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Conflicts: Battlefields

I can no longer update this map, because I lost my master copy when my computer got reformatted. All that is left with me is the protected versions which cannot be edited.

Conflicts: Battlefields
Map Size decreased by 1.08 MB!

This Map is previously known as Medieval Conflicts. I decided to change the name to enable more versatility on the gameplay.

Conflicts: Battlefields

Use overwhelming assaults along with cunning tactics to destroy your enemies' base and use extensive planning when laying out your defenses.

This game is a medieval builder map. This map is different from other builder maps because here, you can have an unlimited number of warriors as long as you have the time to make them. Aside from the mass production warriors, you can also train specialized units that can be used to counter other kinds of units. The income system is based on the amount of certain units owned by a player. Each villager, market, or lumbermill will provide a certain amount of gold and lumber every 10 seconds. Aside from those, you can also capture mines which are located throughout the map and harvest lumber direct from the trees.

Instead of races, this game relies on the heroes for exclusive access to certain units. Most heroes will enable the usage of a special ability, unit, or upgrade. Every special unit, upgrade, or ability will require a different strategy both from the controller of the unit, and
the enemy who would face these units.

There is a wide variety of heroes trainable in this map. All of which are invaluable pieces to
gain victory as one hero can almost be treated as a demi-god when he reaches his maximum potential. These heroes have varied abilities which will also greatly influence how
an army would fight.

Conflicts: Battlefields focuses on large scale combats which will require proper unit match
ups, strategic movements, and superior technology.

During the starting phases of the game, players would need to build up their economy.
While doing so, they must also expand their reaches by clearing up paths and gaining
footholds. A player that advances their units early to the front lines will gain the upper
hand since they will be able to move their units much more freely. Aside from that, early
raids against the enemy might also prove worthy of your time and resources so that the
enemy development would be hindered from developing.

Once economy and territories are stabilized, it would be most wise to do either of the two strategies available. You can either bolster a large army capable of overwhelming enemies, or establish your grasp on your territories by building up walls and other defenses on your borders. Building up an army or a strong defense will require a lot of resources to be used.

The final goal always remains to be the destruction of the enemy base before they destroy
yours. There are lots of ways towards victory and it would always be up to you.


50 custom units
25 heroes (4 heroes from Blizzard's Human Faction, 2 customized Blizzard's campaign
heroes, 15 Fully Customized Heroes, and 1 sub-hero)
A wide variety of buildings, defenses, and support structures
4 Grand Structures

The game was tested many times already in 1 hour and 4 hour games of 2v2 and 1v1, respectively.


Thank you to all of the people who created these art model files:

Pikeman's model files created by Tranquil
Elite Guard, White Knight and Ballista's model files created by HappyTauren
Vanguard's model file by Elenai
Scout's model file by Ket
Trebuchet's model file by olofmoleman
Signal Fire's model file by Amigurumi Spike Trap's model file by communist_orc
Shadow Hunter's model file by R.A.N.G.I.T. Artisan's model file by Ampharos 222
Sword Dancer's model file by Kitabatake
Sword Dancer's magic blades' model file by sPy
Projection Sorcerer's model file by Tenebrae
Fransan Rifleman's model file by BlinkBoy
Fransan Nobleman's model file by General Frank
Berseker's model file by Dan van Ohllus
Sorceress' model file by Tiki
Baroness' model file by Dan van Ohllus
Halberdier's model file by Paladinjst
Halberdier's Halberd's model file by Hailfireer
Halberdier's Helm's model file by Dionesiist
Haberdier's Shield's model file by perfjert
Assasin's model file by Republicola
Nullifier's model file by Deolrin
Aurum Knight's model file by JokeMaster
Arsonist's torch's model file by sunwarrior25
Horse Archer's model file by blinkboy
Passage Wall's model file by Rondo
Ironskull Mauler's model file by PaulH
Axe Thrower's model file by General Frank
Savager's model file by Tranquil
Dionysus's model file by Mechanical Man
Siege Tower's model file by Tranquil
Mangonel's model file by Deolrin
War Elephant's model file by Callahan
Macchina Volante's model file by MassiveMaster
Vacuum Airship's model file by Mechanical Man
Hussar's weapon by Tr!KzZ
Uhlan's weapons by Tr!KzZ

Thank you to the people who helped me test this map:


Credits to the makers of Fate/Stay Night for giving me inspiration on Berserker, Sorceress, Projection Magician, and the Assassin heroes.

