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Dave's /colorWriter

Dave's /colorWriter is a tool for writing colored text in Warcraft 3.
I made this tool because I didn't like having to use the cursor to select text and color it that way and also because I could not find a tool I like which does the job.

Dave's /colorWriter has an input text (where you write your text), an output text (copy it and paste it in the editor), an example text (what the text will look like in the editor) and a colors pane (with all the colors).

The input text takes in a very simple syntax:
In: Hello, /redthis text is red/ and /greenthis one is.../purple your guess is as good as mine.
Out: Hello, |cFFFF0000this text is red|r and |cFF00FF00this one is...|r|cFFCC99FF your guess is as good as mine.|r
Example: Hello, this text is red and this one is...your guess is as good as mine.

There's no "Go!" button or anything like that, everything is done in real time.
Dave's /colorWriter will also tell you when you make a syntax mistake, such as /ornge.

It has very intuitive default colors, such as blue, lblue and dblue.
All of it's colors are customizable and you can add more colors.

This should work on any version of Warcraft 3.
The app is designed for Windows, but it can be made work on any OS.

Q: How do I run this?
A: Use 'Dave's colorWriter.exe', or 'run.bat', or 'App\nw.exe' or 'App\index.html'.

Q: Can this run on linux or mac?
A: Yes, it's just a website encapsulated in a custom browser. Go to App and open index.html in any browser and it should work.

Q: Why is the app so large?
A: It was made in nw.js, which had to be distributed with the app to work.

Q: More colors?
A: You can scroll down for more colors, or add your own following the help offered if you click '?' or in this description.

Q: .zip?
A: Use 7zip or something similar to unzip the package.

Dave's /colorWriter (Binary)

Does exactly what it promised and does it well. The live preview is also very nice. The download is very big though so a size reduction would be welcome.
I made a similar system a few years back, where I used [red][/red] tags, I think that is more readable.

You are right, tags are more readable, but I wanted this tool to be everything a lazy user would want. Less writing, less switching to mouse, autocompilation and everything on screen.

I am that lazy user :)

Thanks for the feedback!
Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
Could be useful. I wish there was something similar included in WE
Thanks for your work :)
Does exactly what it promised and does it well. The live preview is also very nice. The download is very big though so a size reduction would be welcome.

Thanks for your feedback!
Unfortunately I don't think I can do anything to reduce the size of it.
I could, however, upload it as a web application and host it on a website.
I might do that in the future.
Level 8
Jul 10, 2018
Thanks for your feedback!
Unfortunately I don't think I can do anything to reduce the size of it.
I could, however, upload it as a web application and host it on a website.
I might do that in the future.
Hey man just wanted to tell you Great tool but it has some issues like
Opening takes forever on WINDOWS 10
Sometimes it doesn't want to open