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Conquer v.1.30


Its Features


Choose from 39 unique heroes.
Custom items and recipes.
Hero Streaks.
Support for up to 10 players. ( 5v5 )

Hero Arena

Basically this game mode is to achieve the most Kills Limit in order to win

With a Set kills to ( 20/40/60/80/100 )

Castle Siege

This game mode is to defend your castle until the Siege timer runs out. Leadership and cooperation of your teammates is a must in order to win the siege

Set the Gameplay time to ( 25/50/75/ Minutes :thumbs_up:)
Its Features
Its Features

Screenshots and Videos





Castle Siege Area



Hero Arena Area






Heroes in SS are Last Samurai, Scout, Stealth Assasin and Pyromancer



1st Version


Changelog of v.1.21



Added 2 new Heroes
Model Animation change for 1st skill ( Summoner )
2nd Skill cooldown nerf! of Summoner ( Summon Elder Sludge ) to 40 seconds



Added Drop Item for storage's



Changelog of v.1.22



Remake 2 heroes ( Elemental Hunter = Frost Archer | Nether Knight = Admiral )
Flame strike ( Pyromancer ) rescaled aoe to 400
Dark Channeler changed Model



Terrain Improvements
Level Limit of heroes to 30
CS Mode : ( when picking a hero, levels the hero to 15 )
HA Mode : ( Added Duel type : Draw )



Changelog of v.1.23



Remake Stealth Ninja's Ultimate ( now creates image fast! )
Remake Wraith's Ultimate ( Wraith's Curse )
Remake Rouge's 3rd Skill to ( Backslide )
Remake 1st skill of Phantom Reaper ( Optical Barrier )
Eclipse/Holy field/Shadow Eruption rescaled aoe effect to 335
2nd skill of Sword Stalker added cooldown (passive 13 seconds)
Reduce cooldown Ultimate of Phantom reaper to 50 seconds
Rescaled Rouge's Ultimate 1 = last 5 sec , 2 = last 7 sec 3 = 9 sec.
Improve based Tsunami of (Ultimate) Admiral before (500) now (1000!) and,
aoe effect (180)



BIO LAB creeps reduce bounty (gold) Melee clone = 50 Range Clone = 60
Remake Angel Staff ( now creates illusions faster! )
Terrain Improvements
NPC re-position's
Added 1 New Boss ( Sea Titan )
CS Mode : Fountain of blood in each base camp
: Castle assault creeps bounty (gold) reduce Assaulter(50), FRider(60), Captain(100).
STORAGE ( now circle of power -_- )



Changelog of v.1.23b



Remake 3rd skill of Keeper of the light



Remove Cyclone ability in (Vorpal Blade)

CS Mode : ( Remake castle abilities : Muradin to Lightning Strike / Divine Aura Works only in castle now! )



Changelog of v.1.24



Sword Stalker Remake to Tormented Slayer
Swordmaster : [Improved] bladewind - 12 sec cooldown - dmg 90/120/150/180
Multi Slash - deals 50 + x2.25 strength of ronjei
Demonic Behemoth : [Improved] demonic pulse - 13 sec cooldown - 70 mana
Paladin : [Improved CD ] Hammer of justice - 15 sec cooldown
Stealth Ninja : [Nerf and Rescaled] Kamaitachi - 55 mana cost - Assasinate - 65 cooldown
Fuuma Ninja : [Nerf and Rescaled] Fumma throw - 85 mana cost - 5 sec cooldown
Gunner : [Improved] Rapid Shot - 8 sec cooldown - Desperado - 1.5 sec cooldown
Necromancer : [Nerf and Rescaled] Shadow eruption - 9 sec cooldown
Marksman : [Nerf and Rescaled] Agility - 60 dmg per each attack
[Nerf and Rescaled] Snipe - 500/1000/1500 dmg
Mammoth Reaver : [Improved] Fearing Roar - 45/55/65/75% reduce dmg - 65% -hp regen
Ancient Wolf : [Improved] Frozen mark - 65 cooldown
Scout : [Nerf and Rescaled] Focus Sight - 45 sec cooldown
Rune Knight : [Improved] Force Nova - 90 sec cooldown
Pyromancer and Elementalist : [Nerf and Rescaled] Summon Red and Blue Dragon - 100 sec cooldown
Mistress of the dead : [Improved] Mistress Curse - 300/500/700 base damage 4.50x Int



Fix a bug when killing the sea titan it revives much faster.



