I want to make a map where you can choose your hero Model,
and after that you can pick some abilities for your Hero.
I tried with the Unit- Add Abillity and Hero - Learn Abillity triggers, but
both of them are bugging.
Unit - Add Abillity is only adding one level , and after the hero
leveling you cannot spend points on the bought abbillity to increase it.
The Hero - Learn Abillity - just simply not doing anything.
I saw many nice maps where you can buy custom abillities for your heroes,
So my question is: How to do that ?
This is technically feasible if you're not too picky.
It is possible to add one level of an ability, or to level an ability. The easiest way to do this would be to give them a spellbook with X number of spells, where X is the number of spells you want them to be able to learn. Have the spells called 'Level Ability One' 'Level Ability Two' etc. Then have the tooltips for each spell say which level they are allowed to learn the next level of that spell.
Next you need to set up a trigger to follow through with this. I'll take you through step by step.
I'm going to assume that you are choosing abilities by buying items from a shop. I don't have the editor in front of my right now, so some of this may be off slightly. For the purposes of this trigger, it will only show how to code four abilities.
Add/Level Ability
Unit - A unit acquires an item.
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(Item-type of (Item Being Manipulated)) Equal to Flame Strike (Item).
(Item-type of (Item Being Manipulated)) Equal to Banish (Item).
(Item-type of (Item Being Manipulated)) Equal to Mana Siphon (Item).
(Item-type of (Item Being Manipulated)) Equal to Phoenix (Item).
Item - Remove (Item Being Manipulated).
If / Then / Else - If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Item-type of (Item Being Manipulated)) Equal to Phoenix (Item).
Then - Actions
Unit - Add (Phoenix) to (Hero Manipulating Item).
Else - Actions
If / Then / Else - If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Item-type of (Item Being Manipulated)) Equal to Banish (Item).
Then - Actions
Unit - Add (Banish) to (Hero Manipulating Item).
Else - Actions
If / Then / Else - If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Item-type of (Item Being Manipulated)) Equal to Mana Siphon (Item).
Then - Actions
Unit - Add (Mana Siphon) to (Hero Manipulating Item).
Else - Actions
If / Then / Else - If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Item-type of (Item Being Manipulated)) Equal to Flame Strike (Item).
Then - Actions
Unit - Add (Flame Strike) to (Hero Manipulating Item).
Else - Actions
If memory serves, the way the WE code is written, if you try to add a hero ability to a unit that already has it, it will increase the level by one, if there is another level available. If this doesn't work, tell me, because there's an easy alternative solution.
Now when they buy the item from your shop, they will learn the skill. Any time you want them to level, they can be given the item to level that skill again. My next section will cover that. First you need to make an Array of Integers that defaults to 0. Make the size equal to the number of players. I'm going to call mine "SkillPoints".
Add Skill Points
Hero - A hero gains a level.
Set SkillPoints[Player Number of (Owner of (Leveling Hero))] = SkillPoints[Player Number of (Owner of (Leveling Hero))] + 1
Up Skills
Unit - A unit finishes casting an ability.
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
(Ability Being Cast) equal to (Level Up One)
(Ability Being Cast) equal to (Level Up Two)
(Ability Being Cast) equal to (Level Up Three)
(Ability Being Cast) equal to (Level Up Four)
SkillPoints[Player Number of (Owner of (Casting Unit))] is greater than 0.
SkillPoints[Player Number of (Owner of (Casting Unit))] = SkillPoints[Player Number of (Owner of (Casting Unit))] -1
//Remaining code not shown, multiple options
You have a few options for the action here, which vary from tracking which ability is which by a separate array of item data or by simply checking which skill they have from the "ability one" shop, if you choose to separate them in that way.
All you have to do is call your earlier code (the one that first added the ability) by giving the hero the item of the type of their ability, which should increase the level automatically.
If you found this helpful, don't be shy! +rep!