- Joined
- Jul 19, 2006
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- After 2,000 years of tribal conflict, a great truce was declared in order to save the four dying nations Rolland, Temper, Greag, and Nobel. During the 350 year peace treaty, epidemics were occurring in Temper and Greag (see more about epidemics in Conflicts section). This led to the need for these two nations to spread land before becoming extinct and going into exile because of their terrible luck. Greag and Temper attacked Nobel, which took it's toll, but overall Nobel's strong warriors pushed them off. Weakened, Temper and Greag were reinforced by Rolland, which together with the weakened forces attacked Nobel once more. Nobel, not expecting this attack from it's trusted ally, Rolland, was taken by suprise and almost defeated. But, once again Nobel came back and defeated these attacking armies, and all the nations were left weakened, and the epidemics were over. But, a new conflict arose, they had found a new, peaceful area that used to be part of Jaagia, a nation destroyed in the tribal conflicts.
- Starting from 0 R.C. (Revolutionary Conflict).
0 R.C. - Greag and Temper, strong as ever, challenged the nation Yakutz and defeated them. Yakutz' leaders went into exile and with a small peasent militia took some of Jaagia, making what is now Rolland. Jaagia could not fight back, as they were weak from the zombie-making Redd disease.
200 R.C. - Greag and Temper debated over equal land between the two nations, and a conflict arose, ultimatley leading to the slaughtering of Greag's former leader, sir Ulti Cayusl.
500 R.C. - Nobel was formed from the ashes of Yakutz far after the conflict with Greag and Temper. Then, wars between the four nations broke out.
500-2500 R.C. - War between the four nations waged on, and all nations suffered terribley.
Now for E.R. (Era of Rebirth)
0-1 E.R. - Peace treaty signed between the four nations.
100-200 E.R. - The Redd disease comes back and infects a small village boy in Greag.
200-220 E.R. - The Redd disease kills thousands, and wounds thousands more.
200-220 E.R. - The Plague kills ten-thousand in Temper, leaving them weak as ever.
220-350 E.R. - Greag and Temper recover from terrible epidemics.
- Gameplay - Each nation (Rolland, Temper, Greag, Nobel) has 3 bases of commands each controlled by a player. Each nation has 3 players, leading to a 12 player conflict. Each base can train units and fund research that can help them destroy the other nations. There is also much strategy put into hiring mercenaries, which can also give you a highly-needed advantage over the other nations. Heroes are hired as well, and they are a very important part of the game. There are also Super-Creeps, which are creeps that are nearly impossible to defeat. You can literally send hundreds of soldiers at them, and within minutes they will all have been devoured or decapitated.
1. Super-Creeps devastating an army
2. View of Rolland
3. View of Small Village
4. View of Center
5. Cannon Tower