Change log (As of July 2, 2011):

-upgrades fixed
-tried to balance units
-added an anti-siege siege weaponry
-solved the problem about spawning units
-stopped auto-spawning of villagers
-added building amount limits
-removed wind wolves
-removed admiral as a requirement for Juggernaut
-reduced damage of Catapults
-removed arcane towers
-renamed admiral as commandant
-added walls and other defensive structures
-added more icons
-made riflemen harder to spawn
-added an assault and anti-structure worker
-added more heroes
-added unit stats (HP, Attack Damage, etc.) in tooltip for training units
-reduced maximum lumbermills and markets to 10 units
-enabled 2v2 player battles
-changed the maximum hero level to 15
-few minor unit changes/fixes
-re-enabled Lord Garithos and Sylvanas Windrunner
-fixed the problem about training dark knight and elven ranger heroes
-longer range for guard towers
-edited Siege Worker
-changed Elven Ranger to Flame Ranger
-changed abilities of Flame Ranger
-adjusted the maximum amount of some buildings
-changed Siege Engine
-added Hussar
-balanced a few units

January 20, 2011 update
-Massive Terrain Modification
-Removed -autovillager function
-Opened up choke points for the east side
-Added certain units/abilities that can be only used if you chose the hero
corresponding to them
-Balanced stats of some summons

January 24, 2011 update (based on review by Tank-Commander)
-unit balances
-minor trigger changes
-flame wing modification

February 7, 2011 update
Energy Spellcaster
A hero that casts area effect abilities that lasts for quite
some time. These abilities causes the movement of your
enemy to be limited when casted throughout the battlefield.
February 12, 2011 update
-trigger "compressions"
-Energy Spellcaster's ability adjustments

February 14, 2011 update
-larger map size

February 18, 2011 update
A hero capable of lasting long in combats and is also capable
of making the units that he command to last longer by linking
them together. He is also capable of summoning
wards that are specifically designed to help in buffering the
damage inflicted by the enemy.
February 19, 2011 update
-minor apothecary changes

February 20, 2011 update
Frost Guard
A hero capable of highly effective defensive abilities. He
moves quite slowly but compensated by his abilities to
teleport. He is also capable of creating walls of ice to defend
himself or trap his enemies.

February 21, 2011 update
-changes in Frost Guard abilities
-removed frost bite and frost death and replaced them with frost
armor and frost wall respectively
February 22,2011 update
-trigger "compressions"
-Goblin Merchants added

February 24, 2011 update
-removed all visible map leaks
A hero capable of learning a variety of passive abilities
beyond the maximum level of 3. He is also capable of
mastering an ability once the ability reaches level 5.
He is also very versatile for he can remove all the abilities
that he had learned and exchange them for a new set of

April 12, 2011 update
-Gunslinger unit equipped with a "Ghillie Suit"
A unit that cannot attack but is equipped with specialized
abilities to deal out damage by providing supporting fire while
deal out the damage on the battlefield. He is also of hiding
himself from the view of the enemy controller but he isn't
capable of using invisibility.

April 26, 2011 update
-New Signal Fire building
Signal Fire
A building that provides a 1800 radius of line of sight at night.
Due to the addition of this building to your arsenal,
drastic changes in gameplay will be experienced since
information gathering will now become one of the key goals
to help you win. It is needed to find out where your enemies
will move next and also an invaluable tool to use as spotters
for your long ranged trebuchets and rangers. These Signal
Fires will become your eyes and ears in the battlefield now.

-New Bow Infantry to provide light ranged support

April 27, 2011 update
-Torches added to provide additional line of sight
-fixed requirements for Elite Guard

April 29, 2011 update
-Fixed a lot of issues about buildings having too many trainable units
or upgrades
-Gave bonus units for ALL heroes
-slightly weakened the Beast of Burden
-slightly weakened the Flame Wing

May 2, 2011 update
-balanced logistics gathering

Shadow Hunter
A well capable hero in terms of dealing damage from afar.
Highly emphasizes in dealing out damage which makes him
very vulnerable to close range combat. This made him adapt
to attack over large stretches of land using his bow and
arrow. However, being engaged in close ranged combat
cannot be avoided which made him adapt a few of his
abilities to become more versatile. This allows him to be
exceptionally powerful from afar and still combat worthy in
terms of close combat.

