Deleted member 139377
Deleted member 139377
Conflict Rising!
Diplo Revolution
Welcome to the conflict rising advertisement thread... here you will elarn the basic info on the map and learn what its about, who makes it, and how the combat system works...
In conflict rising there are 12 nations... these nations are
Russian Federation.
Egypt(may be swapped for morroco).
Germany(Deutchland ^^)
"I mind you, this game is based of a book im making ^^(yes I am a writer also)
It takes place in 2030... the world has gone through a 3rd world war(aka The War of Powers) and the former superpower the USA has fallen after a fascist government came to power in 2014. Though that government never technicaly started the war... its government had become mainly Jews(I mind you, Im a Jew myself by blood and religion) Whom the leaders had most of the members of government so afraid of them and so warped that they barely thought of disobeying the slightest order... But back to the story of the war that leads to the map...
As this time of terror inside of the US insued reble groups arose inside of areas that were highly pro american... Most notably the raging, bloody, and brutal civil war going on in the eastern US and being led by the poepel of the former state West Virginia.(I mind you Im from that area and I know how the poeple are AND FFS THEY AREN'T HILLBILLIES!!!) As the civil war raged on news broke to the super powers of China and India of the war going on there and the United nations (wich had removed the usa from itself) had placed the burden of handling the problems by their own means... 3 months later in July of 2014 they decleared war on the USA after much deliberation.
America still retaining its vast suply of nuclear warheads never destroyed by the UN due to its power at the time of the act being passed... still had the capability of delivering nukes anywhere in the world due to the instalations of nuclear capable satellites was able to launch 3 nukes before the satellites were shot down by newer chinese satellite-destroying missiles.
Ill eventualy finish this ^^
But overall CR is a multi income based game... mines oil feild and indutries of several types provide gold while each city provides 10 wood.(manpower)
Tanks are balenced and are wourth about 10 infantry to one m1 abrams(best tank i have so far excluding the oens on advanced tech)
When I get the chanc eill finish the story
But here some credits ^^
Johnny_b-Goode(useast) Help with some minor triggors when i was gone)
TerrorAustralis(useast) Showed me the basics of triggoring.
TheRussianLord(He helped me with unit Ideas)
Llamanamedosama(if it wasnt for his map I wouldnt have thought of Conflict Rising in the first place)
Diplo Revolution
Welcome to the conflict rising advertisement thread... here you will elarn the basic info on the map and learn what its about, who makes it, and how the combat system works...
In conflict rising there are 12 nations... these nations are
Russian Federation.
Egypt(may be swapped for morroco).
Germany(Deutchland ^^)
"I mind you, this game is based of a book im making ^^(yes I am a writer also)
It takes place in 2030... the world has gone through a 3rd world war(aka The War of Powers) and the former superpower the USA has fallen after a fascist government came to power in 2014. Though that government never technicaly started the war... its government had become mainly Jews(I mind you, Im a Jew myself by blood and religion) Whom the leaders had most of the members of government so afraid of them and so warped that they barely thought of disobeying the slightest order... But back to the story of the war that leads to the map...
As this time of terror inside of the US insued reble groups arose inside of areas that were highly pro american... Most notably the raging, bloody, and brutal civil war going on in the eastern US and being led by the poepel of the former state West Virginia.(I mind you Im from that area and I know how the poeple are AND FFS THEY AREN'T HILLBILLIES!!!) As the civil war raged on news broke to the super powers of China and India of the war going on there and the United nations (wich had removed the usa from itself) had placed the burden of handling the problems by their own means... 3 months later in July of 2014 they decleared war on the USA after much deliberation.
America still retaining its vast suply of nuclear warheads never destroyed by the UN due to its power at the time of the act being passed... still had the capability of delivering nukes anywhere in the world due to the instalations of nuclear capable satellites was able to launch 3 nukes before the satellites were shot down by newer chinese satellite-destroying missiles.
Ill eventualy finish this ^^
But overall CR is a multi income based game... mines oil feild and indutries of several types provide gold while each city provides 10 wood.(manpower)
Tanks are balenced and are wourth about 10 infantry to one m1 abrams(best tank i have so far excluding the oens on advanced tech)
When I get the chanc eill finish the story
But here some credits ^^
Johnny_b-Goode(useast) Help with some minor triggors when i was gone)
TerrorAustralis(useast) Showed me the basics of triggoring.
TheRussianLord(He helped me with unit Ideas)
Llamanamedosama(if it wasnt for his map I wouldnt have thought of Conflict Rising in the first place)
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