Corruption of Sargeras Final

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Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
View attachment 106015

As the picture mentions, Corruption of Sargeras was originally by Shalek several years ago. He disappeared and left the project behind broken, yet with potential. I intend for the map he left behind to reach its full potential.

Corruption of Sargeras is by myself first and Clan HoA second. It is a multiplayer map that does not fit into any real genre. It is a hybrid. It contains characteristics from Sheep Tag, Azeroth wars with a Frogger twist to them that is almost like a Galaxy Conquest..

The map is represented by islands characterized as Worlds, and the lore loosely comes from the time before Sargeras became evil. However while it is based on such lore, it is not my intention for it to be trapped and restricted by such things. Since the time before the Fall of Sargeras is entirely unknown, both the player and myself have the freedom to deal with it as we choose.

Gameplay systems:

Movement is very important in the map since it is made up of many worlds. Each faction has different capability in movement with their own pros and cons.
Sargeras: He contains the longest jumps and can buy items to back his movement up, however the cd's are very long and expensive.

Evil: They contain the shortest cd's in terms of jumping, can summon entire armies to the Summoners location, and some of their units can fly straight from one world to another; howeever the jumps are not near as long as Mortals and Sargeras.

Mortals: They have the most complicated system, yet it allows instant mass teleportation to all over the map. This allows coordination and strategy unrvivaled by the Titan or Evil.

Continuous Gameplay:
The game ends when Sargeras dies, when all Mortal Capitals die, or when all of the Void Summoners are imprisoned (by killing them).

1. The Mortals can build multiple Capitals (there is a limit)
2. Summoners can take the prison of Sargeras to free their team and regain their army anew.
3. Sargeras is one tough Titan to bring down!

Everyone starts with nearly nothing, but can build quickly. This allows the game to end after 5 minutes, or after 5 hours! It is purely up to your skill and teamwork.

Control Points:
A Characteristic famous from Azeroth Wars and Dark Ages of Warcraft, every world contains Control Points. Unlike the maps mentioned before, Corruption will allow multiple uses for Control Points.

So far they are used to produce Arcane Wells, which provide income.

In time I hope for there to be many more uses and things to make. They will be unique to each faction and race in some ways as well.

My Plans

  • Multiple Races.
    Plenty of Use for Control Points.
    Make the planets more varied and strategic.
    Making it fun for noobs yet hard to master for pros.
    Just making it as fun as possible :)

As I mentioned before, I see the map as having potential. It will take a great deal of work, but I hope to improve it one step at a time.
  • The most important factor however is to keep the same feel from beginning to end.

This will be difficult to accomplish, but it will only be possible with a steady stream of comments, testing, balance, and players to basically just give me feedback :) Which leads me to the last thing.

How you can help?

I am a simple mapmaker trying to accomplish a great deal. I have friends who can help with terraining and triggering in areas I lack, and I am a capable object editor. Yet all of this pales in comparison to the most important things...

Simply someone to play and provide feedback.

The map is in public beta from my bot Corruption-Bot, and is already Autohosting 24/7.

So tell me folks... Is it fun? Do you have any ideas? Any words of encouragement? or even: "You are wasting your time ancient. it is a sorry map! Go throw it out the window!"

Whatever is said is up to you entirely. But all the same i cannot do much without a response. The map is FOR the people to enjoy and play. Not for me to dominate and ruin.


  • Corruption of Sargeras Final 1.03.w3x
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Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
It has been a while. But as of the last time i made a post here, I have managed to get quite a few things done.

1. I redid the human tech-tree to be more fluid and feel like your actually teching.
The techtree will allow potential as early as tech1, and only expand on it up until you tech level 3. From there your potential explodes.

Or you can choose to stick to tech1. It is a bit more difficult but has its advantages.

2. I completely fixed the Mortal movment.
this was a big big bug that almost completely ruined gameplay for a while. But I managed to fix it so thats awesome :D
Now the way Mortals move from world to world is based around the unit : Void Mage.

