K3k3, Dark Master, here is some advice. Sun is really big and really close to the camera, so this is the best way to go. Finish the hill so it cuts in at the right, and it doesnt just end. Make another (barely visible) hill on the left. Move the sun back away from the camera, and my person opinion is to make the sun be half-visible so it isnt glaring, too much. Place much grass, shrubs, rocks under the trees, cuz right now there's nothing under them (looks like a naked forest
) Place little pebbles (very little rocks [not SteinLord they wont look good here]) where the water is. As you may know rivers, ponds etc. Aren't just water craters, they have much life and enviroment in them (rocks, fish, water section plants etc.[whatever u find to be most fitting]) Also you could try adding a couple of smaller (and sunken into the ground) SteinLord rocks next to the ones you placed. This is done to bring more realism. Again when you go in the wilderness, you don't see just one very humangeous rock. You see a big rock a couple of smaller to mid rocks next to him in a diffrent position, etc. A good example would be, Megafyr's Castle terrain (view in my uber paint pic) the rocks he used in the water, as you see are scattered around, so there's big rocks, smaller rocks etc. Just try to imagine it looking like in Real Life
Now ofcourse the sky. It's never bad to use
Custom Skys , they are real eye candy and can make even a mid-classed terrain look very good. Try placing a Storm Sphere with diffrent settings, maybe even some Cloud Spheres until you find a good looking setting. Also when you make all of those changes, try experimenting with a different fog. If you need any advice just ask ;P (IM SO BEING TERRAIN MOD FOR THIS)