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Coolest Mount

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
So what in your opinion is the best looking mount in the game? For me there's only one favorite and that's the Ironbound Proto-Drake. I've always loved the proto-drakes and the Ironbound is my absolute favorite. (I'm also a proud owner of one. ^^)

Level 30
Mar 9, 2012
The epic horse that drops off arthas*,
the phoenix that drops off kaelthas*,
that protodrake we used to memorize appearance spots and patrol paths of, then did actively camp for it, the entire guild in shifts. Many unintended PvP and lulz was had during the hunts for it.
Everyone loved the mammoth cause it packs multiple people at once. Was the robot-gnome with it for free. I dont remember.
And then the engineering choppers, it was but an custom to gift one for free to those who still not had one past their first succesfull icc raid with the guild.

*if memory serves right
Swift Lovebird
Black War Raptor
Black War Tiger
(I don't have many mounts, but those are my usual picks)

For flyers, the nether rays, the broom (hallow's end), spectral gryphon, and the carpets are all my favorites. :D

But those are the ones I have. If I had to choose the coolest one I could think of, it'd probably be the frost wyrms from the wrath PvP seasons. I'm personally also excited for the Felsteel Annihilator.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Warlord's Deathwheel and Champion's Treadblade are both cool, and Warlord's is the first mount I rode on. Also, the Hawkstriders are nicely detailed, I wonder why they didn't gave the same effort to the elekk and some other mounts. Aaand the Mekingger Chopper that could travel you and another person if they're too slow and trying to chase you with walking.

Those Anzu and Rukhmar are great! It's like you're flying your own world boss.
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