There isn't too much in the way of ideas here, it's too summarised and sounds all samey same same. A warhammer based map with skins? Big deal.
> I realized that about a minute after I posted xD
- means nothing. What makes the world detailed? How is it expansive? These are the kind of questions you have to answer before it becomes an idea. Right now it's just a pie in the sky, could be anything and probably nothing at the same time.
> It's a fair comment; Allow me to elaborate. In regard to the "expansive" claim, I'm working on the largest canvas allowed by the Jass Newgen WE, and have planned out in some detail four different zones, each with its own style of topography, flora, fauna, weather and architecture.
> In regard to the "detailed" claim, I'm speaking both visually and in terms of story. I've planned out several organizations and families who will influence the story, based on the player's actions through the quests they provide and (purely aesthetically) their dialogue.
Three races, each with a distinct class and choice of Elite classes
3 races? but warcraft has 4!
> "Warhammer" has about twelve. I've picked out 3 that can coexist to a degree.
which one are you leaving out? Seriously tho, go into some detail about what these races will be and what defines them,
> The races included will be:
- Human (Reiklanders)
- Wood Elves
- and High Elves
As you'd expect they fall roughly into a tank/ranger/mage system, but the choice of elite classes will mix things up a little.
whether it just be the theme or if there are specific elements they excel at. Also, saying each race has elites is like saying warcraft has hero units. What makes an elite more then just a regular unit? stats, abilities, cool haircuts?
> So far the project's coming out at an RPG ala the Diablo series, so you have a single character who advances using a class system.
Detailed skins for each race based on the Warhammer Fantasy artwork
hmmm... it's a good move, can't disagree with that. If you want to provide a detailed warhammer universe then it is going to need some visual stimulus.... but where are these skins coming from? Are you going to make them all, or are you planning to recruit some help?
> I'm not planning anything too drastic at the moment, the overall theme will still be warcrafty cartoony, not in the least because I quite like that style. Skinning will basically involve changing some of the characters' armour, or removing weapons if I go for a decent inventory system.
If you can do it yourself then all's good and well, but if you are planning on posting a million requests to get this done then it won't happen.
> I'm not audacious enough to ask anything of anyone, don't worry
When it comes to imports if they don't already exist and you can't do it yourself then it's a safe bet not to make a map that will rely on them.
You haven't said what kind of map this is either,
> Which was utterly stupid of me, sorry about that
is it a multiplayer map or a single player campaign?
> It's gonna be a single-player RPG for the first release at least, then I'll look at making a multiplayer release, depending on popularity and practicality; even if it's limited to people playing over VPN's as opposed to
do you compete against each other or work together or does it even have any point at all? Remember if it is to be compatible then you have a 4mb filesize limit.... which is going to limit the amount of custom skins you can apply.
This post may sound harsh
> And neccessarily so.
but unless you actually post something worth reading you aren't going to be able to get the replies you need.
> I'm sorry for the lack of detail in the first post.
Unless you've got something made and ready to trial you will hardly get a decent reply at all.... so go into more depth for your own good.
> In the future I will, work is continuing and I'll probably start a new thread minus the suck and fail once I've produced anything new.
Thanks anyway