A crafty hero capable in optimizing and destroying buildings.
His uniques abilities allow him to speed up the building of
structures, strengthen the armor of structures, stopping
and destroying enemy structures. You'll be able to gain
an upperhand during the early and middle phases of the
game due to his speedy building and you'll even become
stronger later on once you acquire the Artisan's Masonry
upgrade which optimizes the defenses of your buildings.

-renamed and remodeled the Altar of Kings as Tavern and enabled
the viewing of more heroes

May 5, 2011 update
-Large amount of changes and lots of New Heroes (Too many to

May 8, 2011
A hero with a unique fighting style incorporating several
abilities which breaks some rules of the game.
Rules broken by the Sorceress:
-Only 1 Hero Allowed (She can summon her own Hero
called Servant. Servant has no ability other than Attribute
Bonus. Aside from that,she can control another hero to
do her bidding for a moment allowing a player to get at
most 3 heroes at a time.)
-Warcraft made Charm unable to be casted upon heroes.
Her ability allows her to control a hero for 6 seconds.
She will forcibly control the hero and gives you full use of
the hero including its abilities.
This deceitful hero is perfect for people capable of
micromanaging armies. Perfect also for people that would
want to control a hero controlled by your enemy, but you
could also forcibly control an allied hero if you find the
need to do so.

-Dotted the map with creeps and shop selling items
May 11, 2011
2 New Heroes
-several new cavalry units
-New Hero choosing system (now organized in different
taverns which corresponds to their attributes)

May 17, 2011
-MAP APPROVAL! Thanks Cweener!
-Reassigned the Primary Attributes of some heroes to fit them all in
the new Hero Taverns
-Lots of new Agility Heroes
*The number of Strength, Agility, and Intelligence heroes is
now more or less equal
-Optimized the map (lowered the file size quite by 7%)
-The map can no longer be opened by World Editor

May 19, 2011
-Quick Update
(deemed necessary due to the common problem which was found
on all previous games, slow and lengthy siege warfares against

-added Arsonists and Mounted Arsonists to provide light siege
units to hasten the siege warfare a bit
-added Horse Archers
-due to unknown reasons a bug has occurred which causes the
map to crash when a completed and unclicked Hall of Warriors
is clicked. The map will be reverted back to the May 17, 2011
update as long as this is not yet fixed
*I am desperate for help on this one

May 20, 2011
-The Quick Update above is now effective
-The source of the bug was the Juggernaut unit. The reason for
why it caused the crash is still not known. Due to this, I had no
other choice but to purge the juggernaut. I don't think this will
change the gameplay and strategies. I even think of this change
as a chance to form new strategies with the new light siege units
that replaced the heavy melee siege unit. As an alternative for
the juggernaut, why not use the Battering Ram available at the

May 26, 2011
-New Forge building to make way for a wave of new units
-Hound Legion (summons a group of hounds)
-Axe Thrower (deals normal damage from afar)
-Axe Savager (trades armor for quicker attack speed)
-Ironskull Mauler (heavily armored unit that can crush armor)
-Shield Mauler (shielded unit that can crush armor)
-Scorpio (light ballista for shooting multiple spears at a time)
-removed wall passage as a pre-requisite for some units
-managed to remove unnecessary units and stuff to reduce
file size a bit

May 27, 2011
-changes in tooltips
-Horse Archers are now capable of "shooting arrows" while moving
-food upkeep added
-lumber gathering balanced
-lowered upkeep costs

May 30, 2011
-Lots of new updates
-Grand Structures are now available
-Codex Library (superior battlefield awareness)
-Silk Road Trade Post (superior resource gathering)
-Warwick Trebuchet (long range super artillery)
-Eastern Company Embassy (superior combat abilities)
*Only one Grand Structure per player every game
-Several New Units
-Renamed and Remodeled some units
-removed Assassin unit
-lowered filesize

June 1, 2011
Unique Experimental Morale Factors now implemented
-units nearby friendly corpses will get reduced armor
-units nearby enemy corpses will get increased a. speed