Changelog of v.1.24b



Rescaled 1st skill of Frost Archer now 3/2/1/0 Cooldown and 35 mana cost per cast
Remake Ulti of Valkyrie now ( Call to Arms )
Rescaled 1st skill of Valkyrie now 7.5 seconds cooldown
Remodel Nightshader
Remodel Dark Channeler



Added 3 Items ( Wand of Channel/Mask of Jellal/Wonder Orb )
Added a Block Wall in the area of CS entrance ( invunerable for HA : can be remove only in cs mode )



Changelog of v.1.24c



Nerfed some skills ( Major update )

All heroes listed : 80/140/200/260 dmg of 1st skill

-Pyromancer (include's % cast passive)

All heroes listed : 70/140/210/280 dmg of 1st skill

-Lights Disciple
-Thunder Bringer
-Nightshader (include's cast passive)

Improved CD of 1st skill Hydromancer 17 to 15 sec



Remove full visible in the map when conciding (-concede)



Changelog of v.1.24d



Nerfed Skill of Pyromancer (3rd) dmg 400/800/1200/1600



Added 1 Item ( Book of Manifest )

ALL lvl 3 weapons and Luxury items cannot be sold/sell

Coral Scales/Stiffed Leather Armor/Skull Shield/Naga's Guard/Mithril Shield/Undead Guard

-Starting Armor reduce to 10.

Creature Carapace starting armor to 20.


Changelog of v.1.24d.a



Terrain Bug fix
Minor Descrip in some items fix
Fix Book of Manifest selling price of recipe.


Changelog of v.1.25


Added 3 New Heroes
-Auroan the Spirit Knigth
-Pact Leader

Listed Heroes 1st skill Rescaled base ability damage to 75/150/225/300
-Lights Disciple
-Thunder Bringer
Listed Heroes 1st skill Rescaled base ability damage to 75/140/210/280
-Pyromancer (include passive)
-Necromancer (include passive)

Change Model : Fenris(Ancient Wolf) to Sub Zero (Ice Ninja)
Change Model : Phantom reaper to Spell Breaker
-Ability rescaled duration of 1st skill to before 1/2/3/4 to 3/4/5/6.



CS Mode :

Added 3 Items
-Energy Tablet (gives Permant 2 to all attributes)
-Trading Stats points to Gold
-Tome of Retaining (Resets Skills)
Added Recipe to Glittering Mantle (1700)

Added 1 mob ( Destroyer for Vegeance and Siege Engine for Outlaw )
-Spawn's between the 1st spawn or the 3rd spawn of the CS mobs.
Fixed Bug
-When using Dreadlord/Summoner Ultimates in Hero Arena (DUEL TIME) to Invunerable
-When using blink skills/items to permanetely invunerable.

Changelog of v.1.26

Heroes :

Spirit Knight - Blink range 600/800/1000/1200 75 mana cost 12 sec cooldown.
110 cOOLDOwn Ulti.
Trojan - Ulti.55 sec cooldown
Rampage - no dmg taken 3rd skill.
Pact Leader - 3rd skill 1.25x strength - 5 Mana cost lvl 4
Mammoth Reaver - 110 Mana cost 1st skill
Paladin - 11 sec 1st skill
Hydromancer - Tsunami - 70 sec cooldown
Rein - Overcharge - 30% dmg taken 3rd skill
Spell Breaker - Ulti 30 sec cooldown

New Hero : Misha

New Items :

Flaming Staff
Emerald Staff
Orc's Barrier
Yggdrasil Leaf


Changelog of v.1.26b

Heroes :

Stealth Ninja : 3rd Skill Remake, dmg per lvl = 400,560,720,880 50 sec cooldown.

Terrain :

New base camp (both teams) [ More GUI Friendly LOL )


Heroes :

Dreadlord - Ulti Remake, lvl 1 1k hp each

Vampire, lvl 2 2k hp, lvl 3 3k hp. 85 sec

cooldown, 100 mana cost.

Goblin Engineer - Ulti Improved, lvl 1 200,

lvl 2 400 lvl 3 600 dmg per wave!

3rd skill cooldown nerf to 60 sec.

Demoness - 1st skill cooldown nerf to 14 sec

- 3rd skill nerf duration time to 4 sec.
Improved Agi gain : lvl 1 +8 lvl 2 +16 lvl 3

+24 lvl 4 +32

2nd skill improved cooldown to 7 sec

Rouge - Improved Cooldown of 3rd Skill to

lvl 1 -11 lvl 2 -9 lvl 3 -7 lvl 4 -5 seconds.

