Cursed soldiers

Based on HerrDave's and Zess's models.

I decided to experiment with animations and this came out.
And I was very satisfied with the result, I did a pretty good job (with my skill level, haha.).

Here we have a couple of poor fellows who are being prevented from sleeping forever. Who will put them to rest and punish the culprit of their awakening?

Zombie 1 (Model)

Zombie 2 (Model)

Looks like the zombies from BO3, very cool. Changes made. Works in-game. Approved!
Level 18
Apr 5, 2011
Attack of the dead, hundred men!

Facing the lead once again!

Hundred men!

Charge again!

Die again!

(Yes, I'm aware this isn't the matching force. I just couldn't resist)

This has happened a hundred years ago,
Peace crossed out by war.
Enemy sent a shell after shell at us,
The fort stood firm.

Steel screeching, flames blazing,
An incandescent infeno,
We lost count of days and nights,
Siezed by wounds and pain.

At dawn, the fort was engulfed by gas,
A deadly enemy with no face,
Making us wail from pain,
Burning out our eyes.

Choking, we stood up!..

Это было сотню лет назад,
Перечёркнут мир войной.
За снарядом враг нам слал снаряд,
Крепость принимала бой

Рёв железа, языки огня,
Раскалённый ураган.
Мы теряли счёт ночам и дням,
Корчась на земле от ран.

Крепость на заре окутал газ,
Враг смертельный без лица,
Заставляя выть от боли нас,
Выжигая нам глаза.

Задыхаясь, поднимались мы!..
Level 4
Jul 12, 2024
Nazi Zombies in WarCraft 3?!?? I absolutely love the concept!:grin: The red glow in the eyes is a nice touch and the stand/walk animations are fantastic and fit perfectly, although I do agree with @deepstrasz about the Attack animations. The attacks don't seem very zombie-like and are a bit too coordinated for the undead. Maybe instead of straight punches, you can replace with a swiping/scratching attack or a lunging attack. Or just simply a vicious bite perhaps.