June 3, 2011
-adjustments on the morale factors
-Standard Carriers added
-Map Size decreased

June 4, 2011 (urgent update)
-fixed a bug that causes games to crash when the Blade Dancer's
Symphony of Death is used
-added a new building and 2 new units
-fixed morale factors

June 6, 2011
-New Hero
Fransan General
A Noble hero capable of summoning additional units into
battle. His summoning of units allow you to go beyond
the food limit. He is also very capable of defending
against an entire enemy army. He will simply summon out
his Footmen Division, and summon out some pikemen and
Elite Guards. If that isn't enough, he'll order a Rapid
Deployment to set up a Light Barracks instantaneously.
With his order, a horde of Light Infantries will rush head
on with the enemy.

-New unique Pavement system which allows you to build roads
wherein Mechanical units such as Catapults, Ballistas, Scorpions,
or Dionysus to move twice as fast.

June 7, 2011
-fixed something that was born out of pure carelessness during
the past few updates
-fixed a problem related to the Silk Road Trade Route

June 10, 2011
-removed several rarely used units to free up space
-traded some high file size model files for lower end model files
for some units
-nerfed Berserker

June 11,2011
-made Arsonists available during the first phases of the game to
encourage field use
-made Catapult use Burning Oil
-fixed a problem on Arsonists where they cannot use Burn! Ability
-made Flame Horses more powerful

June 12,2011
-made Grand Structures worth the money
-Light Elephants are now available on the E. Company Embassy
-Added the Grand Migration ability to the Silk Road Trade Post
-Added new upgrade for the Warwick trebuchet

June 13, 2011
-added a new pikeman unit which is exceptionally skilled against
cavalry and light units, and most effective in narrow chokepoints

June 14, 2011
-minor update to make the animation of the Pike Warband less
-file size reduction by finding a more efficient model file

June 16, 2011
-map optimization which removed 1.08 MB of file size by
removing high sized models with lower sized models with the
same quality and the removal of the marksman hero and the
Pike Warband

June 20, 2011
-added a new lancer cavalry called Uhlan
-charge damage are now weakened
-Horse Archers are now a separate cavalry unit and can only
be trained at the Eastern Company embassy
-added new effects on movement speed that is related to terrain
-fixed some careless mistakes
-Helepolis is now trainable at the Warwick Trebuchet

July 7, 2011
-Major changes with the Grand Structures

Siege of the East

Building of an Empire








Energy Spellcaster

Frost Guard


LOT's of others!

Average game time (for players who had experienced playing this game) is around 1-2 hours and maybe 2-5 hours for players that are much more capable in playing this game

Discuss things about strategy and other stuff here:

Castle, Wars, footman, rifleman, siege, footman frenzy, castle fight, assault, wall, forest, strategy, cavalry, hero, arrows, war, assault, epic, mass

Conflicts: Battlefields (Map)

21:36, 16th May 2011 Cweener: Approved
Level 4
Nov 23, 2010
Nice map, provoke players to think to make strategies.
Everything is good, except :
-Don't make the Villager to appear to any places after trained, like on the river, it makes them cannot move to my base, they can become Militia! Also make them not to automatically move
Suggestions :
-Remove that War Deployment, it is annoying
-1-2 more player slots
-More units (I know you already know it)
Wrong thingies :
-In the description of "Build Manor", I can see players only can build 3 Manors, but I can build 4 Manors. Fix it
-Hussars or Cataprachts can't attack while moving
Hope next version will be better!
Level 6
May 14, 2009
Many thanks...

Nice map, provoke players to think to make strategies.
Everything is good, except :
-Don't make the Villager to appear to any places after trained, like on the river, it makes them cannot move to my base, they can become Militia! Also make them not to automatically move
Suggestions :
-Remove that War Deployment, it is annoying
-1-2 more player slots
-More units (I know you already know it)
Wrong thingies :
-In the description of "Build Manor", I can see players only can build 3 Manors, but I can build 4 Manors. Fix it
-Hussars or Cataprachts can't attack while moving
Hope next version will be better!

Thank you for the quick feedback...

I'll get it changed. And also, about the attacking while moving... I didn't think you'll take my word as is... well... basically it can attack while moving because any infantry caught in their path will be trampled. It doesn't actually "attack".