Tormented Slayer - Improved Cooldown 1st skill

to 7 seconds

Improved Ulti Cooldown to ..

lvl 1 30 sec lvl 2 20 sec lvl 3 10 sec.

Scout - Rescaled 2nd passive skill

lvl 1 10% lvl 2 20% lvl 3 30% lvl 4 40%

1st skill nerf cooldown to 20 seconds.

Bug fixed :

Castle going to outlaw area after being

destroyed. (fixed)


Heroes :

Swordmaster - 1st skill nerf cooldown to 15 sec

Thunderbringer - Model and attack type changed

400 Range (still str)

Forest guardian changed model

Hydromancer Changed model

Forest Guardian - Ulti dmg Improved

lvl 1 - 500 lvl 2 - 1000 lvl 3 - 1500

Demonic Behemoth - 1st skill remake add damage

lvl 1 - 70 lvl 2 - 140 lvl 3 - 210 lvl 4 - 280

Manacost - 110

Heroic Beast - Improve

Cooldown remake to lvl 1 3 sec lvl 2 2.50sec lvl 3 2 sec lvl 4 1.50 sec.
Remove Manacost in 1st skill.

Added a New Hero

The Dark Mortar Blasters.

Heroes :

Dark Mortar Blasters - Ulti improve

150/250/350 dmg

Samurai General - now perfectly activating 2nd skill.

Scout Rescaled 2nd skill

10/15/20/25% inc ranged dmg.

Items :

Metal Shield - 30% chance to block 20 dmg
Glittiring mantle - 60% change to block 40 dmg, +10 armor , +5 devo aura (allies only)
Mech Ember - (ability effect +5 armor) 1500 gold
Archer's Strain recipe = 700 gold
Ranged Blocker = 1k gold


Added Haste to wildkin

Haste skill increases 60% attack speed + 100% Movement speed!. ( Sea Titan also )


Ultimate now has a lvl 8 skip requirements b4 ( 10 ).

2 New Heroes

Rock Golem & Manifestator


Magrock Rock Golem

Stone Skin ( Stun )

Nerf : 325 dmg in a 300 AoE

Forest Guardian

Entangling Roots ( Improved )

Hold Duration (3/4/5/6 sec)

Items :

Wand of Channel gold cost reduce to : 250

New Items -

Dragon Mask
Inferno Stone
Rusty Mining Pick

Items ( Changelogs )


[Ancients NPC]

Mantra Spirit of Power, Mantra Spirit of Precision, Mantra Spirit of Magic


Scroll of Ash

Lion's Ring

Club of the Dead

+15 str, +150 Hitpoints.

Necromancer's Staff

+30 str, +350 Hitpoints.

Crown of the DeathGOD

+45 Str +450 Hitpoints

- Imrpoved -

Buying a scroll or a recipe will determine if it is a recipe (recipe image)


Kitabatake, Vexorian, Pyritie, RetroSexual, HappyTauren, Black_Stan

Pharoah, Vexorian, Adiktuz, Paladon, Tank-Commander, baassee, Maker, MorTar,-Berz-

Bribe, Magtheridon96 ( ASS - Advanced Streak System v4.3.0.0 :thumbs_up:), priest170234( Multiboard )



Conquer v.1.30 (Map)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2011/Dec/25 20:01:08 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object...
Level 1
Sep 10, 2011
Tested out
Awesome game here,
The Gameplay is awesome too, the terrain is quite great, although i suggest more warding areas(elevated places),
The game can be quite boring if the game modes are not balanced ( 1on1 battle and 100 max kill limit )

Ill give a 4/5 for now since its just new :))

Level 7
Jan 17, 2010
Thats a very nice map you have there, 4/5. @Djb4cc1o94: How is it possible that you enjoyed the map and you put the least possible rating lol?
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
great game (i played hero arena 1v1) but i think that the map should be more symmetrical, since those clones that give 100 gold each are on the right, but the main boss is on the left. My enemy was farming them and got so much gold and was up to level 30 way before me. If i tried to go in there, he could just run to his base, heal, and come back and kill me. I did like the custom spells on the heroes though, although his hero has some phase shift that made him able to go invulnerable for long periods of time (he waited out my illusions etc) i will try the castle seige mode soon and post another comment
Level 4
May 22, 2011
great game (i played hero arena 1v1) but i think that the map should be more symmetrical, since those clones that give 100 gold each are on the right, but the main boss is on the left. My enemy was farming them and got so much gold and was up to level 30 way before me. If i tried to go in there, he could just run to his base, heal, and come back and kill me. I did like the custom spells on the heroes though, although his hero has some phase shift that made him able to go invulnerable for long periods of time (he waited out my illusions etc) i will try the castle seige mode soon and post another comment