The Void mage come with only 2 abilitys, and no other uses.
Mass telaport.
note: A void mage can only mass telaport to another void mage.

quite simple :)

3. Screenshots soon

Right now there really arent any. I have honestly been trying to get screenshots from a game, but I have yet to get a single game going even after the many hours i sit there... QQ People constantly join, go "wth is this?" and leave without hearing a response. i dont get people o.0

regardless I might be able to get my friends and get at least one good game full of screenshots for you people :). perhaps a video

4. added the map itself to he thread.
Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
As part of my plan to begin adding more various races to the Evil side, I first need to make drastic changes to the current race. I need to remove several units to keep it balanced with the future races I will be adding to be selected, and I need to rebuild the tech tree from scratch. As I have said many times, I am not doing this to turn the map into something it is not. Instead i am trying to make the tech-trees be more strategic, fluid, user friendly and at the same time encourage pros to find things.

However doing this is far from easy. The Mortal tech-tree was indeed a bit complicated, but my plan didn't change it much. All i did was make it more fluid. The Evil techtree on the other hand is much more complicated. There are many buildings, each with a purpose. There are nearly 20 units (Many look the same so i cant tell which is actually used. I could accidentally delete Felstalkers version 1 and go "crap. wrong one. cant build that anymore!") many many abilitys, with the same situation as the units. Also there are several upgrades. Overall it makes the techtree much harder to understand the flow of it, and more difficult to make it better without completely shattering the race as it was originally designed.

Overall the Mortal tech-tree and Evil tech-tree will overall have completely different focuses.

Mortals was about building up a base, getting a balance between income, basic, and elite units, and just being planted. And then expanding out slowly but powerfully by taking advantage of incredible teamwork and having Sargeras at the lead.

Evil is all about mobility, being in 5-6 places at once, moving in fast and smashing down hard. Or not smashing down hard and being stealthy. Or just being able to do anything they want with speed, suddenness, and offensive strength. Evil cant take the put down roots and take the time to go through a complicated techtree to get what they want. They need to get what they want just as easily from a small base as a large one, but at the same time without being able to throw a million elites into a mortal base in the first few seconds... There does need to be a sense of building up from weak to strong.


First Thing i Know I will do is change the research focus.

Sargeras is a hero, his form of research is just kicking butt and chewing bubble gum.

Mortals form of research is on individual units. Figuring out what strengths he wants to build up first, and taking the time to make that strength stronger. This is because each upgrade makes a unit stronger in EVERY way. Makes the units have higher hp, attack, defense, mana, stronger abilitys and so on. all at once for 1 unit.

Demons CURRENTLY have a ton of different researches. they are all spread across 2 buildings in a way that doesnt make sense, and each cover various abilitys and upgrades and crap seperately and... no. not going to happen. They need to be more mobile than this and not bother focusing on 1 being upgraded at a time. they need to be able to pull out dreadlords (which are being redone to be more epic btw), or felguard, or doom guard, or pitlord, or infernal, or a TON more felguard covered by void walkers at any point. and not worry about "oh... which one is actually upgraded?!"

I am going to scrap it all for Demon and change it.

Instead I am going to make Demons have a different focus in upgrading. There will be 2 overall types of upgrades.
1. global stat increases.
-increase hp (TO EVERYTHING)
-increase attack (TO EVERYTHING)
-increase defense (TO EVERYTHING)
-increase something (TO EVERYTHING)
2. higher end tech.
-unlock infernal
-unlock Nether drake
-unlock juggernaut

This I believe will keep them from being OP at beginning since they have more difficulty getting infernals, nether drakes, and juggernauts on the field. Also it will make it easier to understand the research focus, and you dont have to focus on just 1-2 units in the game since they are all being upgraded.

__________________________________________________ _____

The next thing is units. One of the things i decided early on in the evil forces is the idea of "hybrid" races.

What I plan is eventually to have combinations of not 1 race, but 2. Such as Fel Orcs and Eredar as one race, and Eredar and Void as another race. and Fel Orcs and Undead as a third. Going on and on with adding more "half-races" and putting them together in interesting ways.

The Current race is made up of a combination of just about everything I can imagine. The buildings training them have them split in a way that would interfere with my plans. Also the shere combination of units would make anything I add pale in comparison. I do want all Evil races to have a method of achieving anything they want in different ways, but if one race can manage stealth, strength, and support and other things all perfectly at once... it would make any variety pale in comparison.

