Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
The Queen of Suffering launches herself toward front location at incredible speed, attacking enemies as she passes by them.
this spell is MUI from hashtable
Dash Strikes Hashcache
Map initialization
Hashtable - Create a hashtable
Set DSHash = (Last created hashtable)
Dash Strikes
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Dash Strikes
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key left) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash)
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key right) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash)
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key foot) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash)
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key origin) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash)
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key chest) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash)
Set TempUnit = (Triggering unit)
Set TempInt = (20 + (4 x (Level of (Ability being cast) for (Triggering unit))))
Set TempReal = (Facing of (Triggering unit))
Hashtable - Save Handle OfTempUnit as (Key unit) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Hashtable - Save Handle OfTempUnit as (Key unit) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Hashtable - Save TempInt as (Key index) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Hashtable - Save Handle OfTempUnit as (Key unit) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Hashtable - Save TempReal as (Key angle) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Set TempReal = (75.00 x (Real((Level of (Ability being cast) for (Triggering unit)))))
Hashtable - Save TempReal as (Key deal) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the left + hand of (Triggering unit) using Abilities\Weapons\IllidanMissile\IllidanMissile.mdx
Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Last created special effect) as (Key left) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the right + hand of (Triggering unit) using Abilities\Weapons\IllidanMissile\IllidanMissile.mdx
Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Last created special effect) as (Key right) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the foot of (Triggering unit) using Abilities\Weapons\IllidanMissile\IllidanMissile.mdx
Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Last created special effect) as (Key foot) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the chest of (Triggering unit) using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\TargetArtLumber\TargetArtLumber.mdx
Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Last created special effect) as (Key chest) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of (Triggering unit) using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\TargetArtLumber\TargetArtLumber.mdx
Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Last created special effect) as (Key origin) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Unit - Turn collision for (Triggering unit) Off
Custom script: set udg_TempGroup2 = CreateGroup()
Hashtable - Save Handle OfTempGroup2 as (Key damage) of (Key (Triggering unit)) in DSHash
Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to DashGroup
Trigger - Turn on Dash Strikes Index <gen>
Dash Strikes Index
Time - Every 0.02 seconds of game time
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Number of units in DashGroup) Equal to 0
Then - Actions
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key left) in DSHash
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key right) in DSHash
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key foot) in DSHash
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key origin) in DSHash
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key chest) in DSHash
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key damage) in DSHash
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key deal) in DSHash
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key angle) in DSHash
Skip remaining actions
Else - Actions
Unit Group - Pick every unit in DashGroup and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set TempReal = (Load (Key angle) of (Key (Picked unit)) from DSHash)
Set TempInt = (Load (Key index) of (Key (Picked unit)) from DSHash)
Set TempInt = (TempInt - 1)
Hashtable - Save TempInt as (Key index) of (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
TempInt Greater than 0
Then - Actions
Set TempLoc = (Position of (Picked unit))
Set TempLoc2 = (TempLoc offset by 25.00 towards TempReal degrees)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Terrain pathing at TempLoc2 of type Walkability is off) Not equal to True
Then - Actions
Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to TempLoc2, facing TempReal degrees
Else - Actions
Hashtable - Save 0 as (Key index) of (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key left) of (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash)
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key right) of (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash)
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key foot) of (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash)
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key origin) of (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash)
Special Effect - Destroy (Load (Key chest) of (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash)
Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from DashGroup
Unit Group - Remove all units from TempGroup2
Unit - Turn collision for (Picked unit) On
Hashtable - Clear all child hashtables of child (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash
Set TempUnit = (Load (Key unit) of (Key (Picked unit)) in DSHash)
Set TempGroup = (Units within 175.00 of TempLoc matching ((((Matching unit) is A structure) Not equal to True) and ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of (Picked unit))) Equal to True) and ((((Matching unit) is Magic Immune) Not equal to True) and ((Owner of (Ma
12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
Required changes:
You should check whether the effects are stored, and then not create new ones if they exist. Use boolean, Hashtable - value exists
You're saving the handle id of...
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