Custom Unit Portrait

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Level 4
May 31, 2011
I see there is another .mdx file for the ingame portrait of the hero.
I have some questions. (3ds Max)

1. Do you need a camera? and if you do does any type of camera in 3ds max do the job?
2. Do you import the portrait.mdx same as the customunit.mdx?
3. Where can you change the unit portrat? any unit.
Some units don't have a separate portrait model, just uses a portrait camera (which you can add on Magos...)

If your model will use a separate portrait, just name it to YourModel_Portrait.mdx and import it too

Portraits are automatically used by the game, it auto matches the ModelPath (YourModel.mdx for example) to a corresponding portrait (YourModel_Portrait.mdx for example)... I just don't know what will happen if you add a _Portrait model when the model already has a portrait camera...
Level 4
May 31, 2011
Some units don't have a separate portrait model, just uses a portrait camera (which you can add on Magos...)

If your model will use a separate portrait, just name it to YourModel_Portrait.mdx and import it too

Portraits are automatically used by the game, it auto matches the ModelPath (YourModel.mdx for example) to a corresponding portrait (YourModel_Portrait.mdx for example)... I just don't know what will happen if you add a _Portrait model when the model already has a portrait camera...

Thanks alot.
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