, War Tent and Enchanted Armor.
  • Renamed Fire Mage, Mistress of Ice and Nature Mage to Pyromancer, Cryomancer and Dendromancer respectively.
  • New unit can be trained from Mage Tower: Electromancer.
  • All flesh golems transfered to Dalaran Defenders, some of them repositioned closer to the main attacking points.
  • Granite Golem can now be trained from Tower of Silver Covenant.
  • Timers now disappear after they expire.
  • Fixed Ansirem's summon elemental ability.
  • Ability hotkeys set in order.
  • With Antonidas gone heavily changed first cinematic dialogues.
  • Removed Arcane Observatory and thus all the units that could be trained from there.
  • New units are available: from Barracks - Warrior Mage (modified footman), Arcanist and Dalaran Construct; from Arcane Sanctum - Healer (modified priest) and Bishop.
  • Removed 'Forked Lightning' from High Elf Battle Mage because it copied Medivh's 'Lightning Strike'.
  • Camera can now be adjusted. Type -cam 'value' to set the distance that better suits the gameplay.
  • New ability for Ansirem: 'Poisoned Dagger'.
  • Custom (edited) techtree (upgrades, requirements).
  • All custom hero ability cooldowns (for Player 1) increased due to Mana Forge.
  • New custom icons, spells + balance changes.

Version 1.5.

  • New cinematic - the recreation of the original cinematic from Undead Campaign featuring Archimonde's return.
  • New function of Dalaran Defenders - when the North or South portal is destroyed, the units guarding Northern or Southern area (and newly trained units) will attack the Burning Legion.
  • Balancing, working on triggers.
  • When the North and South portals are destroyed, Tichondrius and Mannoroth will respawn near Burning Legion base and continue to attack. If Archimonde dies, their respawn ends.
  • New ending cinematic, featuring aftermath of the battle, conversations between good heroes and the retreat of the Legion's agents.
  • New ability for Rhonin: Charm
  • New model for Mannoroth.

Known Bugs
  1. Though Alvareux had his hero glow fixed to be purple, it sometimes changes back to red.
theUnknownGameplay ver.1.5.:
- part 1
- part 2
- part 3

Defence of Dalaran City v.1.5. (Map)

- Not so much of a defense as an offense, the power level of the enemy mobs is so high that its more a race to smash all the portals than actually defending against anything. - Game is only playable because your hero units are massively overpowered...
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
- Not so much of a defense as an offense, the power level of the enemy mobs is so high that its more a race to smash all the portals than actually defending against anything.
- Game is only playable because your hero units are massively overpowered. Base building etc. is pretty pointless as the power level of enemies far exceeds the melee norm.
- Terrain is based on a default map, creep camps not removed.
- Allied Flesh Golems are paused and cannot be used.
- Some of your towers can only attack air; the enemy has no air units.
- There are a ton of spare units lying around; such as pack horses which do nothing.
- Game is best described as "Inferno-ception", all enemy heroes have Rain of Chaos, one of the basic mobs has Inferno.

If the question is; "is this a good base defence?" then the answer is no; because the enemy spawns high level Neutral Hostiles in huge packs without the need to actually build or amass them.

However, if the intent is a mad rush to Mass Teleport around and wreck portals in the shortest time possible, then I wont lie; its pretty fun as is, despite how jank it is in many areas. Assuming this is the intent, if you polish up the issues raised, I think it is quite approveable.
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Level 4
Jan 17, 2015
- Not so much of a defense as an offense, the power level of the enemy mobs is so high that its more a race to smash all the portals than actually defending against anything.
- Game is only playable because your hero units are massively overpowered. Base building etc. is pretty pointless as the power level of enemies far exceeds the melee norm.
- Terrain is based on a default map, creep camps not removed.
- Allied Flesh Golems are paused and cannot be used.
- Some of your towers can only attack air; the enemy has no air units.
- There are a ton of spare units lying around; such as pack horses which do nothing.
- Game is best described as "Inferno-ception", all enemy heroes have Rain of Chaos, one of the basic mobs has Inferno.

If the question is; "is this a good base defence?" then the answer is no; because the enemy spawns high level Neutral Hostiles in huge packs without the need to actually build or amass them.

However, if the intent is a mad rush to Mass Teleport around and wreck portals in the shortest time possible, then I wont lie; its pretty fun as is, despite how jank it is in many areas. Assuming this is the intent, if you polish up the issues raised, I think it is quite approveable.

Thank you for your review. I'll take your suggestions into account and polish the map. About the flesh golems: they can be " brought to life" by destroying the Lever in the upper base where Arcane academy is. About the creeps (neutral units): they are there because i wanted to increase the difficulty you need to acquire Medivh's spellbook. I'll also try to work on terrain and place different doodads.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
About the flesh golems: they can be " brought to life" by destroying the Lever in the upper base where Arcane academy is. About the creeps (neutral units): they are there because i wanted to increase the difficulty you need to acquire Medivh's spellbook. I'll also try to work on terrain and place different doodads.

I think the biggest gripe with the map is that it is very cluttered.
> Which in turn means its very hard to figure things such as the Flesh Golem (or that you have a unique Captain).
Things such as the perimeter towers can arguably be given to an AI, its not like you can do anything to them.

Secondly I think the power level of the Legion and your Unique Heroes is a problem because in both cases in means that everything else gets swept aside in comparison.
Its very much a case of two super-powered units fighting and everything nearby dying from the fallout.
> Your default base + units can't defend versus swarms of Level 8-10 Neutral Hostiles
> The Scourge cannot defend against a suicide rush of Antonidas' Golems/Jaina's Water Ele Swarm.
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Level 4
Jan 17, 2015
I think the biggest gripe with the map is that it is very cluttered.
> Which in turn means its very hard to figure things such as the Flesh Golem (or that you have a unique Captain).
Things such as the perimeter towers can arguably be given to an AI, its not like you can do anything to them.

Secondly I think the power level of the Legion and your Unique Heroes is a problem because in both cases in means that everything else gets swept aside in comparison.
Its very much a case of two super-powered units fighting and everything nearby dying from the fallout.
> Your default base + units can't defend versus swarms of Level 8-10 Neutral Hostiles
> The Scourge cannot defend against a suicide rush of Antonidas' Golems/Jaina's Water Ele Swarm.
Yeah, well I was thinking about reducing the spawn of the Undead from the Portals but I didn't want it to be too easy to counter. I think i'll reduce the spawned unit count and weaken the heroes.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
The map overall is still a clusterfuck of overpowered golems vs overpowered demons; sweeping everything else away. The reason why I say this is a problem is because balance wise; it renders your entire techtree/normal army useless.
If you decide to keep it this way (which is fine) consider why the player even has a base building option? Infact why have anything other than Jaina/Anto if they're the only units that can realistically fight the enemy.

User still has control of plenty of pointless units (power generators, markets) including cinematic only ones (medivh)
- Captain Alvareux has non functional icons.
- Cinematics do not pause combat, would be nice for them to be skipp-able also.

I would strongly suggest sitting down and taking time to play your own map; and then making changes from there.
I really do not want to have to reject as 1) Its actually kinda fun, despite being very rough round the edges. 2) You've put plenty of good work into it; its not some half-ass map that someone tried to push through approval.
Level 4
Jan 17, 2015
The map overall is still a clusterfuck of overpowered golems vs overpowered demons; sweeping everything else away. The reason why I say this is a problem is because balance wise; it renders your entire techtree/normal army useless.
If you decide to keep it this way (which is fine) consider why the player even has a base building option? Infact why have anything other than Jaina/Anto if they're the only units that can realistically fight the enemy.

User still has control of plenty of pointless units (power generators, markets) including cinematic only ones (medivh)
- Captain Alvareux has non functional icons.
- Cinematics do not pause combat, would be nice for them to be skipp-able also.