what hero is does go invu for a long period of time ? :ogre_haosis:

anyway "Naman" thx for the feedback and the rate :thumbs_up:
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
Sword Stalker is overpowered because he can control the center by himself in the beginning and dominate the rest of the game
Last edited:
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
Nice map, could improve though. When I first played this, I used the Archer who had Frost Arrows, and a Powershot-ish Frost Arrow. I thought it was agi, lol. Maybe you could make the icons for the attribuets more obvious. I didn't know my hero was int until I looked at my base damage, lol. Overall, great map. I might do some review for this map when I get some free time.
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
You could also remake the "Concede System." I don't like noobs who just type -concede then get kicked, quit. There are some people who just type stuff to test 'em. So I think you should make the concede system like this:

If there are 5 players in the first team, at least 4 people should type -concede, after 4 people have typed that, the game either restarts or gets finished. And remove the part when you type -concede, then you get kicked out, lol. If players would want to share their stats, and money, you should add another command. -givegold, -givelumber for example. That would be better imo.
Level 4
May 22, 2011
You could also remake the "Concede System." I don't like noobs who just type -concede then get kicked, quit. There are some people who just type stuff to test 'em. So I think you should make the concede system like this:

If there are 5 players in the first team, at least 4 people should type -concede, after 4 people have typed that, the game either restarts or gets finished. And remove the part when you type -concede, then you get kicked out, lol. If players would want to share their stats, and money, you should add another command. -givegold, -givelumber for example. That would be better imo.

i am already working on that one and the switch system, sharing of lumber + gold = disable on the next ver so keep updated :) :ogre_datass:
Level 4
May 22, 2011
v.1.24 is out wierd i change my minimap image but here is still v.1.23b (minimap image lol! )

refer to the changelog here in the offiicial forums :

Click me!

but i need to update to v.1.24b i had forgot to add somethin troll face :)
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
If you have no plans of remaking the concede system yet, then I suggest at least fixing the -concede bug. I hate how leaving users give that kind of bonus to teammates, and the other team suffering, even though the one who left was from the other team.
Level 4
May 22, 2011
If you have no plans of remaking the concede system yet, then I suggest at least fixing the -concede bug. I hate how leaving users give that kind of bonus to teammates, and the other team suffering, even though the one who left was from the other team.

ohh already fix that lol my apologiz :ogre_haosis:

bare with the concede system for now i am making a new concede system xd

keep updated anyway...

o btw thx for the feedback :ogre_hurrhurr:

try balancing some heroes

hope for more updates please :)

overall 5v5 !

yo thx man for the rate and your feed back ! :ogre_hurrhurr:

build a nice terrain

do u mean make??

i think the terrain is good as it used to be lol!

thx for ur feedback :)
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
Could you balance some heroes? The female stealth assassin seems useless at Hero Arena. Perhaps make all heroes have uses in all modes. Having mode-specific heroes make the game look dumb imo. Plus, remake her skills, I don't like doing all those dashes, and getting owned in the process.
Level 4
May 22, 2011
Could you balance some heroes? The female stealth assassin seems useless at Hero Arena. Perhaps make all heroes have uses in all modes. Having mode-specific heroes make the game look dumb imo. Plus, remake her skills, I don't like doing all those dashes, and getting owned in the process.

its all about strategy and moves all the heroes has a specific and unique abilities and have their role in the game (hit/support/carry)

the assasin ? thats why its called "stealth" tip : warding your neut area is a good tactic to farm and to the enemies camp

anyway thx for the feedback :)) :ogre_haosis:

btw ill post another vid of the gameplay (Even better) LOL :thumbs_up:

v.1.24b is out refer to the changelog :ogre_hurrhurr:
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
its all about strategy and moves all the heroes has a specific and unique abilities and have their role in the game (hit/support/carry)

the assasin ? thats why its called "stealth" tip : warding your neut area is a good tactic to farm and to the enemies camp

anyway thx for the feedback :)) :ogre_haosis:

btw ill post another vid of the gameplay (Even better) LOL :thumbs_up:

I meant, if you added a hero that's useless for the main mode being used, why bother adding one. What if, an unlucky person stumbles upon that hero, and notices the skills aren't good. He'll either: get owned so bad, and feed until the opponents win, don't die, but not be able to kill, or do anything, ragequit because of the hero's skills and how it was made.

