Creation's Crucible

Kino's Back Catalogue. 2014
Uploaded for posterity :D

Date: 2014, THW MMC: Map Size Limited
Genre: "Tower Defense"
Players: 1

In a time when men, beasts and gods wore different faces and went by stranger names
A castaway came across a shapeless world
Not a smooth newborn sphere, but a desolate wreckage drifting among the heavens
But he was not alone
For the forces of his kin, who once unmade that very land lay slumbering in the mists
Woken by the disturbance of creation's process, a new world to devour





Created for THW map contest: Map Size Limited
A "mash elements and bomb people with them" map.
Or particle accelerator sim 2014 as some might say.

Defend a barren world from creatures trying to remove you from it's surface.
Use materials to form matter that you can destroy things with.

Author's Notes
Not brilliant, doesn't really capture the intended feel very well.

Matter, Materials, Combine. Crafting, Tower, Defence, Defense, Elements.

Creation's Crucible (Map)

16:21, 17th Dec 2014 Orcnet: The game play is very unique due to its summoning abilities that were turned into spell bombs for incoming enemy waves, although it can be a little problematic when tons of waves starts coming out, the enemy line can...




16:21, 17th Dec 2014
Orcnet: The game play is very unique due to its summoning abilities that were turned into spell bombs for incoming enemy waves, although it can be a little problematic when tons of waves starts coming out, the enemy line can still be controllable once you can release tons of the bombs.

Terrain is quite a nice view, it wouldn't matter if the game's performance is more focused and precise to its objectives.

Overall this map is a worth while game for Single player.
Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
Creation's Crucible review

Creation's Crucible review
"God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."

An original idea for a defense map.


As the map is a little sized experiment, I will be brief. The terrain looks nice in the context of the theme, maybe a bit empty, but I guess kind of a minimalistic approach was intended. Not breathtaking, not unsightly. The few special models used in the map fit very well though.
The environment looks nice and different from the classical wc3 terrain

A little empty, not too impressive


I do really like the idea, it's not hero defense, not tower defense... Kind of spell defense, right? Gaining the resources, choosing whether to destroy the echoes or not, all nice ideas, but as you stated, it doesn't really feel the way it probably should. It's not a good idea to say that, if you're a bussinessman, but I think I know what you meant and I like the way you're honest about it. I too don't really know how to improve the experience, to be honest. Well, I'm not saying it's a bad map, just not a perfect score piece.

Original idea, the spells are nice

The potential is not fully used, could be more entertaining



I hate to f*ck up your rating like this, but I think we both can agree it's not a 5/5 map, but in the same time it's a very original idea and can entertain one if he or she gets the idea.

Level 4
Sep 13, 2011
You're welcome... actually, having read my comment again I feel like it all sounds too harsh, I did like the map and I think it's a nice one for sure!
I like such tiny maps with a good idea much more than huge boring RPGs!