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- Nov 1, 2006
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I know this is in GUI, but the lot of it is in custom text which is JASS. I am trying to create a Countdown Timer that shows only for one player that countdowns the time until they respawn. It doesn't work though.
Can anyone tell me why? If so, can you help me fix it? It would be appreciated.
Can anyone tell me why? If so, can you help me fix it? It would be appreciated.
- Unit - A unit Dies
- ((Triggering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
- (Owner of (Killing unit)) Equal to Neutral Hostile
- Custom script: local unit DeadHero
- Custom script: local timer RespawnTimer
- Custom script: local timerdialog Rwindow
- Custom script: set DeadHero = GetTriggerUnit()
- Wait 5.00 seconds
- Advanced - Only for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) play RestorationPotion <gen>
- Game - Display to (Player group((Owner of (Triggering unit)))) for 15.00 seconds the text: |cffFF0000Respawn:|...
- Custom script: call StartTimerBJ( RespawnTimer, false, 25.00 )
- Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for (Last started timer) with title |cff00FF00Respawn I...
- Custom script: set Rwindow = GetLastCreatedTimerDialogBJ()
- Countdown Timer - Hide (Last created timer window)
- Countdown Timer - Show (Last created timer window) for (Owner of (Triggering unit))
- Wait 25.00 seconds
- Custom script: call DestroyTimerDialogBJ( Rwindow )
- Custom script: set Rwindow = null
- Custom script: set RespawnTimer = null
- Custom script: call ReviveHeroLoc( DeadHero, GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Death_Knight), true )
- Custom script: call SetUnitLifePercentBJ( DeadHero, 50.00 )
- Custom script: call PanCameraToTimedLocForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(DeadHero), GetRectCenter(gg_rct_Death_Knight), 0 )
- Custom script: set DeadHero = null