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Custom Ability Help? (hurting units hit by a beam)

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Okay so im making this trigger for a custom ability.. i want it to randomly shoot "Revive" effect in a random point in the region.. Iv'e done that much.. But is there any possible way to make it so it only hurts the units that get hit by the beams..?

Would making a dummy and causing him to use a custom ability with the effect of "revive" work..? Or is there anything simpler..?
Level 5
Nov 7, 2007
Do you mean more than one effect on each area or do you simply mean more areas that are affected? Cause if it is the latter, than you just need more dummy units.
Do you mean more than one effect on each area or do you simply mean more areas that are affected? Cause if it is the latter, than you just need more dummy units.

Ok so like.. The point is for my guy to float up and the revive effect is going to hit random points in the region and damage ONLY the places it hits.. iv'e tried to make a dummy and order them to do it but I don't know the proper trigger for that.. when i try the issue order thing it only lets me choose selected abilities.. the campaign abilities.. im not sure how I would do that.. If possible can someone please make like a demo type thing for how i would get the damage right..?

Nevermind.. i figured it out.. Created a dummy and made the effects and damage radiate off the position of the dummy then removed it.. wasn't too difficult.. thanks for the help.
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