The heroes should fit both mode, because that will only make it the most not used hero in the game. Plus, it wouldn't be called a "Stealth Assassin" if it doesn't have a skill related to stealth or invisibility. Her skills are: Dash forward, dash backward, pillage and sprint. Indeed dashes are good for escaping, but in clashes, they can't be used that well.

So far, I could call the female stealth assassin the weakest class in the game. Unlike Fuuma Ninja, and other heroes, which have good skill damage, dps, and sometimes op.

If you don't want to remake the whole hero itself, I suggest adding some descriptions to the hero about their skills/uses, what to use on Hero Arena and in Castle Siege. Oh, and her dash backward spell does not do anything except for escaping.

I have some ideas for the female stealth assassin remake if you do want to make her a better hero for Hero Arena. I'll try to post them if you want me to.
Level 4
May 22, 2011
I meant, if you added a hero that's useless for the main mode being used, why bother adding one. What if, an unlucky person stumbles upon that hero, and notices the skills aren't good. He'll either: get owned so bad, and feed until the opponents win, don't die, but not be able to kill, or do anything, ragequit because of the hero's skills and how it was made.

The heroes should fit both mode, because that will only make it the most not used hero in the game. Plus, it wouldn't be called a "Stealth Assassin" if it doesn't have a skill related to stealth or invisibility. Her skills are: Dash forward, dash backward, pillage and sprint. Indeed dashes are good for escaping, but in clashes, they can't be used that well.

So far, I could call the female stealth assassin the weakest class in the game. Unlike Fuuma Ninja, and other heroes, which have good skill damage, dps, and sometimes op.

If you don't want to remake the whole hero itself, I suggest adding some descriptions to the hero about their skills/uses, what to use on Hero Arena and in Castle Siege. Oh, and her dash backward spell does not do anything except for escaping.

I have some ideas for the female stealth assassin remake if you do want to make her a better hero for Hero Arena. I'll try to post them if you want me to.

and her dash backward spell does not do anything except for escaping.

thats why its called "SPECIAL ABILITY not ULTI"

it wouldn't be called a "Stealth Assassin" if it doesn't have a skill related to stealth or invisibility. Her skills are: Dash forward, dash backward, pillage and sprint. Indeed dashes are good for escaping, but in clashes, they can't be used that well.

i think stealth assasin or do you mean ROUGE take a look at this troll pic ^^


v.1.24c is out refer to the changelog file :)
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
thats why its called "SPECIAL ABILITY not ULTI"

i think stealth assasin or do you mean ROUGE take a look at this troll pic ^^


v.1.24c is out refer to the changelog file :)

Lol, my bad then. But still, even though her second skill is nifty, it only makes you go backward, no damage, no buffs, no debuffs on enemies, not a thing. You could add a stun and damage to that skill so that it could be more useful to the arena, and not just die after sprint is finished. And make pillage earn gold every hit, maybe +10 per hit, it's not so bad, lol. It would just make the rouge more useful, but not overpowered.

OR MAYBE, (sorry for the caps lock), add some special effect to the pillage skill like, it has some additional passive skill, maybe lucky strike, since the rouge gains gold every time she kills one enemy, it means she's a lucky one. Adding a critical strike, or maybe bash would be good. Critical strike could be "Lucky Strike" or if you choose bash, then it could be called "Aurum Strike," where the rouge uses her gold to deal extra damage, and bash to the opponent.
Level 4
May 22, 2011
Lol, my bad then. But still, even though her second skill is nifty, it only makes you go backward, no damage, no buffs, no debuffs on enemies, not a thing. You could add a stun and damage to that skill so that it could be more useful to the arena, and not just die after sprint is finished. And make pillage earn gold every hit, maybe +10 per hit, it's not so bad, lol. It would just make the rouge more useful, but not overpowered.

OR MAYBE, (sorry for the caps lock), add some special effect to the pillage skill like, it has some additional passive skill, maybe lucky strike, since the rouge gains gold every time she kills one enemy, it means she's a lucky one. Adding a critical strike, or maybe bash would be good. Critical strike could be "Lucky Strike" or if you choose bash, then it could be called "Aurum Strike," where the rouge uses her gold to deal extra damage, and bash to the opponent.

ok noted that and thx for the feedback :ogre_hurrhurr: