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Complex Hero to Unit Morph

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Level 12
May 9, 2009
I have in mind an ability which is quite complex but I think it should be possible.

It's a 'disguise' ability that morphs the hero into a unit. The unit does not retain anything from the hero and is an ordinary unit that does not benefit from level ups (so it's indistinguishable from other units). However, while in this form I still want the 'hero' part to gain experience so basically the hero can 'disguise' himself as a unit enter the fray and get some levels then morph back enter his skill points and so on.

Furthermore, if the the hero dies while in unit form he returns as his hero form with a bit of lowered health and his spells on cooldown but that's not hard to do.

I just don't know where to start in regards to adding in the alternative unit and sort of storing the hero away or making him invisible or something. Does anyone have any ideas that will work well?

I did think of just using an ability but that was madness. The game crashed once the hero leveled in unit form, the heroes health permanently increased every time he morphed, and his levels didn't stay as he morphed back... and I didn't even test for what happens to items this way so... not really an option.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
This looks quite interesting. I will have to play around with it to make sure I get the details right like the spell not being able to wear off (turns back only when activated or dies) and the hero not dying after his disguise unit is killed and the level up affects being invisible.

Thanks but I just want to know what is this disguise_original_form ability that you add and remove from the hero using a custom command?
Level 12
May 9, 2009
Alright I finally got around to implementing this idea. It works but has one big issue.

There can be more than 1 morphing hero like this. There can be up to 9 of them but the issue is seen with even 2 of them. If both disguise and then the one who disguised first leaves his disguise the hero form does not appear. It remains in locut/invisible form forever.
Level 13
Jul 15, 2007
I made a spell similar to this once (a banshee hero who could possess creeps temporarily). I think what I did was to hide the casting hero, and periodically move them to the possess unit (disguise in your case) periodically so they acquire exp. When the possessed unit died or cancelled the effect with a sub ability, the hero was unhidden and took damage.

I remember it working fairly smoothly. Hope this helps.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
I made a spell similar to this once (a banshee hero who could possess creeps temporarily). I think what I did was to hide the casting hero, and periodically move them to the possess unit (disguise in your case) periodically so they acquire exp. When the possessed unit died or cancelled the effect with a sub ability, the hero was unhidden and took damage.

I remember it working fairly smoothly. Hope this helps.

Yeah hiding the unit is better than adding locust ability to it. I had a bug when the locust ability was added and removed the hero became untargetable.

I used hide and it works fine. I multiplied the trigger and the variables 9 times so that all 9 players on the map can have the hero and use the spell without bugs.
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