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Could a AoS have mercenaries?

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Level 12
Jun 1, 2010
The AoS I am making is underground, because of that, I did not include buildings, I replaced towers with strong units. The player's forces (raiders), do not spawn from buildings, they spawn in regions. The AoS has classical (normal) creeps. I thought these creeps could be mercenaries, but would it ruin the game's balance because it is a bonus and it will be superior to enemies forces? Is it better for creeps to be classical creeps?
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
I dont really get you.
Are you trying to say that basic spawns should be bought or that players can add surplus troops to their spawns?

If its the latter, many siege based AOS like ToB, DoE have such a feature.

If its the prior, its all up to how you do your balancing. If you think about it such an AOS would be idential to those castle war maps, with the exception of having heroes.
Level 12
Jun 1, 2010
I mean the mercenaries that heroes can hire.

Kino- I saw AoS have creeps, normal creeps. But I am asking should the creeps be normal creeps or instead be mercenaries, if they would be mercenaries, there would be no normal creeps in my AoS.
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