So I will be removing a few units from the current race, reorganizing them and basically redoing the overall building/unit make up. It will be virtually the same, but organized different to allow more races to be added in the long run.

1. Dreadlord must be completely rebuilt and go. I plan for it to be an elite in another race-faction. Also I am redoing Dreadlord to be a stealth charmer.
2. Juggernaut will no longer be trained, but built by the actual summoner as a special racial trait. (other races wont be able to do this.) Also Juggernauts will no longer be summonable. Instead u must build them on the planet u are invading. This is a very big change to Demon strategys, so I am questioning this.
3. Pitlord must go. (I LOVE PITLORDS! but i am afraid i have it planned for another race-faction as an elite.)
4. Doom Guard will be rebuilt to no longer be summoners, but casters/fighters. depending on which u want them to be at the moment the time comes.
5. succubus must go. Yes I plan to add it to another race.

in return i will be adding more units to take the places left behind that need to be replaced. Namely Eredar Sorceror and some Void units.

Also, the tech-tree in terms of buildings is set up with:
Lesser Portal: makes anything waek, but also has nether drakes for some reason. the building is very small.
Greater Portal: makes anything elite, and the building is massive.
Arcane Portal: Makes the epic named elites that wipe the worlds clean. It has no other purpose since these epic guys are only built once... Also the building is MASSIVE.
Citadel: very powerful artillery attack, provides food. minor summon to defend itself.
furnace: provides a lot of upgrades.
shrine: provides one upgrade (SERIOSULY?)

I plan to change this.
Void Portal: makes anything Void.
Temple of the Damned: makes anything Eredar.
Eredar Citadel: still powerful attack, still provides food.
Heart of the Void: simply can summon a bit and can use farsight. Also provides food.
furnace: provides the global upgrades and the upgrades to unlock the most elite of units. (not the epic ones. elites. there is a difference.)
Tower: (decent. but upgrades into two things.)
---Void Tower: has mana burn
---Arcane Tower: multi-attack and chance to cause chain lightning.
Arcane Portal (can only build 1): trains the epic named elites that make you want to drool. (limit of 1 elite. so this is useless after you finish.)

Before you go QQ about the towers. Dont. They will be not be expensive until you upgrade, but the biggest cost will be that they cost food. this hurts your army size. They can be build pretty fast, and should be used to hold beachheads u dont want to lose or defend bases u dont want to lose either. They cant stand much and shouldnt be depended on completely because it is not your job to become planted in one place. However they can still be useful at in the right places at the right times.

Also, something I want to mention. While you will not have access to every single unit in the game at one time as an evil race anymore, you will still have access to all of the epics. This means you can be Void/Eredar combination with LICH KING! ... I dont know If I actually will make him. but the point is that every single race combination will have access to the same epic generals at once.


What do ya think? I am not getting started yet, but this is something I have been planning for a long time. It is my goal to keep it to be the same overall feel as the original, but with more organization and potential and room for more races in the process. If I fail to meet this goal then anything i plan is useless and should not be undertaken.
Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
Ok I have done quite a bit of work since my last hive-update. I have redone the damage/armor tables, done the void/eredar techtree and mortal techtree. also made the evil race go from 7 players to 5.

All of these are massive changes and I hope to have testing done before i continue toooo much. but still, a lot of work to be done.

and I will update the first-post with the updated map now.
Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
A problem I have with mortal tech-trees is the way you move from one Tier to the next. Upgrading the main-building is something i am NOT a fan of!

So I am thinking of getting rid of that and making the flow of tiers more like SC. that would allow paths easier and while the main is still important to protect, you dont have to focus completely on having one upgraded. The only problem is that it means the building area has more buildings, and since space is so limited on each world, this could lead to problems. but still it is something to think about.

Also, in order to give Evil a kind of limiter and yet a sense of growth, I am trying to return the original well-limits Shalok had, in which you can only make 3 wells to begin with. After the 3 original wells, you must make castle-things to increase the limit. This I think should allow them to be nerfed more and yet have a sense of growth and choices. Do you rush? How many Wells and castles before your income is high enough? blah blah blah
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