About the villagers moving around, I cannot remove that because I want them to wander around. Their wandering around is quite helpful because of their ability to become cheap scouts. You'll see that when you get the war awareness upgrade.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2010
And also, about the attacking while moving... I didn't think you'll take my word as is... well... basically it can attack while moving because any infantry caught in their path will be trampled. It doesn't actually "attack"
Lol. I got that :xxd:
About the villagers, hoho, smart thought. Okay, I got that too!
Hope next version will be better!
Good luck in you map!
Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
seems nice, testing now :)

EDIT: ehe, map pretty good, balanced and needs strategic player :)
but i found something little annoying:
the sniper and footman camps train units by its own, i dunno if its a bug or you did it like that. And everything else is just great
keep up the good work :D
Rating 4/5 :)
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Level 6
May 14, 2009
seems nice, testing now :)

EDIT: ehe, map pretty good, balanced and needs strategic player :)
but i found something little annoying:
the sniper and footman camps train units by its own, i dunno if its a bug or you did it like that. And everything else is just great
keep up the good work :D
Rating 4/5 :)

It's meant to be that way to help players create as much of these free soldiers as they can... You can halt the creation of footmen and riflemen through a code there... It's -autotrainoff if my memory isn't failing me again.
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Level 6
May 14, 2009
i think you can approve, I THINK, different races? :p
anyways, how about more players? :) like 3v3-5v5 :D
anyways keep up the good work :)

More races? I'm planning to do so. If you would look at the world editor file of my map, you would see several unused units. All of which are the basis for the undead race.

More players? I'll need to create a new map in order to approve that since there's already enough to fill the entire map. If there would be more, players would not be able to move around freely and that would limit their tactics.

Keep up the good work? Many thanks then.
Level 6
Feb 11, 2010
dude, i just love your map :D, im gonna check if there is a new update =D

EDIT: oh yeah i forgot to tell you in the older posts, THE EXPLOSION HORSE = Best Idea Ever Created :D
Your idea give me some of ideas to help me in my map :D (again no one cares)
Please dont stop working on this map :D
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At the request of the creator, heres a review:

Areas of review

Terrain - total of 5 marks
Triggering - total of 6 marks
Originallity - total of 10 marks
Difficulty - total of 10 marks
inventivity - total of 5 marks
Replayability - total of 10 marks
Object data - total of 5 marks
Total Marks possible - 51

1-10 unacceptable - vote for rejection (1/5)
11-20 lacking - vote for rejection (2/5)
21-30 average - no vote (3/5)
31-40 good - vote for approval (4/5)
41-50 excellent - vote for approval (5/5) (+Rep)
51 Epic/Godlike - vote for approval (6/5) (+Rep)

For a high Terrain mark the map must look beautiful/amazing, the terrain needs to make the game more enjoyable for the player as well as suit the game type.

For a high Triggering mark there must be no leaks and be efficiant.

For a high Originallity mark, there needs to be as few of the same game type/genre as well as game style along with unique systems and suchlike.

For a high Difficulty mark the game very simply must be as balanced as possible.

For a high Inventivity mark the game should get around problems that other games may have faced before and achieved it well.

For a high Replayability mark the game should be able to be played many many times and still give something new to the player as well for them to enjoy it over and over again.

For a high Object data mark the map should have used custom resources/standard resources well, such as fitting icons, good descriptions and tooltips.

This map - Conflicts: Battlefields

Terrain: 3/5 - While having good tile variation, as well as well used-doodads and suchlike, theres a total lack of the raise/lower tool making everything all very flat thus looking unnatural.

Triggering: 3/6 - Triggers improved - however, you're not removing those locations/groups meaning this only boosts to half marks for being half perfected, although you could probably compress those triggers into small amounts.

Originality: 6/10 - it's a base builder, much like every other strategy game, and I've seen a few with the same concept as this one a few times.

Difficulty: 7/10 - Since this is pvp it's based on how hard it is to learn to play, This is a very straight forward map, not hard for new comers to get used to at all, but it's hard to be "good at" as such

Inventivity: 3/5 - It's qiuite a standard setup of such a game, so nothing particularly different from others, with no real systems apart from the income one which I've seen many times.

