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De-Engineering Upgrade?

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Level 2
Jul 30, 2005
Bear with me. This can be slightly confusing.

I have a hero who has three abilities. The first one which I called "Fusion". It's a Drunken Brawler-esque ability. Second, Ability B, is a spell based off of Engineering upgrade that increases the potency of Fusion (For example, increasing the level of B brings Fusion Upgrade 1 to Upgrade 2). The third ability that is, in theory, supposed to lower the level of Ability B, therefore lowering the level of the Fusion Upgrade.

Come to think of it, you really didn't need to know that. I'll just make the question as simple as possible. There is no way to reduce the level of an Engineering Upgrade based spell and bring the level of the upgraded spell down, even if it's a non-hero ability. Like for the original Engineering Upgrade, once you get Cluster Rockets (Level 3), you can't set the level of EU to 2 and have Rockets 3 go down to Rockets 2. That's why there's the old spell/new spell notation. Level 3 EU does "Rockets 2, Rockets 3" I could add a Level 4 that does "Rockets 3, Rockets 2" as a faux de-upgrade, but then I either have to make the next level "Rockets 2, Rockets 1" or "Rockets 2, Rockets 3": An upgrade or a de-upgrade.

Trying to find the words for this is not easy...

Does anyone know how to de-upgrade a level of the Engineering Upgrade in a clean, reusable way?
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