I would strongly suggest sitting down and taking time to play your own map; and then making changes from there.
I really do not want to have to reject as 1) Its actually kinda fun, despite being very rough round the edges. 2) You've put plenty of good work into it; its not some half-ass map that someone tried to push through approval.

Yeah, well I really want the main leading heroes (Antonidas, Jaina, Uther, Garithos, Archimonde, Manoroth, Tichondrius) to be special/powerful: I really disliked that they were as usual heroes in campaigns (kinda weak). If you think that this is overpowered/unbalanced then I wonder how God's land got approved since there are single units that can destroy the entire enemy force within minutes.
So what I uderstand from your review I must:
  • Revert the Leading heroes stats to default, meaning that they will be as usual heroes and lose their uniqueness.
  • Well the demon spawn might bee too high I think reducing the unit count and doubling the spawn time (every 180 seconds instead of 90) would be fine. (Actually I tried that and it was too easy for me to beat the level.
  • I know you think that Archimonde is OP but let's look at the lore: he single handedly destroyed Dalaran.
Also what do you mean by Alvareux has no functional icons (sorry I'm not english)?
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
If you actually read what I said, you would know this.
The issue is not "heroes are too strong", but rather why do do any other features even exist since they don't matter?
- Why have a base-building function since none of the default units can feasibly defend vs waves and waves of level 8-10 neutral hostiles?
- Why even defend when you can simply stomp all over the default undead base with swarms of 2.5k life golems?

The reason why I bring this up is because this map isn't a defense, its a rush to smash all the enemy bases ASAP.
Which is fine, but ask yourself what the point of all other game features?
Why bother to build a base?
Why bother to find the spellbook?
Infact, why bother to do anything other than mass-tele around and swarm the enemy ASAP?

I am fairly alright with approving this map, though I think it fails at being a defense; the standard is passable. But ask yourself, is the quality soemthing you are happy with?

Also what do you mean by Alvareux has no functional icons (sorry I'm not english)?

The icon for his 1st ability does not work, ie. green squares.
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Level 15
Jan 12, 2011
It is a cool and entertaining map, but as Kino said, some units are too overpowered. You should make custom and stronger units for the human race, e.g. more powerful casters, flying untis, etc. Also, improve the terrain.

The learning icon, when you select the heroic spells, of Alvareux, does not work, you should import the disabled icon, and fix the path: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\ then the disabled icon's name comes, without the \. Also, after the first cinematic, the game camera does not reset. After the cinematic, make a trigger which resets the game camera for player red. :)

You should keep this map up, becasue it is not bad, in fact, it is good. 5/5 to encourage you, just fix the gameplay, and the icon.
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Level 4
Jan 17, 2015
It is a cool and entertaining map, but as Kino said, some units are too overpowered. You should make custom and stronger units for the human race, e.g. more powerful casters, flying untis, etc. Also, improve the terrain.

The learning icon, when you select the heroic spells, of Alvareux, does not work, you should import the disabled icon, and fix the path: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\ then the disabled icon's name comes, without the \. Also, after the first cinematic, the game camera does not reset. After the cinematic, make a trigger which resets the game camera for player red. :)

You should keep this map up, becasue it is not bad, in fact, it is good. 5/5 to encourage you, just fix the gameplay, and the icon.
Ok. Actually when I started the map I had a lot of free time and now I don't, so I have no idea when i'll get back to this map, but if anyone wants to improve and work with it i can give myu permission.
Level 2
Jun 17, 2016
Retexture the city a bit using Dalaran custom model, add a few custom spellcaster for Dalaran, no team shared units. I would appreciate if it is taken into consideration. Thanks for your effort in making this map and keep up the good work.;)
Level 4
Jan 17, 2015
Retexture the city a bit using Dalaran custom model, add a few custom spellcaster for Dalaran, no team shared units. I would appreciate if it is taken into consideration. Thanks for your effort in making this map and keep up the good work.;)
Full shared unit control is because I wanted for player 1 to be able to control Uther and Garithos (as AI is not good at controlling custom placed units).
Custom spellcasters are available from Mage Tower (it is shown at the start of first cinematic)
Level 14
Jan 7, 2017
I hate to say this but this is one good map i had played the map and it works well! Now here is my review:

  • First of all need to be specific to the story like Jaina aleady left to Kalimdor and Uther died when the scouge began to siege Lordaeron.
  • The map works well and properly.
  • When I played it it was not boring because of the waves.