Replayablity: 6/10 - I can see it being played a few times in a row, but I don't see it being something like DotA or Angel arena and suchlike.

Object data: 5/5 - From what I can tell, nothing is imbalanced, the game is definatly fair.

Final mark

Rating - 4/5
Vote - Approval
+rep - no
Additional Notes

Keep on updating, theres still alot that can be improved to make this 5/5! =)


If you want this Map re-reviewed at a later date, simply send a Private message (PM) to me at any time, I will respond when I find time to, in the afore mentioned PM please state wether or not you would like me to overwrite the current review, want me to place it just below the first one, or in a new post.

Why is this needed?

- You won't be able to see your review history
- You won't be prompted in your usercp

- Cannot confuse other people by which review matches the current

Placed below:
- History will be easily seen
- Reviews will be cept together

- You won't be prompted in your usercp

New post:
- You will be prompted by the usercp
- Reivews will be spread out
- May find confusing when trying to find the matching review
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Level 7
Apr 11, 2011
Official Basic Review of V3H -

Terrain 4.8/10 - Nice use of the terrain editor but it is flat as Tank said.
Concept & Idea 5/10 - Sorry to say this has been done quite a few times, nicely done as you did it though.
Triggers 5/10 - Could use more compression and better naming but it looks quite leakless.
Object Data 8/10 - Impressive
Overall Map Data 6/10 - A bit big in file size, could use more compression as well editing of a few things.
Estimated effort spent into this 6/10 - Regraded upon response, it'll go back up in time if you continue to update.
Playability & Improvable 5.5/10 - It is quite fun and contains a lot of potential.

Overall Mark - 40.3/70 :thumbs_up:

Any questions about the review, just ask and I will answer.

Suggestions -
Improve triggers.
Improve files in import manager by reducing size.
Find a optimizer tool.
Add events.
More items.
More units & Bosses.

Read - This review may change at any time.
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Level 6
May 14, 2009
Official Basic Review of V3H -

Terrain 4.8/10 - Nice use of the terrain editor but it is flat as Tank said.
Concept & Idea 5/10 - Sorry to say this has been done quite a few times, nicely done as you did it though.
Triggers 5/10 - Could use more compression and better naming but it looks quite leakless.
Object Data 8/10 - Impressive
Overall Map Data 6/10 - A bit big in file size, could use more compression as well editing of a few things.
Estimated effort spent into this 10/10 - Impressive
Playability & Improvable 7.5/10 - It is quite fun and contains a lot of potential.

Overall Mark - 46.3/70 :thumbs_up:

Any questions about the review, just ask and I will answer.

Suggestions -
Improve triggers.
Improve files in import manager by reducing size.
Find a optimizer tool.
Add events.
More items.
More units & Bosses.

Read - This review may change at any time.

Well appriciated... and that earns you a credit and a spot on my credits spot as well.

I'll try to do the terraining first.
Concepts and Ideas would be hard to improve.
Triggers... maybe sometime later.
Object Data will continue growing larger as time passes by.
Overall map data... I was able to reduce the map size by around 300 kb using an optimizer that I downloaded. I'm quite surprised about that. Do you know how to further lower the size?
Estimated effort spent... I don't know how you graded this to get me a perfect score, but if you say so.
Playability and Enjoyability... I deserve the barely passing rating because of the game play being too long to finish due to very frail units and the very sturdy walls. Sometime... due to the game becoming very long... it just becomes a matter of "who becomes bored first or who becomes disconnected first", but basically real sieges are meant to last for months... so I guess it would make some sense... but it's very senseless if you're playing on a rented computer on a computer shop.

All will not be ignored.

Thank you.
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Level 7
Apr 11, 2011
Yes I know how to further lower the size, I can do it for you if you'd like.
Well considering the time you took to search for models to fit everything as well the amount of objects within your map (units) I would consider you spent enough time into the map.
Well I did say my review can change at any time as well it isn't my advanced review.
Level 6
May 14, 2009
its a good concept...... but i just want to know is there ai... cause i cannot play with friends....... forever alone.........

I'll work with it. I'll try my best to get it done before my summer vacation is over.

Edit: I've done some fiddling around and found it a tad bit complicated. I'm going to ask for some help for now.
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