dark troll skins/models

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Level 1
Nov 29, 2008
I need dark troll skins/models for my map "The Damned Crusade".

The background of this troll tribe if it helps is this: they are ancient natives to the swamp lands. They are a shadowy, mystical tribe that generally keeps to themselves. They are neutral as far as travelers, but they definitely not friendly to anyone who intends on controlling their territory. The demonic forces that are taking over the land have afflicted the tribe and almost wiped them out. This separates the trolls into two factions, undead and living.

The skin for the troll chieftain will be Afronight_76's dream eater http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/dreameater-61275/?prev=d=list&r=20&c=91
The other surviving trolls should be gray/black skinned, with glowing purple or green eyes. I'd suggest a dark leather armor if any. The models needed for this are the "Witch Doctor" and "Troll Berserker" models.

The undead trolls will be lead by a giant troll based off the dire trolls in WoW http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/4/4b/JinrokhTheBreaker.jpg this model should have basic animations as well as custom if possible. He does not need a weapon.
The other undead troll skins will be for the models "Troll Shadow Priest" and "Troll Axe Thrower". They should be very similar to their living counterparts, but undead, with rotting flesh and a more chaotic scourge look.

If anyone has suggestions let me know. Also, the creator will have partial creative control, just be true to the concept. I will be eternally grateful to the person who can pull this off and make them look crazy awesome. If there are any questions just ask. Thank you.
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