That was everything in my review I was really impresed in this map I hope you bring more joy to all the warcraft 3 gamers out there. Lol
Level 4
Jan 17, 2015
I hate to say this but this is one good map i had played the map and it works well! Now here is my review:

  • First of all need to be specific to the story like Jaina aleady left to Kalimdor and Uther died when the scouge began to siege Lordaeron.
  • The map works well and properly.
  • When I played it it was not boring because of the waves.

That was everything in my review I was really impresed in this map I hope you bring more joy to all the warcraft 3 gamers out there. Lol

Thank you for your review. I'm glad you liked it. I have already replaced Jaina with Rhonin, Uther with Ansirem Runeweaver and Garithos with Modera. Teams renamed to Sorcerers' League and Mages' Guild (like in original Undead mission).


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
1. Fades from black are too sudden. You could make them smoother.
2. Alvareux has no hero glow. Use this: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
3. Combat Effectiveness has an active ability icon. Use these to turn it into a passive ability icon:
Button Manager v1.8.2
BLP Lab v0.5.0
same for Dalaran Aura.
4. Alvareux's spells are not properly positioned. Use the Object Editor to put them in order.
5. Two heroes with Holy Light? There's also one with Healing Wave.
6. OK, so they're only attacking from two sides? (north & south)
7. The Arcane Observatory's Wizards all have the same icon.
8. When Tichondrius and Archimonde chat, the camera is static and there's a pause between their transmissions.
9. Because the enemy has no real protection from the start/before the portals appear, the player can hastily destroy any base completely.
10. The map is relatively easy, the heroes are quite powerful from the start.
11. Reviving your heroes at the Dalaran Violet Citadel spawns them somewhere near the building and they can't out because of doodads (flowerpot) and/or pathing blockers.

Set to Awaiting Update.
Level 4
Jan 17, 2015
1. Fades from black are too sudden. You could make them smoother.
2. Alvareux has no hero glow. Use this: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
3. Combat Effectiveness has an active ability icon. Use these to turn it into a passive ability icon:
Button Manager v1.8.2
BLP Lab v0.5.0
same for Dalaran Aura.
4. Alvareux's spells are not properly positioned. Use the Object Editor to put them in order.
5. Two heroes with Holy Light? There's also one with Healing Wave.
6. OK, so they're only attacking from two sides? (north & south)
7. The Arcane Observatory's Wizards all have the same icon.
8. When Tichondrius and Archimonde chat, the camera is static and there's a pause between their transmissions.
9. Because the enemy has no real protection from the start/before the portals appear, the player can hastily destroy any base completely.
10. The map is relatively easy, the heroes are quite powerful from the start.
11. Reviving your heroes at the Dalaran Violet Citadel spawns them somewhere near the building and they can't out because of doodads (flowerpot) and/or pathing blockers.

Set to Awaiting Update.
Thank you for your review. I'll polish the issues.
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
Quite a fun little map. Really though this isn't a defence because of how strong your heroes are.

Also Archimonde shows up at 10 minute mark. This isn't really a problem because at this point i already have medivh but i kill archimonde before the reinforcements arrive... lmao

Overall i think its just too easy. You can have upto 9 heroes or smth which is awesome but you know we shouldn't have more than 7.

really though this is about getting lvl 15 medivh as fast as possible and then killing archimonde before the reinforcements help you lol.

I quite enjoyed this single player map. But it really isn't a defensive mission. 3/5.

4/5 if you can make the make the cut scenes skippable.