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Dalaran-Style Moon Well

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
I've never tried making my own skin before, but after playing Wa666r's Nightborne map recently I decided to try and make a Moon Well similar in appearance to the Dalaran Tower-style that his custom buildings featured. Eventually I want to learn how to remap the tower's in-game default texture onto a standalone model, and for this skin in particular, replace the 2d shrubs with little crystals, similar to the generator model in the screenshot.

EDIT: Added a model to use alongside regular Moon Wells. Import file should be simply "DalaranMoonWell.blp"


Dalaran-Style Moon Well (Texture)

Dalaran-Style Moon Well (Model)

Just a few things, if you check the Sanity Checker, you can see several minor issues that can be fixed in order to optimize the model. For example, Negative Extent issues can be fixed by simply clicking on "Recalculate the Extents" in Magos or RMS...
Level 6
Sep 15, 2020
ps: suggest you to upload that in skin section for now is skin, not model
My bad, I'll upload a bit I saved in Magos' model editor. Do you know if it's possible to move posts between the two next time I make this mistake? :huh:

kirintorieans needs more love
Not Kirin Tor exactly per se, but the project I made this for is based on a D&D campaign I was running, and the Gnomish faction will use Kirin Tor/Dalaran style buildings (not the ones in the screencaps, those are the Nightborne structures for another faction) with a gameplay focus on Magitek and summoning Elementals to aid them. I have a lot of ideas, and Ujimasa Hojo's assortment of Derivatives can only get me so far. I plan to do a big post once I'm done sorting the mountain of custom stuff I've spent a week finding and downloading.
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Level 13
Jun 23, 2009
My bad, I'll upload a bit I saved in Magos' model editor. Do you know if it's possible to move posts between the two next time I make this mistake? :huh:
Don't bother posting it in the Skin section, it would never get approved as a texture, a lot of it is copypasted from other textures and/or recolored (I think? Not sure tbh). Usually only mostly hand-drawn textures are approved. I don't think posting it as a model was a mistake, even if it was some moderator would probably move it anyway.
I have my doubts about this being approved as a model as well. Don't get me wrong, the idea is neat and the model itself looks good (although parts of the backside are see-through because some material is not two-sided I guess? 🤔), it's just that, as Galendor said, the custom texture is unnecessary, you could rewrap the necessary parts to the needed ingame textures and use geoset animations to tint parts of the model purple if that's needed.
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Level 6
Sep 15, 2020
a lot of it is copypasted from other textures and/or recolored (I think? Not sure tbh).
Yeah that is what I did for the top half, I tinted the stone on the moon well to match that of the tower texture used for the base

although parts of the backside are see-through because some material is not two-sided I guess?
I noticed that with the base Moon Well model while trying to figure out what texture areas cover what. Now I get what "Optimized" versions in Ujimasa Hojo's models are for, they have those unseen holes and cheap animation workarounds filled in.

you could rewrap the necessary parts to the needed ingame textures and use geoset animations to tint parts of the model purple if that's needed.
You're speaking beyond my levels of expertise:xxd: this was literally my first attempt at anything to do with making custom stuff for Warcraft, I have no clue how to do stuff like rewrapping and geosets. I'd LIKE to learn how though, eventually.

I believe it can be done without custom texture and with more visible changes - for example, I'd suggest to replace a moon symbol with the eye and/or add some crystals. Besides, purple bushes aren't common in Dalaran at all.
I did also have a crack at using Magos' to replace the Human Tower texture with the Dalaran Guard Tower texture, but for some reason despite only using ingame textures, the model I saved doesn't load, as if it's missing a texture. I don't understand why, but as I just said to Peppers, I'm a total noob at this sort of thing. Eventually I'll figure it out.
Level 13
Jun 23, 2009
Oh yeah, I totally get what you're saying, if you're taking your first steps into model editing all the geoset talk will surely sound alien to you.
In addition to that, as good as Magos' is, its interface is kind of clunky for doing the stuff I suggested (and many more), Retera's Model Studio is a much easier tool to use for modifications like that, I wholeheartedly recommend it (though I still use Magos' for some things as RMS is incomplete atm).

When it comes to learning this stuff, Hive should have plenty of good tutorials on model editing. As for Retera's specifically, the author has made some video tutorials on his youtube channel that you could find useful, I think.
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Level 6
Sep 15, 2020
Oh yeah, I totally get what you're saying, if you're taking your first steps into model editing all the geoset talk will surely sound alien to you.
In addition to that, as good as Magos' is, its interface is kind of clunky for doing the stuff I suggested (and many more), Retera's Model Studio is a much easier tool to use for modifications like that, I wholeheartedly recommend it (though I still use Magos' for some things as RMS is incomplete atm).

When it comes to learning this stuff, Hive should have plenty of good tutorials on model editing. As for Retera's specifically, the author has made some video tutorials on his youtube channel that you could find useful, I think.
Cheers, I'll have a look later, I'm still putting together the showcase I made the moon well for so I can post it in Map Dev. Putting together 24 racial sets for a campaign is tedious work, lol. I'm only halfway done with the building sets, and that's including base WC3 😅



Model Reviewer
Level 29
May 8, 2012
Just a few things, if you check the Sanity Checker, you can see several minor issues that can be fixed in order to optimize the model. For example, Negative Extent issues can be fixed by simply clicking on "Recalculate the Extents" in Magos or RMS. Then there are similar keyframes which can be fixed by going to the respective nodes (MoonWellVisDummy) and removing the said keyframe.