Before you think you know everything you should research some things.
There is more but I have already proved you wrong. I've been here years before you(this isn't my first account) so i've seen maps of evolution, including how long i've been goings to epic war which i've seen evolution maps there also. But i'm sorry I don't bookmark them for people who get mad when they don't have an original idea.
Have a good day ;D
I looked at both of these pages myself, and they are both games based on evolution. You obviously failed to understand oxxo's point. They are NOT trying to make a GAME. He wants to make a map where you simply observe evolution happening, and where the players have absolutely no control over the creatures.
And why would you attempt to chastise someone for disagreeing with you? I wont waste my words to call you immature, even though that is exactly how you are acting.
I would hope that if you really have been a longstanding member of THW community that you would show more restraint with your unkind words towards other members. If you truly are representative of THW's members then i don't think i want to belong to this community.
May i draw attention to your final paragraph. You are wrong about his idea because you don't even understand what he was saying. Being here for a long time means nothing to anyone if you try and use it to say "i'm right just because i've been here longer" and oxxo was simply defending himself from your original, and still QUITE rude comment. There is no reason to tell someone "sorry you're not original" in such a rude manner. Even if it is true, that their idea is not original, you don't need to tell them in the cruel way that you did.
I am extremely disappointed that you would act in such a manner, and i sincerely hope that you suffer severe reprimands on the part of the admins and/or moderators.
Why do you feel the need to be so mean to others?
oxxo: I like your map idea. I worry that it could be too complex, but with enough triggerwork i think you could make it work, although not many people would every 'play' the map except out of curiosity.