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darwinian evolution theory simulation?

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Level 9
Jan 14, 2008
how realistic could a map, wich simulates darwinian evolution, possibly become?

it would not be ment as map to play for fun, but as highly mathematic simulation, visually observable.

um... there was a simple but quite astonishing experiment simulating evolution of robots in some university recently, and i would base the map on their principle.

do you think this idea has potential ? :eek:
Level 9
Jan 14, 2008
A few maps already take Darwin's theory into play, sorry it's been done not too original.

i dont know a single map. show me 1, i doubt there is any.
i also said i wanted to create a simulation, not a enjoyable fancy map, and i am 100% sure that has not been done.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Before you think you know everything you should research some things.

There is more but I have already proved you wrong. I've been here years before you(this isn't my first account) so i've seen maps of evolution, including how long i've been goings to epic war which i've seen evolution maps there also. But i'm sorry I don't bookmark them for people who get mad when they don't have an original idea.

Have a good day ;D
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
A realistic simulation would be impossible, because the physics system is not realistically modelled. Even if you would add your own newtonian physics system in your map, you'd still not be able to change characteristics from creatures such as adding an additional leg or anything...

As a game, you might simplify evolution a lot and make a player control the creature, actually playing "god" by changing the direction a creature will be evolving into yourself, rather than seeing how a creature would act and evolve when placed into a random environment, but that wouldn't be a realistic simulation, that would be a game.
Not that that'd be bad. But it would be no more than a game.

And rakdos, I think you should read the OP more carefully before you say other people didn't research...
Level 3
Apr 21, 2004
Well, you could definitely implement some sort of fairly limited system, but doing it in WC3 would take more work, most likely, than doing it from scratch.

I would envision a WC3 approach as involving sets of monsters in "colonies", who, as time goes on, will randomly breed - mutations and such being triggered in, and attack damage based on triggered buffs rather than different units, not too hard. However, you'd be limited in that there's no way to spontaneously create functionality of abilities. All the abilities that a unit could possibly have would necessarily be programmed in before hand...

UNLESS, and this is a big 'unless' you are willing to push the very limits of JASS programming and attach 'virtual abilities' that themselves are programmed to evolve (this would be extremely complex) in the same manner as the units.

Once you implemented all this, I'm unsure as to whether the map would run quickly at all. Compared to a pure simulation, it certainly wouldn't.
Level 4
Jan 17, 2008
Before you think you know everything you should research some things.

There is more but I have already proved you wrong. I've been here years before you(this isn't my first account) so i've seen maps of evolution, including how long i've been goings to epic war which i've seen evolution maps there also. But i'm sorry I don't bookmark them for people who get mad when they don't have an original idea.

Have a good day ;D


I looked at both of these pages myself, and they are both games based on evolution. You obviously failed to understand oxxo's point. They are NOT trying to make a GAME. He wants to make a map where you simply observe evolution happening, and where the players have absolutely no control over the creatures.

And why would you attempt to chastise someone for disagreeing with you? I wont waste my words to call you immature, even though that is exactly how you are acting.

I would hope that if you really have been a longstanding member of THW community that you would show more restraint with your unkind words towards other members. If you truly are representative of THW's members then i don't think i want to belong to this community.

May i draw attention to your final paragraph. You are wrong about his idea because you don't even understand what he was saying. Being here for a long time means nothing to anyone if you try and use it to say "i'm right just because i've been here longer" and oxxo was simply defending himself from your original, and still QUITE rude comment. There is no reason to tell someone "sorry you're not original" in such a rude manner. Even if it is true, that their idea is not original, you don't need to tell them in the cruel way that you did.

I am extremely disappointed that you would act in such a manner, and i sincerely hope that you suffer severe reprimands on the part of the admins and/or moderators.

Why do you feel the need to be so mean to others?


oxxo: I like your map idea. I worry that it could be too complex, but with enough triggerwork i think you could make it work, although not many people would every 'play' the map except out of curiosity.
Level 9
Jan 14, 2008
@ rakdos: i know theres maps with "evolution" in their title, but you dont got my point obviously (unlike others who took the time to actually read my post).

i got the idea for that simulation after reading this article:

take the time to read it, its really interesting.

thanks for sharing your ideas! some usefull thoughts right there...

the main problem i see would be the random aspect of evolution... it could get really complex... but im sort of curious how far i could get the map...
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Lol wow people say i'm getting offensive but it's really you guys, i meant my posts with the most sincerity. I'm sorry I didn't understand your post the right way, i'm human I made a mistake and I admit I'm at fault. It's really funny how you guys are so offended that I made a human mistake sorry. Reason I was so quick to prove you wrong is because you was calling me a lier, and I don't appreciate that when you don't know me. It all comes down to the misunderstanding, and you thinking you've seen every map out there. I'm sorry!:necry:

In that case like eleandor said it would be near impossible to make with WE, i'm sure with hundreds of models and an amount of coding that would spin peoples heads of it could be done. But if you really want to do a map like this, i suggest making lots of free time.
Level 3
Mar 2, 2008
this sounds like the kind of thing that would take a lot of work. im sure it could get somewhere.. but not even counting the AI triggering, the evolution itself will take a damn lot of if statements..

from what i learned in bio a couple of years ago (although not much, but still enough to get the basic idea) there are only a few ways evolution occurs.. but emulating this for every creature in the map.. think every few minutes checking how much and in what way a born unit differs from its parents, checking every few minutes whether anything has been subject to any extreme mutagens... aside from taking a long time to code.. itll need a hell of a computer to run this in warcraft 3
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